I have to admit that most of what I wear on the daily is all black.

All of the Rolling Stones' children are my children's best friends.

I'm a victim of maybe circumstances, but look at how it worked out?

I'm a victim of maybe circumstances, but look at how it worked out.

I always use eyelash curlers - always makes you look extra 'woken.'

I don't like to see men's toes - especially if they aren't groomed.

I want to enjoy life and I can't if I'm not eating and miserable...

I've never said I'm perfect, and I've never said I'm a skinny girl.

My father is a retired army colonel, and my family is into hunting.

There's room for many definitions of masculinity in the modern era.

Avedon wouldn't let me put wax between my teeth like I usually did.

I can do anything you want me to do so long as I dont have to speak

My favourite city is Miami. It's very fresh and the beach is sunny.

In England, you laugh at yourselves; in France, we laugh at others.

What I wear is an extension of how I feel, so it's always changing.

My goal is to spread the word about the need for more blood donors.

I like to start my day after noon. I'm not a morning person at all!

I've always liked all the sciences, like math, physics and biology.

If you focus too much on the fools, you will eventually become one.

I really look forward to knowing that something is always possible.

Each exhale allows us to let go of the moment that has just passed.

What you practice on the mat is what you end up doing in your life.

There was no concept of fashion and catwalk shows where I came from.

I'll never forget my little city! I could talk a whole day about it!

When I'm not shooting, I like to spend time with friends and family.

I always say that kindness is the greatest beauty that you can have.

Some people might only recognize me half naked in my bikini and bra!

We can't create change until we recognize and check our own actions.

A lack of knowledge creates fear. Seeking knowledge creates courage.

I wanted to be a Disney Channel star! I wanted to be Hannah Montana.

He [Donald Trump] makes himself look like an idiot every single day.

Blogs are evil. Actually, the blogs aren't as evil as blog comments.

Chiropractic makes me feel a few inches taller each time I come out.

I wish my butt did not go sideways, but I guess I have to face that.

I set for myself only small goals, goals that are not that far away.

Your body is your body; it's natural. Learn to love yourself for it.

I'm even embarrassed at times when my friends come upon my pictures.

You can't be a model at age 60, but you certainly can be an actress.

We're constantly buying airplane tickets; we travel on the Concorde.

Who wants those gleaming white cosmetically enhanced American teeth?

I fell in love for the right reason. I fell in love unconditionally.

My body shape was made to get into the perfect aerodynamic position.

I'm quite good at multitasking, but I have to do things immediately.

I'm a former bulimic myself and it's a horrible, horrible addiction.

I'm not a good person to have as an enemy; say nice things about me.

If a French woman wears jeans, it's never with flats - always heels.

I love Jen Meyer - she's a dear friend, and Tabitha Simmons as well.


I'm not a hat person. I really don't like wearing things on my head.

If they had Nautilus on the Concorde, I would work out all the time.

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