I really hope that the fashion community will not accept anything that does not represent everyone.

I will never be Barbra Streisand, but I have done an awful lot more than what I was sent out to be.

As for those who condemn Hef, he's done a great deal for women's lib and sexual liberation as well.

I wanted to be an architect. I used to draw houses and buildings and construct buildings on my own.

There was a point in time when I was in dire need of changing the way the model agency was working.

I think that what scares me more than getting fat during pregnancy is the responsibility of a child

Five years from now I see myself still working hard to get where I want to be, because I think big.

I don't want to be known as the black model. I want to be recognized as Chanel Iman, a personality.

Donald Trump is misogynist and a racist; he is thin-skinned and beyond unqualified to be president.

I remember making my own dog food and feeling very fulfilled by it, then by day four I was over it.

I must've got whacked on the head. He presented a totally false person for me to fall in love with.

I will continue modeling until they don't want me anymore basically because I do love it very much.

I'm completely bathing suit-obsessed, and I love lurking on Instagram looking for the best bikinis.

I always say, 'Do you have a body? Then you're swimsuit ready.' That's all you need to worry about.

I lead a very busy life and don't have a lot of time, so my skincare needs to be easy and portable.

I think people find it weird that I have a lot of long antique-lace dresses that I wear with boots.

If your potential mate does not have the same perspective that you do then you're going to be lost.

Lots of models have played mermaids throughout history and it is, kind of, a funny rite of passage.

I only ever wanted to be a model. This acting thing - three years of drama school - is an accident!

There have been loads of times I have regretted meeting Paul because I was so happy in my old life.

My boys wear red pants or crazy color tops. My kids are more fashion forward in their own dressing.

I want to be an inspirational model. I want people to look at me and say, 'Wow, she looks healthy.'

I have been shaped by my mistakes and disappointments - just as I have been shaped by my successes.

I think being authentic online and living my life so openly allows people to actually relate to me.

Kids will not listen to that. They're going to experiment no matter what, so you have to be honest.

I like the odd glass of wine, a coffee and a cigarette. As you get older you can't see the wrinkles

I am 58. That is pretty old, for God's sake. I look pretty good for my age, and I am enjoying that.

I think that glamour is about confidence. I think however somebody feels beautiful, that's glamour.

Rejection is a gift and failure is the best educator, so when someone knocks you down, get back up!

We're pretty much Luddites when it comes to demos; we don't do anything too elaborate or high-tech.

It's quite nice to have a bit more color on the lips during wintertime. And it's festive, isn't it?

What interests me is seeing a problem and doing something about it, not all of the stuff around it.

There are so many great, great vintage clothes to find; there's a whole territory unexplored there.

I've recently learned not to take things personally. We can get offended by anything if we want to.

I could definitely see myself living back in Australia again. If I had a family, I could move back.

I'm someone who likes to keep busy, especially with projects that I find meaningful and fulfilling.

Mango has always been on my radar of good high street brands, but its quality sets it apart for me.

I love going to the cinema, listening to music, yoga and long walks along Holkham beach in Norfolk.

I like doing Zumba. I only do it like, once a week. If I did it more often, I would be very skinny.

On a daily basis, jeans and t-shirt is still sexy, but it doesn't look like you're trying too hard.

If you're comfortable in your own skin, you will feel beautiful - and look beautiful to others, too.

I love Victoria's Secret and the brand, and I'm passionate about Victoria's Secret commercials, too.

I was working part-time as a cleaner while I was going to college and then babysitting after school.

I define sexy as a real salt-of-the-earth woman who knows who she is, who feels strong and powerful.

I always say wear what makes you feel most confident, and confidence doesn't always come over night.

The fashion industry may persist to label me as 'plus-size,' but I like to think of it as 'my size.'

The fashion industry might persist to label me as plus-sized, but I like to think of it as my-sized.

I want to get past the Playboy image and really develop myself as an actress, a dancer and a singer.

The cut of the bikini is definitely important. You want to wear one that compliments your body type.

My husband was just OK looking. I was in labor and I said to him, 'What if she's ugly? You're ugly.'

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