When I was in the eighth grade, I wrote this huge long paper about how I had no idea what I was gonna do with my life, but that I wanted to make a difference and touch even if it was like one person's life... inspire them.

Some people can go out in a tight, short dress and heels, and it works, but even if I'm going to a club, I've got to throw on a big hoodie or something. And that's if you can get me into something tight in the first place.

I'm the kind of person who just can't wait to get on a train and not know where I'm going. I definitely want to live life to the fullest. And that's the type of man I'm attracted to - somebody with that spontaneous spirit.

When I went to Fashion Week, I was very disappointed by how few women of color were in those shows. I do speak to the younger girls, and I hear them when they say they're not getting the big contracts or into the big shows.

What the canons of beauty transmit is an idea of taking care of yourself. Eating well, living healthily, doing sports. It's a way to highlight the natural beauty in each of us. The natural body that all of us are born with.

If you could sit down with Jesus, you wouldn't need anybody else. He could answer all of your questions. Instead of Einstein and Louis Pasteur and Madame Curry, you could just have Jesus and he could answer for all of them.

I didn't think there was life after modelling, believe me. It's a hit to the ego when you are not the diva on the set any more. But I think what keeps me going are challenges. I love when people tell me I can't do something

You have responsibilities and if you want to be the best in your industry you need to have a relentless dedication to your job. I was fortunate to have support from my parents and sister growing up and that helped me a lot.

My idea of happiness is effortless happiness. The things that ground you. For me it's art and cooking, for example, and when I can be with my friends and the people I love and do simple things. That's when I'm the happiest.

My first-ever concert was the Barney concert when I was, like, six. My mum took me because I was obsessed with Barney. Barney was actually my first crush... He's, like, literally better than all the guys in the whole world.

One time, my ex-boyfriend and I were in Paris, and we went to this really fancy dinner. We weren't full after, so we walked from the schmoozy restaurant to McDonald's, and we finished our date at McDonald's. It was awesome.

Why are we so obsessed with celebrity culture? We have front-page news about divorces instead of front-page news about global warming, about women being abused, about children being abused. We're going on a downward spiral.

I don't want to be too strict, because I think kids can get rebellious, but I want to raise my daughter to be passionate about doing good things and pursuing real things and hobbies instead of frivolous materialistic stuff.

'Blanche' opened a new door for me without really making me more famous. 'Blanche' was a risk, but that is the only thing that excites me in this profession. The knowledge that I am an actress who takes risks lifts my soul.

People don't even realize the power the mind has over the body in the way you perceive things. Change your thoughts, change your reality. Words are powerful - every thought and every word we think has an effect on the body.

I grew up under Communism so we could only learn Russian, and then when Communism fell in 1989 we could learn a few more things and have the freedom to travel and the freedom of speech - and the freedom of dreaming, really.

Sometimes, fame does scare me. When people know where you are and what you're doing, that can be frightening because I'm such a private person. So I like to try and keep things light-hearted and stay as private as possible.

When my friends talk about childhood, I've never heard of any cartoons or TV they remember. The only thing we share is Michael Jackson. That's how far his music travelled - to a remote village on the other side of the world.

I am extremely excited to develop and design a brand representative of my life, experiences and style. Working closely with Cherokee will help establish a worldwide presence with best-in-class retailers and category leaders.

I'm kind of a tech person, a nerd. I've always been the person who, when we got our Christmas presents, knew how to work them and set them up; the racecars, whatever. Sit me down in front of a computer program, I'll be fine.

I'm glad to be part of that brand and be a part of something that Hugh Hefner did. And it's a sisterhood - all the girls are sisters. You go there and it's a big old family. Once you're a Playmate you're a Playmate for life.

When I was younger, I liked money - the feel of it. I would sit with my dad and count his coins and be like, 'Yeah.' I'd saved £700 by the age of 10. I thought: 'What the hell am I hoarding this for?' So I bought a drum kit.

I didn't think there was life after modelling, believe me. It's a hit to the ego when you are not the diva on the set any more. But I think what keeps me going are challenges. I love when people tell me I can't do something.

Motherhood has brought me many joys and insights, but the new perspective it granted me on the role I had inadvertently played in young women's lives for the 2 decades I spent in the modeling industry was downright sobering.

We have had the pleasure of speaking with Hillary [Clinton] [and for Hillary] for many years now. It's always an incredibly warm experience - like you are speaking to someone who genuinely wants to work with you and for you.

In the United States of America, we are so liberal-minded on so many different aspects, but for some reason there's always going to be this weird connection with nudity being a bad thing. Americans can be so prude sometimes.

