In motorsports we work in the grey areas a lot. You're trying to find where the holes are in the rule book.

What I like about Yves Saint Laurent Black Opium is that it's an understated scent that's somehow familiar.

I was completely loyal and faithful to Stephen throughout this time as, indeed, he assured me he was to me.

My mum bought discounted tickets for shows like 'Cats' and 'Les Miserables'; I became completely enamoured.

I'm always in an Alexander Wang t-shirt or tank top and Acne jeans. I can just throw that on and be myself.

Music creates a certain mood and then people dress accordingly. I think it's all quite closely intertwined.

If I was a gold-digger, I would have a lot of money in my bank account. I'd be worth millions and millions.

Having a child on the way changes your perspective. You want to do things that will make them proud of you.

I hardly can sleep. I feel that my target now is really to save Mother Earth for humanity. And it's doable.

They went into my closets looking for skeletons, but thank God, all they found were shoes, beautiful shoes.

If you don't feel comfortable in a plunging sweater, skin-tight jeans and killer heels, go home and change.

I'm really close to my family, and I really want one of my own. But the wedding, it's not necessary for me.

I like those stories that capture the brutality of life, but there's still some kind of melancholy romance.

At some hotels, I feel like I have to be dressed to the nines - perfectly eccentric - to walk out the door.

It's a very hard and competitive business in which you have to fight every day in order to impose yourself.

My eldest brother Atticus just won an Oscar some years ago, as he wrote the music for 'The Social Network.'

I'm part of a team that raises millions of dollars and raises awareness of HIV and AIDS all over the world.

Romantic music really stirs my soul. And, of course, I love Chinese music; it makes me feel closer to home.

No other health disparity is so stark; virtually every woman who dies giving birth lives in a poor country.

It's very difficult to hand someone your whole life story to play, and you've never really met that person.

My first memories are of Brazil. There's so much music there. It's one of my favourite places in the world.

It's not the actor's job to be interesting; that's the script's job. It's our job to be truthful and brave.

I began to believe the fairy tales: You know, how we're all out there looking for our magical missing half.

I love to sing, and I've recorded a few covers and originals with friends, but I haven't written any songs.

I try to do one to two days with no meat. I try to lessen my gluten. Those are things that I struggle with.

I was born in London and raised in Rome until I was 4. Then we went back to London, where I went to school.

Because I come from such a close family, my natural instinct is to marry and have kids as soon as possible.

People want you to be beautiful and shut up. When I paint or play music, they'd rather not know about that.

Men act out like they're horrified by marriage, but when they find the woman of their dreams, they love it.

I used to not have any confidence when it came to my body - I developed very late in terms of being a girl!

Vegas is the best place to go out. You can't stay more than two nights, but everything is so big and grand.

I wear stuff I regret all the time. It's very rare that I look back at a picture and think it was all good.

I want to be a child doctor. A pediatry... how do you call it, pediatrician? Do I like kids? No, not really.

Chocolate is not cheating! After a salty meal, you need a little bit of sweet. This is living, not cheating.

I'm not rebellious, but I am very strong-willed. I know what I believe in, and I know what I think is right.

When 'I' released, I gave a couple of interviews in which I expressed my interest to play an action heroine.

Pond's is a name that everyone is familiar with, and I know that I can trust them when it comes to skincare.

I just feel a connection with Marilyn Monroe. I just love her. I just completely feel what she went through.

Since I first started playing basketball, I have just loved it, and nothing has ever made me lose that love.

It's strong to be vulnerable. To be able to communicate with other women is one of the most powerful things.

I want to make music, I want to act, I want to sing, I want to do something that doesn't make my skin erupt.

I've learned to surround myself with women who lift me up and leave me feeling nurtured rather than drained.

There comes a moment as a parent when you realize you will no longer be the center of your child's universe.

If you're going to choose to do something like the Paleo Diet, then you choose not to enjoy your nights out.

If I don't tell it all now, the story in the history books will always be imperfect and that would be wrong.

The face you have at age 25 is the face God gave you, but the face you have after 50 is the face you earned.

I love movies, I've always been interested in them, but I wanted to wait for the right time to start acting.

People like Marilyn Monroe, Cindy Crawford and Pamela Anderson have done Playboy, and look at their careers!

I think Stella Tennant is amazing. And then I really loved all those 60s society models, like Edie Sedgwick.

We are very isolated, far from boyfriends and friends, so we have to be strong, smart and very professional.

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