I constantly have a devil on my shoulder telling me that what I'm doing is really horrible, and then somehow the lightning strike happens and everything comes together. I've just realized I have to live with that devil on my shoulder a little bit more.

My main message is for people to live your life through love. That doesn't necessarily mean through a relationship. It could be your friends, your family, your workplace, even just walking down the street and smiling, saying 'Hi!' Embracing positivity!

I did grow up in a household where the narrative was about public service and how are you going to effect change and help people. I'm so glad I grew up around that narrative, but I never had the calling to go out and shake hands and try to get elected.

I honestly don't think about myself; it's more about my kids. They were both born in L.A., and they're like little beams of sun, little tornadoes, and they can't be in a confined space. And one of the things I love most about L.A. is the freedom there.

Rod's always opening doors for me, but I usually tell him to walk through first. Otherwise, if we're at a restaurant and I'm in front, the paparazzi end up getting a big giant close-up of me, and then he's trailing behind, looking like my little child!

I wasn't trying to modelI'm not sure where it's going, apart from the pleasure of making beautiful thingsI said I wasn't going to model after having my son. Now I just think, 'Fine, I enjoy the people a lot.' And I haven't found a better part-time job.

Read labels in your favorite products. Look for short lists of simple, less-processed ingredients with names you recognize as food. If you find some of the same ingredients in your cereal as your shampoo, maybe it's time to switch to something simpler.

As a model, I really stand for not being a model, if that makes sense. When I started, the whole idea of the model was very different; it was a bit stuck-up. Not stuck-up, but no one was trying to have fun, or not even have fun, but be willing to smile.

I’m 23 right now and I feel like I’m still trying to figure it out. Maybe in another two years, I’ll have it all together. So maybe 25 is the age at which a woman feels her most beautiful just because she’s survived her teenage years and early twenties.

I think I'll probably be pregnant all through my 30s. I've always pictured everyone around the table for the holidays and together once a week. It'll be heartbreaking if it doesn't end up happening, but hopefully it will. We've got some embryos on hold.

I love the 'Victoria's Secret Knockout Front-close Strappy-back Sport Bra.' After a strenuous and sweaty workout, I don't have to pull it over my head to take it off. The front close makes it very convenient and easy, and the strappy back is super sexy!

I used to go on runs, it's kind of hard for me now unfortunately in Paris because it's a little bit hectic. My knees aren't that great, so recently I haven't been on the treadmill that much but that's why I like to box on a soft floor. It's good for me.

Ferdinand was a gold trader. He was a lawyer for mining companies. When he entered politics in l949, he had tons and tons of gold. When Bill Gates was a college dropout, Ferdinand already possessed billions of dollars and tons of gold. It wasn't stolen.

People have always assumed that I am privileged. And that has been a problem sometimes. When I first started modelling, and I was schlepping around London with no money, I found it rather irksome that people thought I had a private income when I didn't.

I was muscular - I was never overweight. But tell a girl that she has to lose 15 pounds when she's not fat, and that has destroyed a lot of who I am over the years, even still. In my mind I'm thinking, 'I'm always too heavy. I should be a skinny thing.'

My mum had this idea I was going to be this long-haired hippie playing guitar and bought me one when I was 13, but my little brother picked it up instead and was such a natural, he kept it! Io Echo is a band my brother now plays in; they're really good.

When I'm in Brazil, I'm not Brazilian at all; I am a gringo. And then when I'm in England, I'm not really English, but when I lived in Canada, I was considered too English. So I never really felt like I clicked somewhere or that I belonged to one place.

I am not complaining; I had a beautiful childhood - we didn't have a lot of money, but there was always food on the table, and my parents saved money so that in the holidays we would all get in the car and drive to the mountains. I have amazing parents.

From Kevyn Aucoin, I learned about the power of eyebrows. He was an eyebrow freak, and rightly so because there's nothing in your face that changes you more. You can quite visibly lift your eye with a higher-placed eyebrow, or if you thicken or thin it.

Having arrived in London to seek refuge during the civil war in Sudan, where I was born, the thing I'm most proud of is having totally evolved. I came here not knowing how to speak English, but I went to school and learned; I adapted to this new culture.

When I was really small, my mother had difficulty keeping me dressed, as I liked to be naked! I definitely had very strong ideas on what I wanted to wear. My favourite look was always Action Man and Spiderman. Now though, I really like beautiful clothes.

Because I was the first super-elite, the press caught on and started calling me a supermodel. So in that sense, I guess I'm the first. But, in my opinion, there were girls that could have been called supermodels before that, if the term was in existence.

I never really wear any make-up on my face, like foundation or anything - and I really wouldn't advise that you leave that on your skin at night - but I do often leave on my eye make-up overnight. I actually prefer it the next day; it looks more worn-in.

Part of the reason why I love acting is that you do hope that somehow your work will connect to people and somehow expand their consciousness somewhat, and being able to challenge notions of prejudice through work - through my work - is really thrilling.

