Traveling around Ethiopia, I saw dozens of abandoned textile factories. People kept asking me to help them find work. So I thought I could make use of my experience in fashion to commercialize their products outside of Ethiopia.

My mother always spoke to me in English, so it's technically my maternal language, and it became a kind of private language - I was happy that I could speak in English to my mum and the majority of people wouldn't understand it.

I did not get to where I am in life by being weak and allowing others, who are weak, try and 'break' me. These men are in fact powerless cowards hiding behind an honorable badge and I will not stop until justice has been served.

My parents were both in the army for 20 years and then worked in government departments; but they had gone through the Great Depression and known lean times. They always remained extremely frugal and lived far below their means.

I'm pretty blessed when it comes to clear skin. I owe that to being Cape Verdian. My whole family has great skin. My grandfather is 80 but doesn't look a day over 50. And we all love the sun, too, so blessed is an understatement!

I like running and swimming, and exercise four or five times a week, but not for long - about 30 minutes. I just exercise by myself and find that as I get older it becomes easier. In school I remember not enjoying running at all.

Everybody's different, so in order to feel sexy I think you need to have something that fits right, you need the style that looks most flattering on you, and you should just try everything on and figure out what style is for you.

I'm an advocate for if you take something, you have to give something back, and I think Raw Spirit shares that philosophy. I love that it gives back to the communities they partner with. It's just truly a pure of hearted company.

As a mom of three young kids, it's difficult to reserve a big chunk of time for shopping, so I try to get my gifts little by little throughout the year. I think this is especially helpful for those of us who are budget conscious.

I'll say it's not easy to keep yourself between 100 and 112 pounds every day of every month of the year. Especially for women. I'm a woman; once a month I retain water and I crave chocolate and sugar. Those are the toughest days.

It's a little strange when part of your family is in the public eye, and you're being put into a box that you're not necessarily in. That's when it starts to feel a bit odd: When you're being told who you are, but it's incorrect.

I usually do my hair and makeup in 30 to 45 minutes, and if my hair is dirty, I'll just put it in a bun or a ponytail. If it's in a bun, I'll part it down the middle and do a low bun with a couple pieces in the front coming down.

I'm not saying that everyone should swim with sharks, but sometimes you have to jump over your own shadow in order to learn something that you will never forget for the rest of your life. Then you know you can conquer your fears.

I went through a lot in middle school, and you always try so many different looks and try to be so many different people. I finally realized I'm awkward, I'm lanky, and I'm going to embrace it - make fun of myself and just laugh.

And because performing for a game involves real acting. The way they create a game is very similar now to how they create a film. I've always wanted to stretch my acting skills, and the timing being what it is, I couldn't say no.

That's what I tried to create, even though they are new pieces. I wanted them to feel like very special pieces that you can hold on to for a long time. I didn't want them to be too high fashion, I wanted them to be more timeless.

As a model, I am at the mercy of everybody else. It's much more of a situation where I go to work, put the clothes on, get in front of the camera, and then go home. But in that process, I never really have control over any of it.

If we get our self-esteem from superficial places, from our popularity, appearance, business success, financial situation, health, any of these, we will be disappointed, because no one can guarantee that we'll have them tomorrow.

I'm a bit of a contrarian, so I like the idea of going on stage without makeup, without the hair being done, in the jeans and shirt I've been wearing all day. At first that was an issue, because I didn't want to be disrespectful.

I like a bohemian floral dress, but then I'll throw on a leather jacket or a pair of lace-up boots to give it an edge. My mom is always trying to get me to wear really sweet clothes. Something pink. But that's not really my look.

Being honest about being bullied in school and my bipolar was not so much of a 'do I or don't I?'; it was waiting for the right time. Even before I knew what making a mark on the world meant, I knew I wanted to make a difference.

Time moves along at its own pace for as long as we are on this planet, and then some. So why try to beat it anymore? Maybe it's better to meet time head on and chill ourselves out so we can exist in harmony with the passing days.

I grew up in Mammoth Lakes, and they shot an episode up there, and I was hanging around when I was on the ski team. I was very, very involved in athletics, so I didn't watch a lot of TV, but I definitely watched a lot of '90210.'

I can't live without my cup of tea. When I was a judge on 'America's Next Top Model,' they had to put me in a hotel where I had my own kitchen, because they can't make tea in America. I was happy then because I could make my own.

I tell a lot of interesting stories and talk about my background and have a lot of fun. We have a lot of pictures. They actually came to my house and shot me painting my toenails and doing dishes. But I never really do the dishes.

