My father was a sergeant with the Connecticut state police. My mother was a hairstylist.

You see all races in music, and in dance and theatre, so why can't we see it in fashion?

When I really treat myself, I go to incredible Leonor Greyl in Paris for a head massage.

I'm lucky that I have a supportive partner who loves me when I'm bigger as well as slim.

Choupette literally has the finest tuna, the finest of everything a cat could ever have.

When I'm on set filming 'One Tree Hill,' I get up and work out four to five days a week.

Life is nothing but a bunch of experiences. There's no such thing as success or failure.

It's not winning or losing. It's the friends and the people that you meet along the way.

There's no need to dress like everyone else. It's much more fun to create your own look.

I've always wanted to be a cardiologist. If I have time I want to study Medicine someday.

We don't need any more reality TV, women yelling at each other. I can't watch that stuff.

I'd like to work for as long as possible and form connections with the labels I work for.

People would do the sound of a truck backing up - beeeep, beeeep - as I was sitting down.

I really believe that parents need to know they are shaping the future of their children.

I'm really tired, incredibly tired of hearing people say that fashion is behind anorexia.

I'd seen Jose Padilha's 'Elite Squad 1' and '2', and I'd seen his documentary, 'Bus 174'.

I feel vulnerable in a good way. When I talk about my family, I usually have happy tears.

I spend most of my time wearing uncomfortable things, so for me, it's all about trainers.

There's moments when I think it's kind of silly and I wish I would've just stayed natural

Just because you're beautiful, they think you can't act.... I've got a lot more to prove.

I have a sentimental feeling for my very first cover I was on - it was 'Bazaar' Magazine.

If I have a meeting or need to look more done up, the thing I can always do is a cat eye.

I would say I live half in New York and half in Claridge's. How decadent! How hysterical!

But for the time being, I've only learned one cake recipe and how to make scrambled eggs.

I feel like I have a Ph.D. in life, I'm a survivor. I've not only survived, I've thrived.

Not enough people know what Lyme disease is and the dangers of being bitten by an insect.

Every day women and children are killed and maimed by landmines long after wars are over.

I have a normal life and I have this glamorous life, but to me it's two different things.

The 'Hercules' role just kind of came to me, but I had a lot of fun trying something new.

Since I travel too much around the world, I take all these vitamins for my immune system.

I never dreamt of being a pop star or being on stage - makeup was always my true passion.

I usually have my protein at lunch and my carbs at night - I don't mix protein and carbs.

Be true to yourself, know that your are more than your face and body, and keep God first.

I also work out because I have scoliosis. I have to maintain certain strength in my core.

I was minding my own business, really, and then all of a sudden, Hollywood approached me.

If you are wearing clothes that you enjoy wearing, everything you do in life becomes fun.

Always wear a smile sometime during the day - it makes you feel happier and look younger.

What should all men know about women? That we are always right and you should just agree.

I think men look best when they're dressed in something that makes them feel comfortable.

My belief is that people are innately good and innately do want to help their fellow man.

Talent is crucial. It needs to be driven by motivation, but blind ambition isn't the key.

The desert loves me. I love the desert. It's nice to be in the heat in Africa. I love it.

If you think about it, we are always centered in the middle of chaos. It never goes away.

I just want to act. And I want to be good. And I want to be happy, and I think that's it.

Of course I'm going to be labeled as a sex symbol. I made my bed, and I'm sleeping in it.

I collect underwear from my travels. Lace, lingerie, bodysuits... they're like souvenirs.

I've never met a bread basket that I didn't love. At the same time, it can make me tired.

The worst was when my skirt fell down to my ankles, but I had on thick tights underneath.

I used to work all the time, and now if there is a wedding, there's a concert, I'm there.

I love working with Chanel, and long may it reign, to be honest. I hope it lasts forever.

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