Most important was to remain focused and always have presence of mind.

Children are our future we must take care of them with maximum effort.

I look at modeling as something I'm doing for black people in general.

Don't get me wrong - I love London, and still have an apartment there.

When I was still in high school I knew I wanted to live in California.

I'm on the cover of the lingerie football swimsuit calendar this year.

The very idea of having children brings out this deep revulsion in me.

I didn't really want to be a celebrity. It just kind of happened to me.

It is ridiculous - like a mad whirlwind... it's mad that I'm so famous.

I had so much fun working with Akshay, especially in the action scenes.

Women who make the choice to have grey hair - I think that's beautiful.

I've been craving peanut butter-and-mayonnaise fried cheese sandwiches.

What I really want is to create a name based on my own accomplishments.

After all, he put Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden naked as jaybirds!

Share your smile with the world. It's a symbol of friendship and peace.

I design for myself and the first question I ask is, 'Would I wear it?'

Growing up, I had an insane crush on Neil Tennant of the Pet Shop Boys.

I don't know, so much of women's femininity is tied up with their hair.

You have to treat yourself every once in a while, get to the fun stuff!

Because I'm on the runway with some of the best models in the industry.

I've been the queen of dysfunction and made every mistake one can make.

Me being nice or positive is not what people want to hear, which sucks.

I love flying around the world doing what I do - that keeps me so busy.

Interviews make me so nervous - I can't get a sentence out of my mouth.

Helping others isn't a chore; it is one of the greatest gifts there is.

I really don't think there should be a movie about me. That's for sure!

If you never know hardship, you can't really support people around you.

I'm lucky to have a fast metabolism, so I haven't had to exercise much.

In Russia, we have proverb: Only bad soldiers don't want to be general.

Whoever I'm with, that's the person I'm with. That's the way I'm wired.

Pressure only makes you sick. You won't get anything positive out of it.

My father made sure of discipline, but my mum, she was serious business.

I was called the girl that was 'pretty for a big girl,' 'the fat model.'

You can be sexy and feel good in your skin, no matter what size you are.

I mean if someone you know pushes a button you're gonna strike back out.

The best V-Day gift I've ever received was a personalized photo collage.

I've always wanted to do a shoot with snakes - big snakes, like pythons.

I don't find any presidents all that sexy. They're not very rock'n'roll.

I want to do television, film, music and designing. I want to do it all!

As my mom always said, 'You'd rather have smile lines than frown lines.'

Berlin is like being abroad in Germany. It's German, but not provincial.

I love moving. I love new houses. I'm always looking for somewhere else.

I think 'Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned' might be a perfect book.

I want to know who is spending $1,000 on a sweater! That makes no sense!

Six months later I was in Paris. I was 16, and it all started to happen.

My mother's a secretary; my father's an electrician in a mining company.

Float through life, just take it easy, not too much stress, just, float.

If you think you can do it, your body will find a way to make it happen.

What did the paparazzi do to Diana? They chased her and they killed her.

I was a good kid. My parents laid rules out for me, and I followed them.

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