Many [most] of Ivanka's [Trump] ideals are the platform of the democratic party. Her father [Donald Trump] has never mentioned anything she spoke about in her RNC speech. He doesn't talk about childcare, equal pay, women's rights.

I would never wear a look that was all the same designer. I always wear at least one thing that is vintage. I dress according to my mood, and I usually spend money on the basics, like leather jackets, handbags, sweaters and shoes.

I'm interested in every aspect of fashion. I think it's in my bones. When I was younger I used to be my mum's stylist, picking things out for her to wear. I'd say to her, 'If anybody asks you who styled you tonight say, 'Georgia.'

I love social media. There are a lot of benefits, and it gives us a platform for what we want to become, but there's always such a negative tone to it. You see a picture, and the first thing you see or think is a negative comment.

Modeling was another job like some of the other ones I had. Working as a cashier, I delivered newspapers, I worked in a retirement home feeding elderly people. . . so I never stopped and thought about, boy, I'm a successful model.

I love it when a photographer lets me create my own movement and feeling to the images. By that I mean he doesn't restrict me in his or her own ideas but rather gives me a direction and lets me work within those boundaries freely.

It's so important to seek out mentors and knowledge from those who have come before you, and I don't think I would be where I am today, both professionally and personally, without each and every mentor who helped me along the way.

I live in New York. I have an amazing apartment over there; I have this amazing life over there that's full of glamour. I get treated like a queen over there - and that's one of the reasons I love coming home. It's very grounding.

There are lots of things which I would love to tell him, but in some way, I also feel that I lost the person closest to me. And I got a second chance to live. So in a way I feel that I live for both of us... and I will do my best.

I get stressed preparing the night before a red-carpet event, so I like to try and plan on doing nothing in the day so I can relax and unwind beforehand. I usually take a long bath, eat a healthy meal and catch up on some reading.

Sometimes when I need something really nourishing, I'll use the Creme de la Mer night cream - it leaves my skin looking beautiful. I don't go too far on my make-up because I have to wear it so often for work, so I'm quite low key.

I was working in Camden Lock market from the age of 13 to 16, and people often suggested that I should be a model. I knew a girl working on a stall who was with Take Two model agency, so I decided to go along, and they took me on.

And I'm auditioning right now for a movie, and then I have a script that I'm reading right now for a horror film, and I'm meeting for a couple of television shows that I just had yesterday, and pretty much was offered one of them.

Sleep is one of the great pleasures of life. Designing my bed linen line seemed like a natural progression for me. Everyone loves getting into a bed made up with beautiful linen. I love sewing, I love fabrics, and I love sleeping.

For me, I've such a steady presence throughout the community that I think if anyone can raise up to the challenge of presenting the face of cosplay, it could be me. Not to be vain, but I've had the training to be in this position.

I was only 16 when I was selected for 'Madrasapattinam.' I celebrated my 17th birthday on the set of the film. That was the first time I had travelled to India, and it was a rollercoaster ride. I soon fell in love with the country.

When you're suddenly pregnant and no one is standing by your side, even if you're in your 30s, it's a hard conversation. I'm a traditional girl, and I believe in marriage, and I just always thought that's the way I'd be doing this.

The best anti-aging advice I've ever received? Drink a lot of water and have a plant-based diet. I also do mindful meditation with my daughter every day. It takes ten minutes. I think reducing stress plays a big part in anti-aging.

I think women see me on the cover of magazines and think I never have a pimple or bags under my eyes. You have to realize that's after two hours of hair and makeup, plus retouching. Even I don't wake up looking like Cindy Crawford.

If I've been working a lot and I've been away from my kids, then I don't go to the gym. It's okay to miss a day. I tell myself not to feel bad about it, too, because then it's a waste if you choose not to do something and feel bad.

I used to do my own taxes. You know how you buy that gigantic sheet at Staples, add up the restaurants, clothes, and taxis and glue your receipts into the book month by month? The more money I made, the more complicated things got.

When it comes to jewellery, less is more as you get older. Just before I go out to a party, I look at myself in the mirror and take off half of the jewellery I'm wearing. Anything that rattles or clanks is just too dowager duchess.

I think the more mediocre you are the better you do because people need to think you're their friend, they don't want to be threatened by you, you've got to be warm, you've got to be not too smart, not too pretty, not too anything.

When I found out I was pregnant, the first thing that had to go was the acne medicine and chemical-filled face washes and lotions. I made sure everything was natural and organic, and I started reading blogs by other pregnant women.

What I like about modelling is that it has given me that opportunity to travel and experience different cultures, work with creative people, and now it's given me a voice, and with that voice hopefully I can do good things with it.

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