When I need a break, a date night with my husband or a night out with girlfriends always does the trick.

I'm a Libra. If someone compliments me, I'll say something nice to them. I like to give out compliments.

I don't have to do a lot to my eyebrows. My mom always told me not to pluck them, which is great advice.

I tried acting and all of the arts, I even put out a record album, but what I like the most is business.

I just throw on foundation and under-eye concealer, then dust bronzer on my cheeks so they look defined.

I never thought I was the most beautiful model out there or the most sexy woman, but I was a hard worker

St. Tropez has a face glow that is amazing - you can put it on without makeup, and your skin just glows.

I would love four children because I have a very small family, so I want those big Thanksgiving dinners.

Basically I was really modeling for fun, but it wasn't ever something that I wanted to do to begin with.

I love wearing flat shoes, but I am not one of those girls who walks around in sweat pants and sneakers.

I was crazy about Elle Macpherson. She modeled, acted and did everything. She was a huge example for me.

Don't compare yourself to anybody. I did that a lot when I was younger. I was so insecure about my butt.

I'm a big fan of the Irish accent. After a couple of drinks, I start to get a bit of an Irish lilt, too.

I'm not always going to like the paparazzi photos, but I'm still going to go to lunch with my boyfriend.

I rarely do masks because, if I have any extra time, I'd rather spend it with my friends than on myself.

I've had a face-lift. I've had my eyes done; liposuction; the nose job - well, that was a long time ago.

I really like doing portraits, but I like taking pictures of things that are natural, like scenery, too.

I am not about fringing, cow girl boots, that kind of Coachella vibe. I just wear something comfortable.

I grew up on the beach, so I'm really comfortable in a bathing suit, playing volleyball, running around.

I think that it's nice when someone can go and look more exotic and do the girl-next-door thing as well.

Second by second you lose the opportunity to become the person you want to be. Take charge of your life.

I am moving towards being vegan. When I crack an egg now, I look and think could that have become a baby

You shouldn't wait for other people to make special things happen. You have to create your own memories.

The past explains how I got here, but the future is up to me - and I love to live life at full throttle.

I used to copy looks from fashion ads in my mother's 'Cosmopolitan' magazines and steal her eye shadows.

I'd always enjoyed acting, but modeling was so time-consuming - and lucrative - that I didn't pursue it.

My first quote was, I don't want to hurt God's people. Jim Bakker's quote was, I was set up by a female.

Because modeling is lucrative, I'm able to save up and be more particular about the acting roles I take.

I believe in love, and I have no trouble with commitment or loyalty; that's never been a problem for me.

I'm really glad that I kept the gap. There are a lot of iconic women from past and present who have one.

My parents are very humble people who have simple lives... they live in a pleasant little town in China.

Doing designs on a loom takes a lot of talent and experience, and, trust me, I won't be able to do that.

I think any actor, if they had the choice, would opt for challenging roles that test their capabilities.

I love horror because you can never just sit back in your seat. You always have to be on the edge of it.

For shoes I try to choose a bootie style and opt for a heel that looks good but allows me to get around.

Treating myself is more about just going out and having a great hike, or going on a long motorbike ride.

I think you need a very strong mind to be on social media because people are mean and ignorant out there.

Homosexuality is found in over 450 species. Homophobia is found in only 1. Which one seems unnatural now?

I loved having Indian take-aways on a Friday night in Liverpool, but it's so different in the real India.

I like to dress up but I'm not so concerned with looking very sexy, it's really more the art of dressing.

I just don't live my life in a world where I am not feeling my best, and feeling my best is feeling sexy.

There are a lot of competitive girls in the industry, so you just find the ones who share your mentality.

My mom used to call me a 'jean hoarder' growing up because I had so many pairs of jeans - and I still do.

I saw an amazing film when I was 16 called 'Slam'. It's about a spoken-word poet. Saul Williams is in it.

I had to jump out of a plane! The shoot was for an editorial for a magazine; and it called for skydiving.

I never thought I was the most beautiful model out there or the most sexy woman, but I was a hard worker.

I'm not surfing much anymore, but I love hiking and gardening, and I'm always wearing a hat and sunblock.

Music is everything to me. I wake up and go to bed with it. I listen to all genres, depending on my mood.

I have to have breakfast and breakfast has to be eggs, whether in omelet form, hard-boiled, or over-easy.

I am paid a good amount of money to not blink for 12 hours. It's fun, but I don't take it very seriously.

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