I won the crown for what I am - I'm certainly not going to let go of that!

I don't mind flying. I always pass out before the plane leaves the ground.

I know what it's like not to have food in the fridge or money to buy more.

I have made enough money to secure my family and that is all I care about.

The real bummer of fame is that at some point you're bound to get demoted.

If someone asks me a question it is very difficult not to answer honestly.

Music is extremely important to have on photo shoots - it brings the mood.

I don't think of myself as a model. I'm genderqueer, and I've got tattoos.

People who say real men don't wear pink obviously don't know any real men!

My style is dependent on my moods, so I feel like it's all over the place.

It's fun to be a girl, and get dressed up, but that's not how I really am.

I'm one of the girls that you would love to have in your group of friends.

People hate people who are good at things. People hate people who are cute.

My Hindi is OK. I think I am better with Tamil. I remember the Tamil words.

I guess professionally I've left my gender open to artistic interpretation.

If you tell me I can't have something then that just makes me want it more.

What I really see myself doing is late-night TV. No woman has ever done it.

Im quite competitive. Not with other models but with myself. I have to win.

The beauty of being a curvier girl is that we're all shaped so differently.

Online shopping makes everything so much easier - it's a bad habit of mine.

For me, it's hard to wear a bra the whole entire day if it's got underwire.

When you wear your signature scent, you feel something special from within.

We are all going to die one day. Everything else, my friend, I am not sure.

I think the only time that I worry about looking good is on the red carpet.

Of course you can't feel sexy and beautiful every day. But we try our best.

I have always been very comfortable in little clothing; its part of my job.

This modeling thing, it's pretty easy, but actually it's also really tough.

Is there a rehab center for Coke drinkers? I drink six to eight cans a day.

It takes time to be who you really want to be. It doesn't happen overnight.

I was basically a surfer girl from California. I never looked like a model.

When I started modeling, I was told to tan, but I always protected my face.

I respect artists so much, and I absolutely love music as the ultimate art.

Richard doesn't really like me to kill bugs, but sometimes I can't help it.

It's something I decided from the very beginning I would never do - nudity.

I don't tweet. I prefer face-to-face communication and sometimes Instagram.

I do pottery. I love it. It's very relaxing; it takes me to another planet.

Don't go overboard with too many accessories and too many different things.

A Maybelline New York woman is strong and confident - I love that attitude.

I have a very balanced posture about the political situation in my country.

In Ireland, I don't get asked out much. English boys are a lot more flirty.

Walk through the mud in life, if you ever want to get to the higher ground”

Going to the gym is something I haven't done regularly since I was a child.

What Ive been developing is a vegan fast food chain and vegan food markets.

I don't need a man. I'm really happy with myself and being with my friends.

I did not have three thousand pairs of shoes, I had one thousand and sixty.

I am First Lady by accident. I was not elected by the people but here I am.

I speak English, Portuguese, and French. One day I'd love to learn Italian.

Mum and I were delighted to find out we were descended from 'bog-trotters.'

I've worked since I was 18. I have no trust fund and don't expect anything.

I think a lot of brands are scared to put out wild shades, but I love that.

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