I miss the noise in New York: the sound of taxis and that constant buzz the city has.

When you feel good, you look good. And vice versa: When you look good, you feel good.

Ahead of going on the red carpet, in the morning, I'll put on a clay mask to prepare.

As a queen I speak about unity and respect. I think that is the most important thing.

As a model you do play a certain role and you know as an actor you play another role.

Guys always attract my attention when they wear nice clothes and they make an effort.

There's always stories about cute girls in the gym, I'm just not one of those people.

I like food too much to go on some crazy diet. French fries are my favorite downfall.

My father was dark skinned because he was Tatar. Sometimes Tatars can look Brazilian.

I think of myself as a cover girl. But I would never do some kind of cheesy magazine.

I drink tons of water, because with the entire running around you can get dehydrated.

I feel like with the whole Internet era, people can be so judgmental and evil online.

Tammy Faye, I pray for every day. I really liked her. I wanted to be in their family.

I had a diary full of lyrics and whatnot and a little voice recorder of guitar riffs.

Pickup lines never work...I think someone clever, witty and funny is very attractive.

I love glamour and being sexy and dressing up, and I think it's good to be confident.

I would love to have children some day. I'd like little gay boys. That would be good.

I’ve never dreamed of becoming a model. As a child I was bullied and insulted as ugly

We have this expression, Christy and I. We don't wake up for less than $10,000 a day.

Whatever you thought you would wear when you got pregnant, you won't be wearing that.

There are no scores for good intention, it either happened or it didn't. Get to work.

I'm much better off the tee. I'm not a great putter. I do not have a good short game.

Look, you have to make mistakes. That's how you learn and that's how the world works.

Whenever Rod has four of five days off, he'll be bouncing off the walls with boredom.

I am very gender-fluid and feel more like I wake up every day sort of gender neutral.

Never say no to anything, whatever the universe brings me. I've always lived by that.

I've always had very high aims for my life and for my career, for anything that I do.

I love all the teenager stuff like 'Glee,' '90210,' 'Vampire Diaries,' 'Gossip Girl.'

I have learned to be as strong and confident as the women I represent in photographs.

I find myself dreaming of doing normal things - like staying home and washing dishes.

The key with a full-skirt shape is to balance it out with a great figure-hugging top.

Don’t do to your daughters what has been done to you! They are perfect and beautiful.

I grew up in southern Sudan, one of nine children. Our life was simple but very happy.

Seriously, I like to wear hats so I don't get super tan. You have to protect the face.

We want to christen every city that Kris has played in during his professional career.

I dated all the wrong men. I thought I could feel appreciated in my body through guys.

My great grandma always told me to drink a lot of milk because it's good for the skin.

I need to eat a lot; otherwise, I feel faint. I get in the worst moods if I don't eat.

I want someone who can keep me on my toes, has a good sense of humor and a good heart.

Ron Teigen Sr. and Donald Trump Sr. both have matching political qualifications: zero.

I wasn't a model that loved food. I was someone that loved food that started modeling.

When doing sports... on the water, it's crucial to stop aging by protecting your skin.

I hated turning 40; the whole idea of it stank. But once I got through it, I was fine.

I've never done any nudity, but I would do basically anything if a role called for it.

I always saw what the girls were doing, the supermodels, and they were my inspiration.

I've realized that I really like spending time in the countryside and having a garden.

I'm a big believer in doing what you've got to do, but taking a breather when you can.

Otherwise, I spend a lot of time at my boyfriend's home in the country, in New Jersey.

As a queen, I speak about unity and respect. I think that is the most important thing.

It makes life so much easier when you can just say 'I'm human' at the end of the day."

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