Photo shoots for underage girls are like letting an ant walk around with honey.

Sometimes the best way to get someone's attention is to stop giving them yours.

Highlight and contour are two major steps in getting the 'perfect' beauty look.

Everyone is so into labeling themselves. I don't really put too much into that.

I use a lot of natural products, I get facials, and I drink a lot of detox tea.

Jim Bakker is an extremely talented preacher, if he would just get it together.

I speak my mind. I just speak my heart. I will not turn away from any question.

I'd like to see more beauty campaigns for girls who are mixed Latina and black.

I always had crazy, curly hair up in a bun, messy, running up and down, sweaty.

I loveeeeee a man in a nice pair of sweatpants or even a matching sweat outfit.

In between acting, I'm still going to be doing modeling and different ventures.

I do Google myself. Not that often, though, and the stories are always rubbish.

Glitter is cool because that's like glam rock, but rhinestones need to die out.

When Sean and I are old, we're just going to compose weird abstract symphonies.

If you're shy, get the hell over it: You're slamming the door in your own face.

I wish I had Wonder Woman's magic lasso like her to make people tell the truth.

When I went back to modeling, nobody knew how to deal with a 46-year-old model!

My name? Of course it helps. If youve got it, use it. Im proud of it, for sure.

When I model, I pretty much blank. You can't think too much or it doesn't work.

Because I've been on the receiving end of infidelity, I know how much it hurts.

I have never farted in front of a guy I fancied before - I was so embarrassed!.

Love - this is the essence of life. But you will not give your life to another.

I have a dog. He cuddles with me all night, so I don't really need a boyfriend.

I grew up in Portugal, and people there party 'til 7 or 8 in the morning there.

When you think of the debonair, ridiculously good-looking guy, you think of me.

There are opportunities out there for everyone, always. This truly inspires me.

Believing in yourself is essential to creating lasting change and a happy life.

I've learned that no matter what I do, people are going to have their opinions.

When I was 17, I was so shy I could barely speak or introduce myself to anyone.

I try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but I have to indulge every now and then!

When I was working, there was no digital. We actually worked; we used Polaroids.

It's so funny to get a call from Dustin Hoffman because he has that great voice.

It's interesting now; with social media, you are actually interacting with fans.

I listen to a lot of Sublime. Dude, I'm obsessed with Sublime. You have no idea.

People would tell me sometimes that I should model, but I was like, I dont know!

I want to live my life naked, with all my little naked kids naked in the garden.

I love Christopher Bailey and Burberry, Mulberry for bags, and Hudson for jeans.

Whatever it takes to make you more secure with yourself, you can learn to do it.

I've found that balance is key. I'm no longer an extremist in any one direction.

I actually hate receiving gifts, it makes me very uncomfortable for some reason.

If I'm going to eat fast food, I'm going to McDonald's. I don't need to pretend.

Drink a lot of water, wear big sunglasses, and don't wear make-up on the flight.

My favourite smell is horses. In fact, most of the time, I do smell like horses.

I never expected to be a model. I never expected to be a stylist. Or a designer.

All My Children' taught me a great work ethic; you work so hard on a soap opera!

Denim should always be comfortable; jeans should protect you. They are workwear.

Through my whole career, that's been a major thing - bringing my family with me.

I am still a person with a sense of superficiality that I'm trying to challenge.

If I were amazing with a sword, I wouldn't care about the tender things in life.

To have an opinion about somebody you've never met before is pretty superficial.

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