You have to just do your thing. As long as you don't hurt anybody along the way.

I'm bad at baking. I'm bad at letting go of things. I'm probably bad at reading.

With a family of six, there is always something to make, create and do together.

I believe I have a healthy common sense and therefore have no need for religion.

All women have insecurities and bad times. What counts is how you overcome them.

It's always nice to be home and be able to see my family. It's the best feeling.

I try to eat right. Every three hours, small portions. It helps to keep you fit.

After a workout, I have a protein drink and always keep a protein bar in my bag.

Why should 20-year-olds only be considered sexy? I think we get better with age.

I figured out something spiritual. Billboard this: 'Life is supposed to be fun!'

Without a doubt in my mind, I believe that vaccinations triggered Evan's autism.

If he wants to blow his head off, let him. I don't give a damn about Jim Bakker.

Your mind is like, oh my God, I know this is wrong, but your body just gives in.

I'd like to be a bit less pale because I feel like I look sort of ill sometimes.

I like clothes - I like to play with clothes. I like DIY; I like to make outfit.

I'm a bit of a grandma: I don't really understand the Twitter and the Instagram.

I treat myself occasionally and don't have any guilt or conditions placed on it.

To wake up to the sound of my son saying 'Mama, mama!' It's the best sound ever.

I live by the 80/20 rule: I'm 80 percent healthy, and then 20 percent indulgent.

Moscow is a huge inspiration for me. I love what I find here, I love being here.

Musicians always have music in their heads about their perceptions of the world.

I wash my hair once a week. If it gets stinky in between, I just dry-shampoo it.

Attack your lashes with the wand. I think there's nothing wrong with doing that.

I'm such a bikini girl. Generally, I like to be as half-naked as I possibly can.

I'd like to open an animal orphanage in Kenya. I do a lot of work for Born Free.

But it's about health, not forcing my body to be something it's not meant to be.

I'm normal size... I wish we could all be known as models rather than plus size.

Only you know who you were born to be and you need to be free to be that person.

I played volleyball for the greater part of my life, since I was 11 or 12 years.

I like when a guy makes me feel like a woman and a little girl at the same time.

Each movement reminds us that every moment invites a new opportunity for change.

Learning Indian mannerisms, how to wear saris, and the language were a challenge.

I am very conscious about picking my roles and make sure that they are different.

If my role in a film is meaty, and I get a good song along with it, then why not?

Looking back, I realise I had to grow up and be responsible at a very tender age.

I like being a part of something. I like participating and being part of a group.

People, whatever their profession is, have a right to fight for the right causes.

Heaven can wait, but I cannot. I cannot take for granted that time is on my side.

If you think about it, all of us have one or more teachers who were instrumental.

I think it's nice to break down that barrier, that models are seen and not heard.

I have fun when I want to have fun, but I am learning how to balance my life out.

When people assume that you're one way and you're not that way at all, it's hard.

I've tweeted incessantly about Nintendo and my love for Nintendo for a long time.

I know that England changed me. I became a little bit colder, a little different.

I know so many people who have battled breast cancer and they didn't all make it.

Honestly, I am not a huge beauty girl, so I'm pretty low-maintenance, California.

When you aren't working, you really want to emulate the real version of yourself.

'All My Children' taught me a great work ethic; you work so hard on a soap opera!

The world makes you something that you’re not - but you know inside what you are.

I grew up on the beach. It was such a luxury to wake up to the sun and the ocean.

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