It's always so much fun playing with makeup and meeting my incredible fans.

My dad used to flush my mother's head down the toilet. I was so screwed up.

Fashion hasn't changed enough yet. There's too much a stereotype of beauty.

I just think that pick-up lines in general are horrible. None of them work.

I'm from Alabama and I have morals and I have class. That's my personality.

That was never on my radar, traffic stopping. It was never important to me.

But I look at failure as education. In that respect, I am so well-educated.

You don't see me in the clubs unless I'm throwing a party for Fashion Week.

People say you're flirting with death but really you're flirting with life.

My ambitions are less important than my well-being. My children come first.

Working your obliques pulls everything together and gives you a slim waist.

Russian women are very friendly with makeup, almost too friendly sometimes.

If an opportunity arises, then I won't use school as an excuse not to work.

If someone asks me a question, it is very difficult not to answer honestly.

I'm not used to going out every single night, which you can do in New York.

I would want to travel the world and write about it. To be a famous writer.

I can see how a person could get addicted to the adrenaline of moviemaking.

I lump Canada and the States together. I like good old North American boys.

FGM breaches all human rights and has no place in any 21st century society.

When I was a girl, civil war in Sudan forced me to flee my home town of Wau.

I think the fashion industry has gotten to a place where it is embarrassing.

During Katherine Hepburn's time when she was just coming into her own at 40.

I'm quite competitive. Not with other models but with myself. I have to win.

I like to start the day with yoga. It's the best way of moving into the day.

As soon as you talk about something that hasn't happened yet, it's bad luck.

My mom is really skinny, too. I got it from her. Ive never done yoga before.

I was a ballet dancer growing up and that's what I was convinced I would be.

When I first started modeling, they used to bleach my eyebrows all the time.

I'm an eight hours kind of sleeper, so I definitely try to schedule that in.

If I'm making a movie and get hungry, I call time-out and eat some crackers.

My hobbies away from horse racing would be reading and painting; I love art.

I don't waste as much time at work because I'd rather spend it with my kids.

Many models do yoga, but I find it boring. Id rather be outdoors having fun.

I just admire a funny, confident, sassy woman and hopefully I'm that person.

My style has always been very free, easy, relaxed, and slightly androgynous.

I like the fact that I have good old-fashioned British teeth with a big gap.

I think I got left behind somewhere, because, you know, I'm still a romantic

Your mind is the strongest and most valuable muscle you can grow in the gym.

What I've been developing is a vegan fast food chain and vegan food markets.

I could live a normal life. My motivation is only to take on new challenges.

Mothers don't let your daughters grow up to be models unless you're present.

There's nothing like taking Proust to the beach and daydreaming along to it.

You don't just wake up one morning and decide to become a singer-songwriter.

Our mission began with finding solutions for families, especially busy moms.

If you're going to have a rock band, you've got to do it while you're young.

I'm conservative. I was raised conservative, and that's the way I will vote.

My career is media. One can turn on the TV or look at a magazine and see me.

If I don't have to work, I exercise every morning. It really clears my mind.

I had no illusions that my career would be any longer than three years tops.

I grew up watching films. Film has been part of my life since I was a child.

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