My favorite would have to be concealer, which I don't think anyone can live without these days. I use the CK One concealer as well as their One color face makeup. It's brilliant. It's super natural, and it makes it look like you don't have any makeup on.

I think you should really research your cause, see if there are other people who are already doing the same thing you're doing and try to join forces because I really feel like collaborating is really important and very efficient. More is more, you know?

Most new moms, and even experienced moms, have questions in the months after giving birth. Pregnancy books don't explain everything, and you may be caught off guard by some things that are happening both to you and to your baby in those first few months.

The mere acknowledgment that 'God is watching' can act as a trap, fueling bad behavior, corruption, and guilt, all remedied by God's forgiveness. No personal responsibility is needed - someone on the outside sees whatever we're doing and makes it all OK.

Honestly, in the beginning, it was really tough. Coming from Cincinnati, Ohio, I was just a girl who had a dream, which was to go to Los Angeles, have a career and to be able to support my family. To have a dream like that and, you know, you're not ready.

It's not really like you have a thing like a supermodel anymore. It's more of a word than a real existence. I think, also, looking at it from a designer's point of view, at one point maybe they felt the stars took too much attention away from the clothes.

My style has been nurtured over time. It's more about knowing what doesn't suit you. I love suits and anything sharp, and I know that shape suits me. I don't feel feminine in floaty dresses with spaghetti straps - I feel more like Freddie Mercury in drag.

I was always obsessed with being famous. I had Marilyn Monroe paper dolls as a child, and I was always obsessed with her. I've just been really driven in that direction, and none of my friends were. So, I don't know what put that bug in me at a young age.

Being on an airplane a lot can dry out your skin, so it's important to bring a good mask to help refresh it. Also, I never go without SPF. It's one of the most important things to include in your daily beauty routine, no matter where you are in the world.

Luckily, one of the perks of being an Angel is that I don't have to go to casting. It's so nerve-wracking - even the girls who have been in the show year after year still get nervous. The show is seen around the world, so it's a huge honor to be selected.

Yes, I did and a lot of my friends who are in the same program as I were very much supportive, and the most important thing they said to me is do not let this interfere with what you have to do in taking car of yourself. That was the most important thing.

I joined MySpace in September 2003. At that time no one was on there at all. I felt like a loser while all the cool kids were at some other school. So I mass e-mailed between 30,000 and 50,000 people and told them to come over. Everybody joined overnight.

When I was growing up, we were in a high income bracket, one of the highest. I was one of the first in high school to get a car. And I didn't have to wait for it to be a graduation present, either. We've probably got one of the nicest houses in Sacramento.

The thing is, if I ever found a guy I could fall in love with, I'd want to marry him and have his children. And that scares me to death because I think I'm a whole bunch of crazy, and I always worry that a guy will walk away once he really, truly knows me.

I'm really into quantum physics. Some of my friends are into it, some of them aren't, so I'm trying to get them excited about discovering all these interesting things about thoughts and the power of thoughts. It gives me chills thinking about it. It's fun.

I love 'Victoria's Secret Sport' because what they do so well is the fit and how it makes you feel. They sculpt all the right parts of your body. Plus, there's so much to choose from - colors, prints, and cool details. It's dangerous - you want everything.

I believe that one of the saddest things in the world today is that some people don't have enough food to nourish themselves. It's the 21st century and that's really not acceptable, so if I could do something that would change that I would be really happy.

In workout never try and follow someone else's exact routine because everyone has a different body, For me, I do a lot of weight training, and this works great for me because I am lean and want to build muscle mass. Find what's best for you and keep it up!

Running just makes me happy. I love the freedom of running. I ran until I was seven and a half months pregnant with each of my babies. When I gave birth to my first son, my doctor said I couldn't run for six weeks. I was sneaking back out after eight days.

Elvis Presley - his music, his movies, his photos. I come across a new image of him every day and try to imagine what he was thinking, what inspired him. His talent and beauty were just incredible, and his passion for life, family, and friends inspires me.

Women, I think we can feel like we need to do it all and be it all. What's important is that we do the best we can, and just make time for yourself because when you do make time for yourself, you give back more as a mother; you give back more to your work.

I have a lot of friends who are infected with HIV, and you wanna protect them... To increase the awareness of it and to find a cure for it, the human lives we would save would be a really awesome thing. You just have to involve yourself as much as you can.

I am still learning, myself, but I guess I would say to be aware of what is around you. Do not expect anything; there is more to be gained by earning it. Work hard, play fair, be kind to all living creatures, and take a moment to just sit back and breathe.

I've learned a lot about fashion through modeling, but you know what they say, mother knows best. She used to tell me, "Your shoes, bags and belt better match before you walk out the door." I love her, but I don't necessarily agree with that advice anymore!

My daughter decided to embrace and celebrate who she was. She was a size 2 at one time, but she decided she didn't want to be hungry anymore. I think that's how you turn it around. Today, more and more designers are recognizing how lucrative that market is.

With 'Little Accidents', I spent probably three months working with a physical therapist, just understanding, starting from square one, about the neurological makeup of what happens when you have a stroke or what carbon monoxide poisoning does to your body.

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