I went along doing the one-salad-a-night routine for a year. And I remember feeling so tired and depressed and irritable. I had no personal life. I was always flying someplace - weekends, holidays, vacations. Dinners at night were no fun because I couldn't eat.

We eat the same breakfast every day. We are like robots. I always do two eggs over easy with turkey bacon - we enjoy the taste of it more than pork - and avocado. I carve it all up into a bowl so it's like a slop, and I load it with salt and pepper and Cholula.

In modeling, my height was a big challenge to overcome, because I was pretty much the shortest girl on the runway whenever I was doing the catwalk. The clothes didn't fit and the shoes didn't fit. It was an issue, but luckily, it didn't prevent me from working.

To me, it's not the end of the world if I end up not being with someone. I love romance. I love sex. I love men's company, but I don't feel I have to be married. Men are a wonderful part of life, like chocolate. But my life goes on whether they're there or not.

I feel like life is really short, and it's important to enjoy yourself and embrace whatever comes your way, whether it's a challenging day or a great day, just welcome it with open arms. No matter who you are, you can't escape challenges; they are part of life.

What you wear for work should be comfortable and empowering. If you're working in business, your outfit should mean business. If I go to meet somebody about an acting job, or something creative, then I'll be in my jeans. For me, overdressing is my biggest fear.

You have this one life. How do you wanna spend it? Apologizing? Regretting? Questioning? Hating yourself? Dieting? Running after people who don't see you? Be brave. Believe in yourself. Do what feels good. Take risks. You have this one life. Make yourself proud.

I really like to have a moment alone at the house, either in the morning or when I come home from work, when I can just zone out at my computer, relax, stare out the window, get into a 'Game of Thrones' episode, go up on my roof, whatever, then go out to dinner.

When you play a lead role, you're in pretty much every scene. It's incredibly tiring. You really have to disappear into the film because you have no time to do anything else. You are either awake and playing the character, or you are trying to catch up on sleep.

I eat healthy when I can; I eat a burger when I want, and I work out. You have to live with the routine that keeps your body the healthiest, and that's what I do - I don't change it for a swimsuit shoot. You have to figure out what works with your body the best.

In real life, I'm so goofy and super weird. I'm never mean, but people don't see the weird side of me. Like, I'll be dancing around. My best friends will always say that they wish others saw that side of me, when I'm doing a weird dance or weird faces or voices.

If I could have a Barbie body, which has no cellulite, I totally would. I would like to have a flatter stomach, but that won't happen either. That is never going to happen. No matter how much weight I lose, my stomach, below the belly button, always pooches out.

Often something more simple would be better. Sometimes I put things together - a shirt, a sweater, a jacket - and it's too complicated. I would have worn only a v-neck sweater, it would have been better. It's not the clothes but it's how you wear them sometimes.

For the record, someone will ALWAYS say that you are too big, too thin, too lean, too fat, too whatever. In my opinion, they are too conceited to think that their opinion is going to change our behavior. A person with confidence won't be deterred! Keep after it!

Sometimes I hold back from tweeting certain things. Sometimes you're emotional, and you want to tweet a lyric or whatever it may be. I can't do that because if I do, it's, 'Oh, this means this and that she must be going through this...' It's like, what the hell?

The business aspect and the social aspect of FEED go hand in hand. The more we can strengthen our business, the more we are able to give. And the more we can focus on giving back, the more customers will want to buy our products, thus strengthening our business.

I'm not really a movie star. No matter what I do in acting, whether I'm good, how much work I get, whatever, I never will be a movie star. Because I never think of myself as one. You are a movie star because you think of yourself as a movie star and always have.

I would ask my mother to show me how to walk - and she did show me. That's why I think it's funny when people say, 'Did so-and-so teach you how to walk?' And I always say, 'You must be talking about my mother, because it was my mother who taught me how to walk.'

I started practicing yoga when I was a teenager, studying classical dance. My body and mind were very open but not very strong. I was trusting, excited, passionate, and receptive. All good qualities when balanced with the proper amount of strength and awareness.

I think it's obvious why someone wouldn't personally want to see these words on their feed, but I'm also concerned about the overall negative environment created when the comment section becomes a battleground for people to bully each other. I signed up for this.

We don't do things we aren't good at by nature. I wouldn't play basketball because I'm only 5' 1". Find what you enjoy - whether it's racing, flying a helicopter, being a doctor, or stitching clothes together. Once you've done that, you have the passion you need.

I was in a business for years where the stylist styled me, and I was wearing things from other designers. I was just there to be a conduit to those things. To be lucky enough to be embraced, having branched out from being a model, has been the greatest gift ever.

Being a funny person does an awful lot of things to you. You feel that you mustn't get serious with people. They don't expect it from you, and they don't want to see it. You're not entitled to be serious, you're a clown, and they only want you to make them laugh.

I was competing in an IPC World Cup race, but the finish area was short and I came across the line with my head down and went straight through the fence. It was only because the Italian team doctor leapt out to grab me that I didn't smash through the café window.

When I won the competition, I had just been offered a job as a designer in Düsseldorf, so that's probably what I'd be doing now. It can be fascinating to consider how your life might have turned out, like in the movie Sliding Doors, but I'm too busy to look back.

