A relationship is like another job, you know, you have to work at it all the time.

I'm a world class Beat Boxer; you should hear the noises I can make with my mouth.

People who know me know I have a sense of humor that can really push the envelope.

I don't see anywhere in the Bible where it says you shouldn't get breast implants.

Even on television, I am full of fake hair and covered in body makeup head-to-toe.

Goal training is important. If there's a 5K walk in the community, train for that.

I think a lot of people secretly wish they were a rock star, and I'm no exception.

Nobody has time to keep trying on a load of things in the morning like a teenager.

I hate my smile - I think I look like an absolute wally when I smile, I really do.

I do believe that if models look like children, then they shouldn't be sexualised.

I'm not a fashionista - I adore creative and original people with their own style.

We should allow them to be who they are, because then we end up with healthy kids.

Fashion is about fun, you know, and I think a lot of people forget that sometimes.

I don't think I could not have been with an artist of some kind, someone creative.

It's important for children to see what's out there and learn that it's fun to go.

I'm not that patient sometimes. I'm like a rocket - I go a hundred miles per hour.

President Marcos was investing in precious metals long before he entered politics.

Sometimes I wake up and think I look horrible. And sometimes I see a strong woman.

People only see you in blogs, and they think they know everything about your life.

I'm Vietnamese and Chinese, and I am the year of the dragon in the Chinese zodiac.

I love yoga. I don't do it as much as I'd like to, but I feel wonderful when I do.

I am always touched when friends make contributions to my foundation on my behalf.

The fashion world has become a lot more embracing of me since I became an actress.

I love being outdoors. I love listening to the crickets. I want to embrace nature.

My ambition comes from my passion: finding what I love and then expanding on that.

My childhood gave me resilience - and there's little that can surprise me in life.

Wheat makes my stomach very bloated. Sugar is horrible for my skin, but I love it.

That's what yoga teaches: how to be fully present now, no matter the circumstance.

My fans and people who know of my character want to see me become more successful.

I've started getting into quite a bit of voice work, definitely from 'Battlestar.'

The sixties were a time when ordinary people could do extraordinary things . . . !

It is more important to know how to mix and match the clothes than to spend money.

Im so lucky, Ive been so successful, so much has come my way. I want to give back.

Bones don't make for success on the runway, but a proportioned, balanced body does.

As a child, I used 'gay' as a bad word, as in, 'That's so gay.' All my friends did.

I hope one day when I say I'm from Estonia, people don't say: 'What? Where's that?'

One of the areas I have a little less confidence in is giving any kind of a speech.

I have a voluptuous body. I am not one of those skinny girls. I like to enjoy life.

Exercise is like an addiction. Once you're in it, you feel like your body needs it.

There is winter in L.A., there is rain in L.A. But there is no rain on 'Entourage.'

Generally, I just think there is a real lacking in men knowing how to hit on women.

I am the world's laziest shopper, but very rarely have I had to take anything back.

I don't think about fashion or trends - I've never really been that kind of person.

I’d really love to be a versatile, chameleon-like actress, stretching myself a bit.

I'd really love to be a versatile, chameleon-like actress, stretching myself a bit.

I describe my personal style as 'mythic space horse with chocolate box tendencies.'

A mine-free world does not need to be a dream - together, we can make it a reality.

When you sign yourself up for what you're doing, you have to take care of yourself.

In the morning, I always use a cube of ice on my face - it gives me a natural lift.

I love trying new things but, of course, love sticking to the classic makeup looks.

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