I would love to do more music, definitely. That is my true passion. Dance is first and then music.

My mom was a seamstress, and I wish I'd learned to sew because I'm obsessed with 'Project Runway!'

It's not about failure; it's about trying something and risking something for attaining your goal.

Society says that men need to be bigger and stronger, and they must protect their women and so on.

I love eating sushi and eating raw and clean - no pasta and bread. Low carbs is what works for me.

I dont think you should give away your name and face to something you dont believe 100-percent in.

The more I mistreat my hair, the stronger it grows back. I think it must be determined to survive.

I have really big features, so a little makeup goes a long way. I would hate to look like a clown.

When I was a little girl, I loved theater a lot and I was always playing and making my own worlds.

I've enjoyed many camping holidays with my sister and her children, but we're pretty posh campers.

But I love fish, cheese and meat, and I eat everything, but only in small quantities if it's rich.

I like to explore characters who are very different to me, or varied parts are very similar to me.

There are many other kinds of milk available. Why don't we try drinking rats' milk and dogs' milk?

It's not like I'm this glamour diva who hands everything over and I just sit on my throne at home.

I love seeing lingerie on the runway, but I personally think it's best to save it for the bedroom!

It's very simple. You have to be faithful to your other half and not have secrets. That's my rule.

People tend to assume that I come from a long line of castle-dwelling gentry and am made of money.

Haters are just confused admirers because they can't figure out the reason why everyone loves you.

Sometimes you have to forget and forgive. Forgive them for hurting you and forget that they exist!

Getting to see new places, their culture, and getting away from what I am used to is so rewarding.

I have evolved over the years, just as we all have, but I definitely have stayed true to who I am.

I did want to acknowledge and confirm the fact that my son does, indeed, have an autism diagnosis.

I've done a lot of acting. I'm not saying I'm the greatest, but I'd love to act, I'd love to sing.

If only Tammy knew how much I really cared about her. She has nothing to do with any of this mess.

Whenever I'm free, I spend time with people I love, people that inspire me in many different ways.

I try my best to just ignore the negativity. Which is hard for me because it's a lot to deal with.

Romance is possible between two people at any age! I love feeling young and acting young as I age.

I always loved having the chance to disappear in a story. I always was kind of obsessed with that.

I'd have to say, what inspires me is making sure my siblings have a good role model to look up to.

I never went to school to study acting, so I'm doing this purely on feeling, and I give it my all.

In the lead-up to 'The Survivalist,' I saw a trainer five times a week, and I'd run an hour a day.

We all have bad days, but one thing is true; no cloud is so dark that the sun can't shine through.

It doesn't matter who you are: being human is being human. Everyone has days that are challenging.

Deep inside, I was hoping I'd win: The competition was tough, but I learned from other's mistakes.

All I ever wanted was to be a sexy bride, and actually, I think I've turned into a romantic bride.

I am not trying to give an image of a fairytale, perfect, everything else, I am just being myself.

I used to pray to God that I wouldn't get breasts. Then in my teens, I tried to be quite feminine.

I'm obsessed with great white sharks. And I want to dive into the coral of the Great Barrier Reef.

If you believe in yourself, somebody will find you that believes in you just as much, if not more.

I had a lot of friends that were extremely hedonistic, extremely debauched, swapping partners etc.

I've been wearing Supergas forever. I'm always in flats, running around, so it makes sense for me.

I eat healthily because that's the way I prefer to eat, and I'm sure it helps keep the weight off.

When I get older, I don't think I'll like to have wrinkles, or a big jelly belly. I cannot have it.

My boyfriend isn't a rock star. His values are rock solid. We met at a dinner and he made me laugh.

A lot of people especially want to know about going into business. But it's a two-way conversation.

When the militias came to Wau, they would blast out 'Thriller' as they moved down the dirt streets.

My experience as a refugee had made me strong; I could survive anything, even the world of fashion.

I feel really good about the things I've accomplished in my life, and I don't want to look younger.

I'm not a big fan of identity politics and sort of picking one thing and defining yourself with it.

I don't have a boyfriend right now. I'm looking for anyone with a job that I don't have to support.

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