When you grow up, you think everything you own is going to be designer. Not true. Most of the stuff I own is high-street. I love mixing it up; it's so beautifully made nowadays, and the quality is of such a high standard, and let's be honest: everybody loves a bargain.

In the beginning, New York and I had kind of a love-hate relationship. It seemed so abrasive compared to Europe. But the transformation here in recent years is really something. I don't think I would have seen as much change if I'd lived in any other city in the world.

Having children changes everything; it changes your entire perspective about life since from the moment they arrive your new world begins and ends with them, your concern for their welfare is paramount over everything else and your life is scheduled around their needs.

People that are 40, they don't sit around at talk about gray hair and how it covers their hair. They talk about highlighting, of course they're covering gray, but they don't talk about it that way. They're going to get their colors because they need a little lightening.

I am an advocate for going to the doctor and going every year. I make sure that part of the checkup is spent talking about my heart with my doctor, and getting my numbers checked, and discussing the results. And I make sure that I understand the answers to my questions.

Unfortunately, daily routine is the last thing I have with all three kids, family life, work, foundation, and the amount of travel that I do! So truly, what I try to do to keep myself centered is take breaths in between and before I start a new thing throughout the day.

A lot of people, sometimes they're so stuck on, 'I gotta get married, I gotta get married.' They forget that the really important thing is to have a healthy home, a healthy family, a healthy environment for your kids and to have everything going in a good, peaceful way.

I really think that it's disgusting that Paris is the only place where it is illegal for paps to follow you around. It actually took someone losing their life - Diana, an inspirational woman - and then it changed, but they still won't change it in London! It's horrible!

I'm a big believer in everybody being themselves. If not doing a swimsuit calendar is yourself, that's great. But if doing a swimsuit calendar is yourself, then you should be able to do it. What I do outside the car adds to who I am and expresses a different side of me.

How hard can it be to walk up and down in a straight line? You just need to put one step in front of another; most people do it all the time. What's the worst that can happen? You fall over. Sometimes that happens to non-models, too; it wouldn't be the end of the world.

A girl must have an indefinable magic, real character, a strong sense of self. Her role is to respond to the brief of a photographer or communicate the vision of a designer - while making whatever she does look utterly effortless and whatever she wears utterly seamless.

My fitness inspiration has always been athletes, my whole life. Serena Williams is a great friend of mine and Ronda Rousey - we did Sports Illustrated together. Obviously, following powerful women and seeing their bodies and how hard they work is really inspiring to me.

I actually wanted to be a fashion designer. I did a lot with the sewing machine at home - - for Barbie or for carnival or just for fun. Then I saw this ad in the newspaper. And as young girls sometimes do some stupid things, I filled in the coupon and sent in my photos.

My main motivation for staying in the spotlight at all is, I don't want to just be known for being involved in 'Playboy,' or having been Hugh Hefner's girlfriend - I hate that. I like to show I can do other things and take on other challenges. That's my main motivation.

I love high heels from the age of 10! Short skirts and then high heels. My classmates used to make fun of me. Like, 'Ooh, she's so skinny and she's wearing high heels.' But I just wore what I like, and I didn't care about people's opinions, the same as I don't care now.

In Brazil, no matter your shape, you're comfortable walking around in a bikini. You feel good in your body. We know you're never going to be perfect. If you get caught up in worrying about this and that, you're going to spend all your life working on these little spots.

My dream job would be to design a sexy maternity collection, maybe also beautiful lingerie for expecting women. It's impossible to find nice sexy lingerie anywhere for pregnant or nursing women, which is when you actually need an extra boost of confidence and feel sexy.

I really discovered I had thyroid disease by accident. My son was having some health concerns, and as I filled out his patient history I noticed I had a lot of similar symptoms. I mentioned it to the doctor, and he ran blood work and finally an ultrasound of my thyroid.

I hope that when girls see my clothes, my shoes, or my outrageous jewelry collection, they feel the thrill of wanting more for themselves too. I love what my friend Andre Leon Talley said: "If you are successful, people want to see it. They want to share in your dream".

I've learned not to take things personally. We can get offended by anything if we want to. It's not hard to hurt someone's feelings; all they have to do is believe what the offender is saying to be true. No one knows me like I know me, and therefore, no one can hurt me.

Knowing yourself and coming to trust your feelings and your intuition will open up your life to greater possibilities and keep you moving toward your goals. One thing I have learned is that I should trust my 'gut' instincts. Ultimately, only we know what is best for us.

I follow the Dr. Peter D'Adamo Blood Type Diet as best I can. It's an eating and living guideline that understands you as a biochemical individual... and I find it really works for me. I eat vegetables, ocean caught fish, and small amounts of organic free range chicken.

When men come home, it is more about being part of the family, being with the children, spending more time with the children, being a strong role model. But I think going as far as cooking and putting the apron on, that takes away the masculinity, and I would miss that.

Living, breathing, and being present is the practice that can lead us to having a full and authentic in-the-body experience. If we can shift our perspective from being separate to being part of it all, psychological hang-ups, insecurities, fears, and disorders dissolve.

Obviously I want to support women, and I believe in women, and I think we should support each other, but we shouldn't go into extremes. Some women can get very aggressive towards men, but we need men and love men, so keeping the right balance is the most important thing.

