If youve got five cameras, youre making sure that youre in the right position for each one of the cameras.

We've got to make greedy banks pass on interest rate cuts in full, and we've got to see rents coming down.

It's all very well setting up your own brand of face cream or exercise wear - but Christ, it's so shallow.

Music is really important to me; Kurt Cobain is important to me. Hearing Nirvana was pretty life-changing.

I look at autism like a bus accident, and you don't become cured from a bus accident, but you can recover.

Just keep trying, and your dreams will come true. But you have to give it all your time, effort, and soul.

Of course, it's no fun getting old and getting sick and dying; we all know that's coming, and it's a bore.

'Wild Horses' is my favourite Stones song. It's so beautiful. I don't mind that it was written for Bianca.

Beauty makes life easier. People want to do things for you. They want to marry you and pay for everything.

My first quote was, I don't want to hurt God's people. Jim Bakker's quote was, I was set up by a female...

I feel confident with myself, and if that inspires other women to feel confident with their bodies, great.

It's important to find one that complements your body and not try to fit into something that doesn't work.

I don't admire one particular style, but for evening events, I always look to Grace Kelly for inspiration.

In school I was always the funny-looking, tall, skinny kid that got made fun of because of my weird teeth.

Romantic music really stirs my soul. And, of course, I love Chinese music it makes me feel closer to home.

Цomen, we think differently than guys. Guys, you know, are very visual. Women, we work a little different.

If people remember me for any scene in a Lars von Trier film, I'm extremely honoured and forever grateful.

What we all learn is that beauty isn't a size 2. It's not a size 4. It's not a size 12. It's how you feel.

The greatest injustice in the world is to bring a child into the world, and not be able to offer it peace.

I've been doing my job well for 17 years. People must see something in me. Otherwise, I'd be over and out.

It gets boring to me when people talk about clothing brands or what boat they’re going to buy next summer.

It gets boring to me when people talk about clothing brands or what boat they're going to buy next summer.

Coconut oil. I rub it through my hair, all over my skin, all over my body. Natural's the better way to go.

Motherhood and marriage are the best bits of my life now. Who would have thought I would be enjoying that?

I had been taking acting classes on and off while I was modeling, so I always had a dream to be in a film.

When I started modeling, I didn't know anything about fashion, but I'd watched the Victoria's Secret show.

My wardrobe is really colorful, and since hats are my favorite accessory, I have a big collection of them.

If we all aim to love ourselves, every bit, we will become love and radiate beauty to all those around us.

Believe in yourself. Tell yourself everyday "I am a talented person with a wonderful gift to give others!"

I'm active, but I just don't like being hungry or feeling like I've deprived myself. I want to enjoy life.

I was good at embarrassing authority. It was fun. There's a fearlessness that goes along with being a kid.

Inspiration is a force not to be wrestled with. You can try, but it will slip under the cracks every time.

I was very skinny, but that was just my natural build. I always ate sensibly - being thin was in my genes.

My relationship with M&S continues to be an exciting journey, from modelling to designing my online range.

I am actually the most unglamorous person on the planet. I am the most unfinished, unpolished person ever.

When I was young, around 5, I was crying in all the pictures of me. I did not like the flash; it scared me!

I don't really drink sodas, but when I have popcorn or pizza I need a little. It's the perfect combination.

When you are authentic, you create a certain energy... people want to be around you because you are unique.

I signed up with Kundalini yoga teacher training, which has been shifting me in some really beautiful ways.

If I have another child, I doubt I'll get married again. I don't think men particularly want to be with me.

I actually love modeling clothing and showing women that clothing and style can help your confidence shine.

I honestly can't pick a favorite person I like to work with - that would be like choosing a favorite child!

Women should have the same rights and respect and paychecks and everything, you know, they're human beings.

I have this image of myself as kinda like the Energizer Bunny. I get knocked down, and I pop right back up.

I love having my daughter in the kitchen with me as I prepare meals. We talk about anything and everything!

Being confident in your own skin is very sexy. I think when you have fun and are yourself that is sexy too.

For some interesting reason, I also like a guy who has a littte bit of a belly. I think that's really cute.

You see airbrushed images of me, but I know the person who's walking barefoot, dodging dog poo in the yard.

No babies for me until I'm in my 30s! I'm focused on my career right now. I can't even take care of my dog.

I've always found that beauty and confidence are synonymous. If you feel confident, that's what people see.

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