I have always been attracted to Australians and Australia.

It sounds really cliched, but just be true to who you are.

I am rough around the edges, and I am not a polished girl.

Because beauty isn't enough, there must be something more.

Normality is what weak people call living, I call it death

When every action has a purpose, every action has a result

Have fun - a smile is the most beautiful thing on a woman.

God is love. I have loved. Therefore, I will go to heaven.

The secret of great style is to feel good in what you wear

You have to love your body, respect it, and treat it well.

The fashion industry, like others, is constantly changing.

It has long been a childhood dream of mine to have a farm.

Why would anybody lie? The truth is always more colourful.

Eskimos are uncivilised because they don't have any shops.

In a way, I have simplified my life by setting priorities.

I don't want my children to ever think that food is taboo.

Mother Nature made me the way I am, and I should be happy.

Music is another great pleasure of life. I like all sorts.

I have so much fun and I'm a better person when I'm happy.

I think people like it when you have a bit of personality.

To be told we are loved is not enough. We must feel loved.

I amp up my workout by doing Ballet Beautiful twice a day.

I don't really put on makeup when I'm on mom duty at home.

I can still jump on the Tube. I don't want that to change.

Well I've got lots more great TV projects in the pipeline.

I'm not that big a celebrity. I'm just an ordinary person.

I'm drawn to roles where someone has to struggle or fight.

At 14, I was beehived out. I'm glad there are no pictures!

There's certainly never a dull moment in the Stewart clan.

I love anything by Sisley for face and Lancaster for body.

Cara was six years younger. She slept in my bed for years.

The more I sleep the less I have to hang out with everyone

I was supposed to be too short to play college volleyball.

Sheer luck. I was lucky to have been born with cheekbones.

My commitment to refugees comes from a very personal place.

I love everybody that I work with, and we have so much fun.

I've been tiny since I was four, and I eat whatever I want.

My favourite thing is to be somebody else, no longer be me.

I love meeting new people, different cultures. I love that.

I really love women that manage to be amazing in their age.

I don't think just being skinny means necessarily anorexic.

I never drank except a couple sips of wine at Thanksgiving.

My friends think its weird that I spray perfume on my feet.

It looks like I have a thing for dangerous sports, don't I?

For exercise, I now run with my chocolate Lab puppy, Oscar.

I am able to really enjoy the positive attention I receive.

It took me six years to be comfortable modeling a swimsuit.

Actually, I don't really like being confused with my image.

I'm a married woman. I love my husband; I have a good life.

Drink lots of water, get lots of sleep, and take vitamin C!

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