It's not always what you know, but who you know. Get out and meet people.

I try not to be neurotic; I try to create and present healthy body image.

My greatest fear is flying. And I do a lot of flying, so that's a bummer.

It's not like I'm sitting at home coming up with some secret beauty plan.

It was God who made me so beautiful. If I weren't, then I'd be a teacher.

One thing modeling taught me is that the spotlight can change everything.

We can't end poverty if we fail to save the lives of our world's mothers.

A magician pulls a rabbit from a hat, and actors pull truth from fiction.

By the time I was 8 years old, sports had pretty much taken over my life.

The secret to applying my makeup is that I just put it where it's needed.

I owe my life to blood donors. I'm forever grateful to people who donate.

I never wanted to be an actress. I didn't have any ambition in that area.

I was playing with pencils while the other girls were playing with dolls.

Who doesn’t have a polo shirt? Only somebody from, like, Lake Minnetonka.

You don't have to live in the country and grow your own food to be green.

I really enjoy living in New York, but I don't enjoy the weather so much!

I always watch the French news on the Internet while having my breakfast.

I'm also all about comfort. Just hanging out and wearing jeans or sweats.

I'm a pushover for cleaning items that come in packages of three or more.

Confusion is the best form of communication. It's left to be unexplained.

For special occasions, I love pretty dresses - but nothing too frou-frou!

I was so embarrassed about mispronouncing words. I just knew how to smile.

I've eight brothers and sisters - five girls, four boys. I am the seventh.

I actually am a down to earth and easy going girl. Not just another model.

My mum is really fair and has blonde hair, and my dad is not dark, either.

'2.0' is an entirely new thing in Indian cinema, a movie to watch out for.

Americans are shy about the body. I have to remember that when I go there.

I think, in any sort of medium, repetition makes you better at your trade.

Women are what completely inspire me, and they have also been my downfall.

In school, I was Martha in 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' I loved that.

Some days I regret wording things the way I did in the heat of the moment.

Not only am I having a girl, but I picked the girl from her little embryo.

The more you give, the more you get - it’s a cliché, but it’s really true.

The more you give, the more you get - it's a cliche, but it's really true.

Fashion and style is just that. Fashion and style. It's not brain surgery.

I have a terrible habit of shopping after I go to the gym or hitting eBay.

I walk every day with my dogs and force myself to run a bit but I hate it.

If you don't feel good in the bathing suit, you're not going to look good.

I grew up playing soccer with the boys - quite far from reading magazines.

Well, I was going to school in Germany. And in my free time I was dancing.

I used the Internet as a vehicle to get places not many people did before.

When I wear a really nice and classy dress out, the papers never print it.

The interesting thing with fashion is that it's really a massive daydream.

Beauty comes in all ages, colors, shapes, and forms. God never makes junk.

Women in the 1950s were so much sexier. That's what I aspire to look like.

I feel happy about being busiest model in the world. It's good to be busy.

I kind of see clothes a bit like role-playing, depending what mood I'm in.

Modelling is very two-dimensional. You really don't have to bare anything.

I believe in having a vision for the future but living each day at a time.

Sometimes, I sit down to sketch at the unearthly hour of 3 in the morning!

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