It was between the ages of 14 and 20 and I started off not eating at all, maybe an apple a day.

I ate like a horse when I was younger, and not very sensibly, though no one ever believes that.

South Sudanese people are rich like the soil; they just need a little water, and they will grow.

I find myself to be quite sarcastic, and I wouldn't want to be with someone who didn't get that.

There are reasons to set boundaries for yourself, but there are also reasons to keep doors open.

When I have a shoot or a big job coming up, I try my best to work out four or five times a week.

I love to swim in the nude and roam around the house in the nude. You're just as free as a bird!

I do like to walk a lot. Mostly in New York. When Im going somewhere, Id rather just walk there.

Singing, writing songs, is kind of my biggest fear, but it's the thing I feel I need to conquer.

I like to be goofy. I like to make people laugh. I like to have a good time as much as possible.

It's sad. That's a living creature. We don't have the right to take their life away for fashion.

I'll come in from a long flight and go straight to the grocery store. I love cooking for my man.

My biggest deterrent to getting the workout I need is just that my days are so full and so busy.

I have cellulite. I admit it. But sometimes I just say, 'Screw it, I am going to wear a bikini.'

I'm amazed when I see mothers wearing high heels. If your kids run off you can't run after them.

If I'm going to do something, I'm going to do it as best I can. I'm going to give it everything.

I love heights. I love speed. Im on the verge of being a pyromaniac. Maybe my phobia is boredom.

I have never had the ambition to be famous for nothing. You have to do something with your life.

I'm learning simplicity and how to wear my body. I'm enjoying life and trying to be the best me.

I personally would rather do the Master Cleanse for ten days than just eat salad for six months.

What's wrong with shoes? I collected them because it was like a symbol of thanksgiving and love?

If you take the right vitamins and drink enough water, your body flushes everything out for you.

You don't need a pickup line. Just glance at a woman from across the room. Glance - don't stare.

There is nothing more humiliating than loving someone so much that you forgive the infidelities.

If I could be a country music star, I'd do it in a heartbeat. I'd hit the road and just jam out.

I was afraid of being judged too harshly. But I'd let those fears overwhelm me for far too long.

Unfortunately, modeling takes you with no transition from being a girl to being a business woman

Longevity in friendship is very important and one of the keys to the foundation of a happy life.

I've had scenes where I had to cry, and by the time I've cried for the 20th time, I'm exhausted.

Modeling and pageants help me overcome feeling insecure about the way that I look and my height.

For me the question was, do I want my paycheck to be dependent on how other people think I look?

You can definitely aid the message that you want to send to people by what scent you're wearing.

I became a model to see the world, to make enough money to travel and experience other cultures.

If the accident of genes has put you in a place where you can be a role model, then be somebody!

It's important to still look like yourself on your wedding day, so I didn't do anything drastic.

I believe in celebrating the female figure and embracing what we've been given, not hiding that.

Don't wear big earrings and a big necklace and a big ring all at the same time. Pick your magic.

I would say, if you're buying less expensive clothes, buy two sizes bigger. They'll hang better.

McDonald's doesn't suck. It's just not Wendy's. Wendy, she's much prettier than Ronald McDonald.

I didn't want to get into acting. I was very happy doing MTV, it took up my time, I was content.

I try to go to the gym three to four times a week and mix it up with yoga or a personal trainer.

I'm more of a handbag girl; my guilty pleasure is bags. I don't even have a clue how many I own.

Cara's always been a real tomboy. She was never really that into makeup. She's very quick at it.

I'm a dreadful romantic. No matter what I go through in life, I want to fall in love with a man.

Laws are important. But they can only be effective if the people know about the particular laws.

Don't try to be what you're not. If you're nervous, be nervous. If you're shy, be shy. It's cute.

It's wrong for a guy to have no personality, no heart. Because I don't care about style or money.

There are models who don't eat. That's worrisome - you need the right amount of gas to get going.

If my mother hadn't encouraged me, I would be nervous and feeling like I'm doing something wrong.

You know, I have a kid on my own, and I know how busy it is, the first weeks and the first month.

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