Pink is my go-to color, which is why I have had my hair pink for years, on and off.

I'm keeping my power to myself and my glow. I'm not giving anybody my glow anymore.

I guess you could say I want to become like Martha Stewart - just a sexier version!

I want to motivate people to be natural and to embrace their body and who they are.

Jesus was nothing like I thought - He wasn't condemning. He was loving and leading.

I intentionally built a business that has absolutely nothing to do with appearance.

People still tell me I’m fat, but when I look in the mirror, that’s not what I see.

If I'm anywhere close to where I can hike or swim, that's my favourite thing to do.

I love, love, love fashion so much. That's why I became a model in the first place.

Every day, I like to wake up and remind myself to be grateful of the simple things.

My mother's nickname for me is 'Positive Patrick.' I like to live up to that title.

Rod has always been like my third child and my most demanding boy out of the three.

The wonderful thing about my husband is that we are very good at being independent.

I don't even think when I'm walking down the runway. I don't really breathe either.

I have a Brazilian trainer here in New York and we do a Brazilian Butt Lift workout.

I love my pets, and I'm a big animal lover. I also enjoy the nature and countryside.

I remember when Meryl Streep did an ad for American Express, the press harassed her.

It's important to me that people can associate being different with being beautiful.

I like simple makeup, but a bit dirty-looking around the eyes - I love a smoky look.

There's no such thing as being perfect, and that doesn't just mean the perfect body.

I want to play a psycho, something more challenging than just 'the girlfriend' part.

My tolerance for tears is very little when you're beautiful and crying over nothing.

I am selective. If I do splash out, it's an investment, and I wear things for years.

If you don't like it, don't follow me, don't watch me, cause I'm not going anywhere.

My biggest thing about being a role model is whatever I'm preaching, I'm practicing.

My parents treated my height as a wonderful thing to be celebrated, but also normal.

My motto is to go wild on the accessories - the belts, the hair clips, the jewelery.

If you pick something you actually enjoy doing, you have fun every day of your life.

Funny, I never shopped. Even my jewelry - not a piece of my jewelry I bought for me.

I'm always sad to leave paradise, but I leave behind the hopes of coming again soon.

Vampires are very sexy right now. It's kind of disgusting. It's kind of a bandwagon.

I clearly love colors in my hair and try to keep my hair evolving through the years.

I've always felt the man is king of the house and should be amused and treated well.

Texans have in common with Australians, in that they are quite strong, hardy people.

In the morning, I might have fruit or maybe oatmeal at home, or a bagel with coffee.

I'm happy going home early and working out and just being a mother and being a wife.

Love is having endless support from my husband and the hugs and kisses from my kids.

Everyone lives under their rocks in L.A., so it takes a long time to find your lane.

My mother, grandmother and I all have different styles, but we share the same taste.

I can pick up any sport pretty quickly - believe me, I know how to throw a football.

One trend I always go for is nautical: stripes, navy, rope knot belts, gold buckles.

I would compete in unicorn back riding! Why? Because we are from the same fairytale.

Clothes should just be like a beautiful setting for a jewel: They should offset you.

I'd like to be able to recall every J. Lo music video dance routine ever, naturally.

The content that Jessica Nigri puts out, really displays cosplay in the wrong light.

The day you stop enjoying something is the day you should quit, if you can afford to.

If you look from my point of view, that's what Christians strive for - love from God.

I did learn a lot from 'Project Runway,' things I could incorporate into my own life.

The 'Playboy' affiliation will probably stick for the rest of my life to some extent.

I like to wear colors and prints in the summer and play with extravagant accessories.

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