Having a manicure pulls a look together. Hands are the first thing people see after your face.

I knew I was in good hands [with Didier Dubot] and we could accomplish whatever I had in mind.

I had to learn what made Kim happy. I learned you have to take care of the spark in your eyes.

I studied philosophy at Columbia, then dropped out to do drama at the Lee Strasberg Institute.

I admire JLo because she succeeded in breaking through and harmonizing two different cultures.

I'd been around women who put me down, made me feel bad, or said things to fuel my insecurity.

Only you have the power to change your thoughts. Alter your thoughts and you alter your world.

Focus your intention on your dreams, you can wave magic when you set your heart and mind to it

I try to be consistent, so I practice yoga and Pilates to help keep my body and mind balanced.

I have this whole thing: if you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good, you look good.

I think I have enough tattoos for now. If I get any others, I'll probably do my kids initials.

I think God's really blessed me with patience. I'm good with a lot of things going on at once.

It feels really strange when I walk by newsstands and I don't see any magazines with me in it!

I did a Clean & Clear commercial. I did a series of them. I used to be the Clean & Clear girl!

I went on Love Island thinking I was quite headstrong but it turned out I was quite emotional.

If I work on a movie for two months, I should be able to dance on as many tables as I want to.

What is important is to have values in life. Whats important is how you are, not how you look.

True beauty is born through our actions and aspirations and in the kindness we offer to others.

Restaurants serve huge portions on even huger platters, and people are tempted to eat too much.

I never dye my own hair, I don't know if I could get every spot, and I have a good bit of grey.

You never know if they like you for who you are or what you are. Would he love me or the money?

I am a daughter, a sister, a wife and a mother. I am a friend of women and I am their advocate.

I'm a Christian girl. I pray every night and before meals and before I go on stage not to fall.

Mostly I'm proud to be an African-American woman, but I'm glad I have a universal look as well.

They wanted to hear about the sex, of course. But not the rest; no one wanted to hear the rest.

Homeopathy offers a safe, natural alternative that causes no side effects or drug interactions.

To be honest, once you've driven around for about five, 10 laps, you don't notice a difference.

You don't really choose where you're born, but in our hearts, we can choose where we belong to.

People need to take a breath and remember that it's only fashion. Relax. No one's going to die.

I think, if you were being cruel to animals, then the thought of eating them would be horrific.

I grew up at 'All My Children;' I got married, had a daughter and made life-long friends there!

Do I dream very much? Do I dream predominantly about fashion? No. I dream much more about cats.

I always did feel beautiful when I was pregnant, but I do feel more me when I'm my normal size.

I always say you can never be extravagant with beauty. Beauty is God made real. Beauty is life.

I get so tired listening to one million dollars here, one million dollars there, it's so petty.

I have my father to thank for my build and height, and my mother to thank for my lips and eyes.

My first airplane trip was to Paris. I had this fantasy that I would become a model, and I did!

Tammy Faye said, "I am so happy that Jessica Hahn is so ugly, because now I don't feel so bad."

I admire people who just do the right thing, not looking to screw people up. I love all people.

I've been in plenty of situations where someone I'm dating had more time for a console than me.

So, I have my own horse and two ponies. I grew up around horses, and that really is my passion.

I accept myself for who I am as a woman and a mother and this has given me the most confidence.

Fashion is what you're offered four times a year. Style is what you pick out of that fashion...

Just look at me! Beauty. Style. A little vision of perfection. I love myself and that's enough.

I really feel that my body craves to be in the mountains or by the ocean or in the countryside.

If we're talking about being skinny or losing weight, I don't have that problem; it's genetics.

I don't mind being called 'Supernova.' If one nickname is going to stick, that's not a bad one!

I modelled in my 20s, and it was an obsessive time. I was under pressure to look a certain way.

Rod and I are living a very charmed and fortunate life, and I wouldn't change it for the world.

I try out all the latest beauty products and participate in all the shows. It's pretty magical.

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