I like a lot of food. I like Taiwanese food, of course. I like baguettes, especially the ones that my dad buys. Vancouver has a lot of variety, with pizza, hot dogs, Italian, Indian, seafood - a great combination of culture.

I tell young girls all the time: "Go for the guys who are more serious, distinguished". The hot-model types, they're too pretty, and too wet behind the ears. Besides, do you want a guy who takes longer to get ready than you?

I think that clothes and accessories define and describe who we are. I can't see many differences between them; they are indeed a way to introduce ourselves to other people, and they help us transmitting a message to others.

I like the men to wear the pants. I don't want to wear the pants. I like men who know what they want, know what they're doing, make their own decisions... As much as I like to be the controller, it's not in my best interest.

When you are at the bottom, you find beauty in such little things, and goodness in such little gestures. When I compare any struggle today to ones that I may have had in my childhood, there is nothing that can bring me down.

I don't really like going out for dinner. It's way better to not have to wait for food... It's quite boring. I don't cook anything, though; I just transfer it from the fridge into bowls. I'm more of a transferer than a cook.

I've got nothing against plastic surgery at all. I know lots of people, young and old, who've had it. The point about good surgery is you can't see it. The important thing is not to go crazy - and not to go to a bad surgeon.

Beauty is deeper than just what you look at in a picture. You could fancy what you like, but as a woman my mother always raised us to believe in ourselves. I'm very grateful for the fact that my mother brought me up that way.

When I first started out, I found it really hard to be rejected all the time. You invest in a casting, you prepare and get excited about it, then when I fail and don't get it, it makes me question whether I should be a model.

Took us a great amount of strength to get them into the world, and for them to be in the world. I think that their little spirits, you know, just said, well, we're going to be there. So it makes it very special because of it.

I love meat and vegetables. If I did a diet, I would do Paleo, except they have no cheese, which is very upsetting. I'm going to start my own Chrissy diet that's like Paleo plus cheese. Plus late Saturday night drive-through.

My spray-tan woman is amazing. She comes to my house at 10 o'clock the night before a shoot. The results are so brown, flawless, and natural. It's just weird because my natural skin color is very white, almost whitish yellow.

I also turn to homeopathic remedies for the treatment of indigestion, travel sickness, insomnia and hay fever just to name a few. Homeopathy offers a safe, natural alternative that causes no side effects or drug interactions.

When you are not missing something, longing for something, you don't really think about it that much. It's like that girlfriend you don't want to have anymore. You don't think about her anymore. Or ex-husband. You just don't.

I was coming back from Tel Aviv recently, and we had forty minutes of bumps. I got so scared I grabbed a paper and pen and put them in my pocket, just in case we crashed and I needed to write a letter from wherever we landed.

I feel like it's always important to curl your eyelashes. I always do when I wake up and you know you look tired, when you curl eyelashes and put mascara it makes such a huge difference, so that's the trick that I always use.

In the United States of America, we are so liberal-minded on so many different aspects, but for some reason there's always going to be this weird connection with nudity being a bad thing. American's can be so prude sometimes.

Yeah, I feel sort of unfinished in New York, even though I spent so many years there. I think it's because I never got a chance to do any Broadway, or even off-Broadway. I would love to do that and I haven't given up on that.

A lot of the time, we're shooting summer campaigns in winter because they have to come out the next season. It's the hardest to feel great in a bikini when it's cold... so I appreciate a swimsuit shoot that's in warm weather.

Since I've been pregnant, I've lost my taste for fast food. I used to be the biggest McDonald's junkie and now I don't like it anymore. I used to be the biggest fast-food connoisseur, and now I've really lost my taste for it.

I always dreamt that I would marry in the Piazza Del Campo in Siena and go on my honeymoon down the Amazon, up the Nile, on a gallop through the pyramids, to Nepal and Kerala, on a safari and finally to Lake Titicaca in Peru.

If I had to model clothes in a time period other than the 21st century, I think I'd like to model way back when they just wore skin loincloths. That would be best suited for me - better than corsets. I'm quite claustrophobic.

I think that since I've had the baby, who's almost two, it's a work-hard-play-hard. Imake a lot of lists, I'm very scheduled, which is hard sometimes, but it keeps me organized - I know Now I can play or Now I've got to work.

I love the characters you can build upon when you wear different things. You know, sometimes, I'll want to be girly and wear tulle on a Tuesday, and sometimes I wanna be like Kim Kardashian and wear black leather head-to-toe.

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