I wouldn't mind doing Playboy again. But only if I had creative control.

I got a book deal without even turning in one shred of a writing sample.

I'm able to move like no one else you've ever seen in front of a camera.

I hate my hair! When clean, it is fuzzy, and when not clean, it is lank.

Barbies, nails, and fashion - I'll take everything in baby pink, please.

When you're from Cali and it's always sunny, you kind of want some rain.

I do hot oil treatments at home while I'm cleaning my house or whatever.

I'm pretty competitive. I talk a big game - even when I'm going to lose.

I want to be able to sing well, but I have the worst voice in the world.

Don't just work for the money; that will bring only limited satisfaction

We love the juxtaposition of something saccharine with something morbid.

I have a really big mouth, I have a lot of opinions and I will be heard.

My greatest fear is flying. And I do a lot of flying, so that's a bummer

When I started in the business, I was told I had three good years in me.

My style reflects my mood, the place I'm in, and the place I'm going to.

Ballet can be grueling, for sure, but it gives you a certain discipline.

At the front of my home, in the garden, is a huge piece of clear quartz.

I missed quite a lot of school because I was working from the age of 11.

She's my baby sister - I could talk about her till I'm blue in the face.

A healthy body isn't defined by weight or size. It's about so much more.

I'm the eldest of four - I love my family so much. I'm crazy about them.

Meditation can be like a battle with yourself, your thoughts, your body.

You don't want to be in a relationship with someone who's scared of you.

I want to continue to try and break the barrier between male and female.

Some makeup you put on and feel like you're getting pimples by the hour.

Personal style? I don't really believe in that. Whatever is comfortable.

I also want [my kids] to always feel confident and free to be themselves.

During my teen years, I was real emotional. I could be really up or down.

Circus lions are mean. They don't know anything about affection training.

I also love a good cheesy movie, and I'm kind of addicted to my computer.

Like my makeup, I keep my hair simple. It's either down or in a ponytail.

I always like to work with really good filmmakers and really good actors.

Many women who have anorexia put their hearts in a compromised situation.

I never go sexy. I'm more into a well-made pair of pants and a good shoe.

I'm not going to launch a bikini business and then give up bikinis, am I?

When I was 11, I made truffle risotto for my family for Christmas dinner.

Eighty per cent of global warming comes from livestock and deforestation.

I think if you put a smile on people's faces, they give that back to you.

I'm never uncomfortable being naked. I don't have a problem with my body.

When I grew up, my role model was my grandma because she's just the best.

I hate wearing makeup because I am just too lazy to take it off at night.

What's my motto when it comes to money? Don't put so much emphasis on it!

Never being number one in your list of priorities and not minding at all.

You can dress down or dress up anything simply by what footwear you rock.

There's a kind of telepathy that goes on with the photographer and model.

Many times, people attack the well-to-do people. They see an opportunity.

I would like to pick Rihanna's brain. I love her style and what she does.

I really like working with someone one-on-one - my trainer kicks my butt!

Don't just work for the money; that will bring only limited satisfaction.

You can do anything you put your mind to, and you can do it in stilettos.

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