It's early in the morning and your competition is still sleeping.

When you find your soulmate, you could sleep under their armpits.

I just have friends that don't sell their pictures to newspapers.

I was quiet for a year but I had 4,000 articles written about me.

I've started the adoption process... I really want to be a mommy.

Life is never what it seems - and that’s the great thing about it

I've been fooling the public for years and I'm really good at it.

I love 'Saturday Live' with Fi Glover. I find that very relaxing.

Growing up, me and my mom never really talked about me being gay.

I think if I weren't so beautiful, maybe, I'd have more character

Howard Stern was the only one that was able to get through to me.

I have a Volvo S60R and its a pretty fast car, the R says it all.

Im a popcorn fanatic. No matter how full I am, I can eat popcorn.

I have lots and lots of party clothes. I mean real party clothes.

I really work on my abs. I'll do crunches, and I work on my butt.

After I wake up, I take a shower, and that's when I wash my face.

I always wash my face at night, even if I have to use face wipes.

My theory is that the only people who hate hipsters are hipsters.

I have a lot of hang-ups in life with men. I'm not very trusting.

Don't worry, be happy! Just like the song. So simple yet so true!

I want my children and grandchildren to see what I look like now.

If we can send a man to the moon, then why don't we send a woman?

Lord knows, I never want to waste any more of my time in mirrors.

I wear everything to jeans and a t-shirt to Zac Posen ball gowns.

When my inner mood is positive, I also feel great on the outside.

In England you laugh at yourselves, in France we laugh at others.

I left home at 15 to go to the North Carolina School of the Arts.

I love going for walks and like to do fun active things outdoors.

Just because I could model didn't automatically mean I could act.

I didn't have any friends, and I never went to the class parties.

I can't say modeling is a hard job. And it brings the money home.

Those of us who refuse to risk and grow get swallowed up by life.

Learn from the past, look to the future, but live in the present.

I was reading so much about myself in the papers that was not me.

I don't have to be walking around like some peasant. I'm royalty!

I've always liked all the sciences like math, physics and biology

Do not expect anything; there is more to be gained by earning it.

And I have a couple swimsuit calendars I did that are coming out.

The hardest thing for me was leaving my friends and family behind.

I don't eat wheat and am into alternative medicines and treatment.

The best thing is one hour of aerobics and one hour of anaerobics.

I usually treat myself to a monthly facial, but I also love masks.

I try to train as much as I can, as much as my schedule allows it.

At school, I got teased because I was so thin and awkward-looking.

A bad boy with a good heart, I think that would be perfect for me.

In a couple of years, I'll be the most glamorous woman, hopefully.

My biggest goal in life is to not be annoying about being a bride.

I have survived and possibly I should not hope for more than that.

When I was 17, I used to really think about what I wore every day.

Don't buy anything online that you'd laugh at buying in real life.

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