Me being a compassionate person, I would never hold any grudges against my ex.

Like anybody, you have moments when you question yourself and you're insecure.

I don't date. It's hard to date when you're at home. Because nobody knows you.

Bill Astor knew these papers were missing. Stephen showed his hand in October.

I'm fortunate enough that I don't have to accept every movie that comes along.

I love to see other women in pink. It's good for every shade of skin and hair.

I really like beef jerky. If we go to a gas station, I have to buy beef jerky.

I love photo sessions. I'm alone, I'm the queen, everyone's taking care of me.

Today begins, tomorrow continues, and it never ends until you reach your goal.

The police came to me to say I had death threats and that I had to be careful!

Just because people say no to you, doesn't mean you should say no to yourself.

Nothing is better than going home to family and eating good food and relaxing.

I was successful very quickly. I was on the cover of 'Vogue' before I knew it.

I started off liking uptight music and then discovered Pink Floyd and Hendrix.

I'm very neurotic is what my closet says about me. It's always in great order.

I'm hopeful for a world with more love, acceptance, and compassion for others.

The undersea world surrounding Green Island looks just like a water fairyland.

My family is my little village. I really do feel like my fairy tale came true.

I completely admire my mother for raising a child with cerebral palsy at home.

I do have a right to talk about my life, to tell my truth from my perspective.

I have now spent over a year trying to figure where in the workplace I belong.

Wearing the right thing, at the right moment, could actually change your life.

You always have to make sure your husband knows he isn't going to be replaced.

My personal style is very eclectic. I like graphic shapes and multiple layers.

I've recently started composting in my apartment, which is quite an adventure.

I got the nickname Spitfire for a reason - I burned inside to play volleyball.

I'm shooting a commercial for safe sex. How ironic. Because I don't have that.

As long as I'm not hurting anybody, I don't think that anything I do is wrong.

When I was in high school I thought I was going to university into psychology.

The beauty of reading is that it lets you travel in a way you could never know.

One thing about living in a small town, I knew everybody and everybody knew me.

One never knows when the angels are coming to get you, but everybody has to go.

With Hef it was a relationship. It's the world that made a big thing out of it.

Sex is a part of love. You shouldn't go around doing it unless you are in love.

I'm no Method actor. I've tried staying in character, and it's just exhausting.

I'm just not into happy-clappy pop. Unless it's happy-clappy pop in a good way.

I have a figure, and there aren't many girls out there right now who have that.

The fathers, if they got me alone, would try to kiss and fondle me. I hated it.

One way of reading my life is that I have been in constant search for a father.

The female body is a beautiful thing, and it should be embraced and celebrated.

I'm always "shopping," because I think it's important to know what's out there.

I wouldn’t say I was really into fashion before modelling; I was into creation.

I really never thought about the way I looked until boys came into the picture.

I think Katie Price is a really good businesswoman. She has made so much money.

My top beauty tip is to drink lots of water. It might sound lame, but it works.

I think that not being perfect has given me the freedom to keep getting better.

It took one human error to take my leg and one human error to take my mother's.

My ideal man is faithful, honest, and a gentleman who knows how to treat women.

I don't believe in men who make us feel unhappy, because they're boys, not men.

I became a cover girl and an editorial model, and then I became a runway model.

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