Business fits me best. The only reason I went into modeling originally was to help out my family, because I knew that money gave you freedom. I tried acting and all of the arts, I even put out a record album, but what I like the most is business, which is where I am now.

I think Netflix is incredible! I travel a lot, so it keeps me company sometimes. I like 'Peaky Blinders.' I'm a big fan of Cillian Murphy, and he is quite the actor. I watch documentaries, mainly, but I've really gotten into watching scary movies. 'It Follows' is wicked.

Skinny jeans and an extra big t-shirt. Ugh, I cannot stand that. It looks like an idiot: it's just proportionately wrong. And the super, super, super, super, super, super, super skinny jeans. I don't think you can get anything done when you're wearing clothes that tight.

All Playboy bunnies were constantly reminded that the TV show was Hugh Hefner's show - our contributions were irrelevant. We were the decorative icing, not the cake. According to our boyfriend, he could have splashed any three blondes on-screen and found instant success.

At one point, my house was a school for autistic children. I opened up my doors to about 30 kids and their families at the time. I was turning into Mary Poppins because I had to do something for these kids who have nowhere to go. So my house was the school for two years.

Men mess up. Women create this big illusion in their head that the man they're going to be with is going to be perfect. Nobody's going to be perfect, and people are going to let you down. The only thing that you can hope for is someone that's going to be honest with you.

I became obsessed watching fashion TV shows when I was a teenager and recognized that I had the height and body frame. I especially became hooked when I saw on 'E! True Hollywood Story' how much a model can make and how I can achieve a better living for my family and me.

I appreciate both men and women. I love the female body and truly appreciate the female form. I really enjoy sketching women, especially their backs. I definitely need a man in the bedroom, however-a nice strong chest to lie on. Still, I want to explore. Never say never.

I love acting and would love to do it more. It's harder to go into acting as a model now than it ever was because so many models are doing the same thing. I want to do anything that's challenging and not within my comfort zone, and a Bond girl is so different to who I am.

When I got into high school, I got really into basketball. I had this itch that I wanted to just move. I didn't know what I wanted to do, but I knew that if basketball became a scholarship or something, it would be a means to that. It turned out I couldn't jump that high.

My biggest downfall is my inner voice. Growing up as a dancer makes you very judgemental with yourself. You learn to look at yourself in the mirror and you criticise every line in your body. It's never perfect. I grew up with this because I had ballet every day in school.

In the daytime during the summer, I only wear 'Laura Mercier Secret Camouflage Concealer' for coverage. I keep that in my bag at all times. I love 'RMS Buriti Bronzer' because it has a little bit of red in it, and my skin is on the reddish side, so it matches really well.

It's very hard when you do photocalls. You have to be on time, you have to be all cheesy smiles, and have your hair and make-up done, and be into it. It's not like a photoshoot. You have to really put the cheese factor in. I think you have to be more willing to go for it.

The thing is I really struggle with commitments, so committing myself to six months to a year in a soap opera... I don't think it would suit my lifestyle. A few days working on a project is enough for me, and then I get bored and am ready to move on and do something else.

We're shooting bathing suits down here in St. Barts of course, I do get extra self-conscious. But I'm still here. If there were really something wrong with me, then they wouldn't fly me over here to do this kind of thing - and they can use Photoshop and make me look nice.

If Rihanna stripped it all down morally rather than with her clothes, perhaps we'd get closer to Nina Simone. She's talented, but all we want is to sing the truth. If Britney Spears was to sing closer to her heart, she might have been the new Bobby Gentry or Dolly Parton.

We [me and my husban] like to honor both of our family traditions whenever possible . We show the girls lots of pictures and tell a lot of stories about both of our childhoods. We also try to teach them both Portuguese and Serbian, though English is their primary language.

There should be a greater register that the public is quite interested in mature women. It's really about the story; it shouldn't matter whether it's male- or female-driven. What should matter is if the story is powerful and interesting. And this has been going on forever.

Most Americans think of hunger as a problem affecting only places like India, Africa or South America. But it is a tragic reality that our country has millions of children who are suffering from lack of food. We must all work together to save our country from this problem.

With modeling, I'm thankful to have so many work options. But you do have to be able to say no. In reality, everything would be yes because every gig pays more than any normal job. But you still have to keep your priorities straight in life. And my priorities are my girls.

So many times, we take things to heart and that eats us up, and we think it over and over again with work and our personal life. But most of the time, it is not personal. It may have nothing to do with you but, instead, what the other person is going through in their life.

I'm not one of those people that has to look myself up every five seconds to see what people are saying. That's been really helpful. I mean, you get thousands of compliments, and then one person will say something negative - and that's all you'll remember, that one person.

My goal is people associate November with COPD awareness month as much as they notice October with breast cancer and pink. That'd be a great thing if it happened. The fact that COPD kills more people than breast cancer and diabetes put together should raise some red flags.

I think there is some resistance when people talk about ethical fashion, and a tendency to panic that if you're bringing a moral agenda and highlighting the origins of the garments, you can't incorporate style. But there's no reason why style and conscience can't co-exist.

I'm like a middle-aged person; when my friends go on about modern bands, I don't know what they are talking about. I'm into rock n' roll, like Jimi Hendrix. Not so much because of my parents, who used to play a lot of Nina Simone and older blues, but my brother and sister.

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