I think I'm quite good at being sexy in a unthreatening way.

We are all put in different positions for different reasons.

Don't ever be afraid to step out and do something different.

Family is forever and the most important foundation in life.

On my skin for the winter, I like Hydracid C20 cream by SVR.

I love my fans! My job would not be what it is without them.

Understand how all things are interconnected, including you.

'The Survivalist' really makes you think. It stays with you.

When I'm in professional mode, I do the best job that I can.

My weight is something that people seem to talk about a lot.

I'm always late for things and always feel like I'm rushing.

You can achieve anything you put your mind and hard work to.

As soon as I get into my house, I put on sweats and pyjamas.

If we eat healthy and live healthy, then that's sustainable.

[On her thinness:] It's not what you'd call a figure, is it?

I've got Indian looks, but there is nothing in my background.

If people enjoy your movies, that's the most important thing.

Personality affects appearance, so I always think positively.

Hef was very protective of the women who went to the Mansion.

I have this problem where I'm never satisfied with what I do.

I always have eaten really healthy, but I'm not a diet freak.

I typically don't wear nail polish, as I like a natural look.

I'm not ever going to be dependent on someone else for a job.

But now I have a child, and it's the best thing in the world.

I wash my hair once or twice a week to keep the natural oils.

As a kid, I got teased about my unibrow. Now I love my brows.

I love a man who has lived a full life and lived on the edge.

When anything bad happens, my insecurities come flooding out.

I'd like to reach out to more women and different body types.

I had my first seizure, and I had to go in for heart surgery.

I'm my own person, and I want people to know me for who I am.

I used to dress up as a model for Halloween, like every year.

Life is too short to not have oysters and champagne sometimes

A smile is like an instant facelift and an instant mood lift.

Men, all men, were always trying to get hold of me, you know.

I've never seen myself as a 'girl driver.' I'm just a driver.

It's definitely part of my job description not to be too fat.

Round, cat-eye frames, wayfarers, and aviators are my go-tos.

Happiness is when you finally connect your mind to your body.

I've always gone out with men who wanted a cook all the time.

I don't cook. I love to eat. I love to go to the restaurants.

Celebrity is hawking make-up, cars, everything; it's shifted.

It was tough going to boarding school. It was very hard work.

I am absolutely in love with platforms and platform sneakers.

The past can never be erased. It is always going to be there.

I love leather vests and jackets, black leggings, black lips.

I just want to get married in a bathing suit... Deal with it.

I want to be healthy, to be there for my husband and my kids.

A guy should be a guy. You don't want him to be too... shiny.

I grew up watching Lee Trevino, Jack Nicklaus, Arnold Palmer.

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