Halloween is all about being bold, daring, and creative! You get to be someone else for the night thanks to makeup and a costume. I pretty much do that on the daily, so I am not that big on Halloween, but I do appreciate a good costume and some incredible makeup.

I feel an important part of beauty is not only what you do on the outside but also what you put into the inside. Good fresh food with many vegetables along with love and caring for others. I spend way more time serving others than I do on my beauty routine daily.

I don't understand women who don't encourage each other. I think compliments and showing affection are really important, too. Women don't do that enough, and it's so essential because even if you're shy about giving a compliment, it's good energy; it's uplifting.

Being on a television show and having so many fans is something that I've never experienced before, and it's really neat when they come up to you and are like, 'That storyline is amazing and really spoke to me in my life,' and it's really cool. I really enjoy it.

When I was growing up, my mother taught me and my sisters to celebrate each other - there was no room in our household for negativity. She taught us to embrace each other, and this was empowering for us. She also taught us the value of celebrating our differences.

I play games on-set at work. Sometimes I can't remember people's names, so I start throwing out clues. Like if I can't think of George Clooney, I'll say, 'You know, drop-dead gorgeous, was on a big TV show... ' Until someone says his name, I can't finish my story!

I would also tell kids to make sure that they love whatever they end up doing in life. To really be good at something and excel you have to love it and have to be dedicated to it. Not every day is great and not every day is easy, but you do it because you love it.

I loathe hair salons. People have always told me I am in the wrong business because I can't stand getting my hair cut or having it messed around with. Hairdressers feel as if they've got to be your shrinks. I just want them to do my hair so I can get out of there.

I gave birth to my first son in April 1986. I thought it would be a good goal to get back in shape after having a baby if I ran the New York City Marathon. I ran in it November 1986. I had just shot the 'Sports Illustrated' swimsuit issue, so I was in great shape.

I did a really fun orange nail polish with my friend Deborah Lippmann. All of her nail polishes are named after songs so we called this one "Lara's Theme" which is really cute. It's a bright orange which is really good for summer or cheering yourself up in winter.

People were like, "Oh maybe we can change your teeth" and I thought that was going a bit far. You have to be really strong in this job and realise that you are your own boss and if someone tells you to do something, you don't have to do it. I really like my teeth.

Obviously, I've seen what the press has done to my cousins. I would never let that rule my life, but I'm not the kind of person to rebel or do things. I don't know. I don't let the potential for bad press dictate who I am, but I keep that in mind. How can you not?

I'm happy living in the countryside. We are 30 minutes away from Milan, so I can drive in for dinner and drive out. It's not a question of living in the country or in the city, it's really a question of living in a tight, close-knit clan that makes the difference.

I've tried to maintain a healthy image but not necessarily a size because as women, we're all different sizes. I go for being the healthy size; whatever that is for you. It's important to embrace that and love your body for what it is. Each woman has her own body.

For the most part, I don't do anything to my brows. They aren't bleached, just naturally light. Maybe when I was a little kid, I thought they were strange, but I realized as I got older, the things that make you different are the things that are special about you.

I've wanted to be an actor since I was 6 years old. I was literally picked off the streets of Paris... while I was modeling there. I was asked to audition for Oliver Stone's 'Alexander.' I didn't get the part, but that led to commercials and roles in South Africa.

We get so caught up in doing everything for ourselves, including inspiring ourselves, that it's exhausting and not at all useful. Take a look around you. Look at your friends. Open up to your friends and take in the caring and good intentions they hold toward you.

Christianity, like most religions, works with fear. Sins can be confessed and you are 'Clean again' and can start to sin again without thinking about your old sins. We believe that people should ask themselves why they sinned. They should show some responsibility.

The thing is, we live in a contemporary world, and being able to make yourself the best person you can possible be can be difficult. But as long as you're trying to figure it out, and you're really looking in the right direction, everything's going to be all right.

The really hard moment was when my dad said, 'Honey, if an agent is telling you to lose weight, then maybe you should lose weight.' I was 15, standing in our living room, having a moment I will never forget. I never had a parent tell me to lose weight, and it hurt.

I love Marilyn Monroe, Jimi Hendrix, and Kurt Cobain. I really do. It doesn't matter what style they had - whether it was pin-up or whatever - it just worked for them, and it looked effortless even though it was fabulous. I like anything that just looks effortless.

I have a company where I'm trying to get projects off the ground. Me and my partner Madeleine Sackler, we just shot our first feature in a maximum security prison where about 95% of the cast were incarcerated men. We're editing that and there's a doc going with it.

Being a model, you're constantly judged on the way you look, but I think you have to be really strong and confident in knowing who you are and not take anything personally, you know, because not everybody can like you, and not everybody will think you're beautiful.

It's tough. We don't have a character-driven show so I think the fans get really frustrated because they don't get to see any consistency in terms of what's happening romantically. We kind of just have to take it with a grain of salt. It shows up where it shows up.

I can't even begin to tell you how many casting couches I was attacked on. Not just by casting people, but by stars. And when I wouldn't give them my number, they'd say, "Who the hell do you think you are? You will never make it in this town. I'll make sure of it."

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