In my school days, everyone thought I'm too tall for a Chinese girl.

I've been told the best way to make a sexy face is to say 'pruuune.'

If you are at one with your body, then you are at one with yourself.

After Versace was murdered, the first person to call me was Mandela.

It's usually when the cameras leave that the support leaves as well.

I'm very girly. I love to talk about diets, exercise, kids, make-up.

All you need is a bad angle and suddenly youre 30 pounds overweight.

I think 30 is a big jump from your 20s, but 40 holds no fear for me.

Being in shape is part of my job, so I try to work out twice a week.

I admire a lot of actors; I think a lot of them have so much talent.

Because I just like sports, I like athletics and I like competition.

I love to eat and I love sweets... like chocolate. But I do work out.

Just wear what makes you happy. If you're happy, it's a great outfit.

I've always been very comfortable in my own body even when I'm naked.

As a performer, I want to push my boundaries and try different roles.

I get treated like a princess in India. It is like a different world.

Talking to your hairdresser is almost like talking to your therapist.

I love the idea of living a life that is completely humble and quiet.

Where I live, the majority of men are married to women their own age.

My whole life is controversy. What can I do? I'm like Britney Spears!

I am just so happy and thrilled and I am so glad Mr. Hefner chose me.

I don't like to cook, but I like to eat popcorn with butter and salt.

I'm still learning how to do things - like lining my eyes? Forget it.

I had no interest in fashion when I was younger. I was such a tomboy.

No matter where I've been overseas, the food stinks, except in Italy.

Marriage was never my goal, because I've never been very traditional.

I've looked in the mirror every day for 20 years. It's the same face.

I leave it up to the government to make good decisions for Americans.

When you're comfortable with someone, you don't look for anyone else.

I think it's important that there is a change, especially in fashion.

I like to take care of myself and know what foods I should be eating.

You know, I've virtually never been chatted up in my life, it's true.

Working with Victoria's Secret, it is very celebrated to have curves.

On my lips, I just do a little bit of liner, just a color silhouette.

When you're physically growing up, you develop emotionally with that.

An egg white omelet with vegetables is one of my favorite breakfasts.

I have taken a break from the media spotlight for the past few years.

I'm not scared of spiders at all. I'm the spider killer in the house.

People come up to me and say, 'You look so much better in real life.'

The good things never stay in your head. Only the bad things live on.

I think children of divorced parents do grow up quicker. You just do.

Stop trying to be someone you're not. Be what you're good at, be you.

I love good rock'n'roll, blues and jazz, gospel, and a little reggae.

Acting and modelling are good, but motherhood is what it's all about.

Michael Jackson asked me to sign a Playboy. I was more than happy to.

The roughest part of that lifestyle is the travel and early mornings.

When I'm 80 years old, I don't know what I want to be remembered for.

I'm terrified of having a little girl. Girls are more evil than boys.

Feeling passionate about something doesn't mean you have to be angry.

After pregnancy, the important thing is rebuilding your back muscles.

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