I always get to eat what I want because if I don't, I go insane.

I'm actually excited about turning 60. I feel on top of my game.

I am the doctor of our family, and I am a big fan of homeopathy.

I don't want to know what the future will be. I want to live it.

I've done everything in the theatre except marry a property man.

My pseudonym is 'George R. R. Martin.' That guy's just an actor.

I do all my own stunts and come away with bruises and scratches.

I just like to hear that guys have the same problems that we do.

I have to get at least 10 hours of sleep or it's not a good day!

I want six kids. We'll see how it goes, but I want a big family.

Money is like hormones. It's just how you feel on any given day.

I'd never go under the knife because I have a phobia of needles.

I have been getting glitter-dipped nails for ages and love them.

Skin care is so important, and I'm the craziest person about it.

I would rather just be successful and have money than be famous.

I kept quiet for eight years. I did not want to hurt the church.

Once my mom passed away, I have nobody to answer to. It's great.

I play guitar and sing when I'm not busy with school and acting.

It is up to us to make the right choice and the right decisions.

Our hair is forever. We have to take care of it and maintain it.

I get really puffy eyes, so I'm all about a good puffy-eye mask.

I'm fiercely protective of my children even though we are on TV.

anything a guy can do a girl can do better...except being stupid

I always like to sing along to some depressing, angry Morrissey.

Fashion is what others give you, style is what you give yourself

I had 30-something years' experience in modeling, which is rare.

When I'm studying English I love to watch 'Friends' or 'Nikita.'

I live my life day by day, and that's how I continue to live it.

I'm not set on a pedestal where I think I'm too high and mighty.

When I remember my life in Russia it is in totally dark colours.

I'm definitely a narcissist, and TV is fabulous for narcissists.

I'm not the healthiest eater; I'll admit that. I love junk food.

You can't spend three hours at a gym and then go eat everything.

If I knew the joy a child brings, I'd have become a mom earlier.

We are here on this planet to add to the happiness of the world.

If you just say nothing, there is no way they can make you talk.

In the future, I want a movie career, kids and a happy marriage.

Self-confidence goes a long way and is very attractive to others.

You don't have to lose your sense of style once you become a mom!

Beauty should not be culturally relevant; it should be universal.

I'd rather have flowers in my hair, than diamonds around my neck.

My mother's English, and she always was fascinated by the desert.

I was very skinny, braces; so I never thought I would be a model.

I love to go get fireworks, even though some of them are illegal.

I don't want someone to watch sports in bed. That drives me nuts.

When I started doing movies, every crew member was older than me.

I was assigned boy at birth but I have always known I was a girl.

I think music influences fashion and has done so for generations.

I will always do what I want to do and I won't go with the crowd.

Going and running, just to run on the treadmill, wasn't my thing.

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