Nobody in my family ever thought that I'd a be a model.

I'm a pants girl. I just feel more comfortable in them.

Desire is normal. Attention is normal, and that's okay.

My dad let me figure out what I wanted to do on my own.

Bet on yourself! You never lose if you bet on yourself!

I love walks, hiking, exploring and being on the beach.

I have to wake up and drink chamomile tea to slow down.

The University of Google is where I got my degree from.

I see the good in people, and I believe in forgiveness.

I always knew I belonged on the other side of the lens.

Always dress like you're going to see your worst enemy.

No one else in my family works in the fashion industry.

I want to do action, romantic comedy, and I love drama.

New York cold gets into your bones, and you can't move.

Meditation will sharpen your senses and your awareness.

I eat apples whole, seeds and all... yes, like a horse.

I'd like to be an assistant producer to a reality show.

When I talk, it shouldn't just be black girls listening.

I like what L'Oreal stands for, which is women of worth.

I can't eat more than six hundred dollars worth of food.

I love blocking people. I'm not afraid to block anybody.

I eat healthy and stay active and drink plenty of water.

Everyone should have enough money to get plastic surgery

The Fourth of July should be celebrated with big hearts.

I always say, the bigger the hair, the smaller the hips!

I enjoyed sex and indulged in it when I fancied the men.

It's been a misery for me, living with Christine Keeler.

I'm not a big planner when I travel; I just feel it out.

I had professional stunt racers teaching me how to drive

I would never write, ever. I might as well exile myself.

To be the outsider is actually a great thing in England.

I enjoy travelling the world, but nowhere beats Walsall.

I especially love French, Italian and Japanese cuisines.

Deep down I'm a lazy person in a constantly moving body.

I listen to John Mayer when I get ready. He's my calmer.

Matching shoes and bags immediately age you by 10 years.

I spend time doing cardio because it makes me feel good.

I was lusted after walking down the streets of New York.

I'm probably the biggest reality television star living.

It was great fun becoming famous, but I got tired of it.

Negative or positive attention - I think it's all great.

Well, I was fourteen in Texas. But I looked twenty-five.

I could lie and tell you I'm a hardcore gamer - I'm not.

In business it's about people. It's about relationships.

I made the intentional choice to step behind the camera.

You have to be kind of sensitive to be in rock and roll.

I'm a girl's girl. I'm a woman's woman. I'm a cool girl.

I love when girls wear print-on-print. It looks so cool.

Being a rock star was out of the question. I can't sing.

To feel at ease, I wear trousers and a cashmere sweater.

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