When you are wondering how do you go on? The better question is, how do you NOT go on?

The fantasy genre has so far rather embraced me, and I'm incredibly grateful for that.

I'm dreading being on a ski cross with other skiers who don't know what they're doing.

It's important to teach your kids the value of being active by setting a good example.

But I also want to have a family with children one day, which is very important to me.

Of course, nothing just falls into your lap - to get where I am now, I've worked hard.

Some people, like myself, rock colored contacts, crazy hair, and black all year round.

I've used the Internet since I was in high school - it was my tool for self-promotion.

It's good to mix high street and designer and vintage. I'm a big fan of vintage stuff.

Without aspirations for a better existence, you're stuck in the mud and going nowhere.

Stop drinking was the best thing I've done in my entire life. I'm so happy I did that.

I think I'm slightly impulsive, sometimes organised and always in search of a bargain!

If, by chance, you find that you are losing hope, tap back into those who inspire you.

I like parties, but I'm shy, and I often find myself standing around, feeling awkward.

The people on Baywatch were about as nice a group of people as I had ever worked with.

When you become a mother, you think less about yourself and care more about the world.

I look up to people that are much older than me, so being a mentor is a full time job.

I'm trying to work on my modelling career and remove myself from the whole FHM stigma.

I have a weakness for buttons. I'm always collecting ornate and nicely decorated ones.

I think my first album was a gift for my birthday and a Faith Hill album; I loved her.

I've done karate quite a lot growing up so I did do a kind of quite long karate scene.

If I want to look half decent, a blow dry is a godsend. I'm crap at doing my own hair.

I just want to work hard, do stuff of the best possible quality and be a great friend.

Every day, women move mountains. It is an insult to have an international women's day.

I was always the freaky Asian girl who drew these weird-looking Barbie dolls in class.

When I was 10 years old, I fled my homeland amid the bomb blasts of civil war in Sudan.

I was once so terrified of acting that I used to pretend I was ill to get out of drama.

People say I'm a gold digger, but do you see me wearing gold? No. I'm wearing diamonds.

I love to be tan. Maybe this is the wrong message, but I don't always put sunscreen on.

I began working as a model because I was born thin. I didn't become thin to be a model.

I love Austin for vintage shopping, and there are some really good places in L.A., too.

If you can eat 70 percent raw or introduce raw into your diet, it will help your health

I don't like the grilled onions for some reason. I like regular, crispy, stinky onions.

I think, like, Twitter is somewhat difficult sometimes, and it can be kind of negative.

We knew we were talking about spies. I knew he knew I knew. I was digging my own grave.

They came and bound me up and I had awful stretch marks. I hated my breasts after that.

I don't know if he was the fourth man or the fifth, but he was certainly in the top 10.

Sometimes I am still surprised that I'm a model and that people think I'm good-looking.

There's an art to making something look good when, on a hanger, it's just a black coat.

I do a bit of yoga - by myself, not classes. I like to go for long walks and to garden.

To open yourself up and open your heart, it's a scary thing in life, let alone a movie.

I think all the stuff that happens before the pictures are taken is much more exciting.

Terry Gilliam is someone I'd always deeply admired. I saw his films when I was a child.

I try to be healthy because to be happy and healthy on the inside shows on the outside.

While farmers' markets are booming in cities, actual rural market towns are in decline.

The media really only pays attention to white people. I think America is really racist.

I'm just Jeffree. Everyone calls me he/she/whatever they want to call me; I'm an alien.

I think it's great to grow up in a small town because you're just dying to break loose.

When I started out modelling, people kept warning me that I would only last five years.

I believe in God, because he is the only thing that kept me going. He's my best friend.

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