I don't want to have to be beautiful all the time. I want to be able to look cruddy in my weekend sweats, with a pimple on my face and pimple cream on top of the pimple. The expectation to always be beautiful bothers me.

I would tell kids not be like me, but to try and be better than me. Because I always wanted to be better than everyone I was around. That's what drove me. I wanted to be better than my role models. I'm super competitive.

I think most models fear growing old, but from a tender age I had always chosen to play someone grown up. I am slowly but surely catching up with the people that I have spent the last decade and a half trying to portray.

Being a funny person does an awful lot of things to you. You feel that you mustn't get serious with people. They don't expect it from you, and they don't want to see it. You're not entitled to be serious, you're a clown.

I'm kind of a grandma, so I like cooking for my boyfriend and watching a movie. I cook a lot, actually. I'll make bacon-wrapped asparagus, steak, and pesto pasta with chicken...but we go out to dinner a fair amount, too.

My whole life is a contradiction on purpose - to make you think. I think people have forgetten how to have their own opinions. They're always waiting for someone to tell them what to do and what to wear - it's so boring.

A career high was when I did a cover for W Magazines July issue with Steven Meisel. So few girls shoot with Meisel in their career, and a lot of people had told me I would never achieve that, so it was a dream come true.

I love making a body scrub with ground-up coffee and coconut oil. It's really good for circulation, and it smells delicious. I also do a DIY Greek-yogurt-and-honey mask that softens your skin and helps reduce puffy eyes.

I was studying tourism at college and wanted to travel the world as a tour guide - that was my dream! But actually, sometimes modeling feels quite similar, because I travel so much - probably even more than tour guiding.

Home has always been wherever I am. I'm not very attached to walls - or people, for that matter - so I've always loved travelling around. A book in my back pocket, a diary, and a pen is all I need to call any place home.

I always have lipstick, and use the same lipstick for my cheeks as blush, so that it looks very natural. It's a good trick I learned from my mother. I like NYX or MAC because they have a lot of pigment and they're matte.

I'm very kinesthetic, and when you're that way, you just feel it in your body. I know that other actors think with the logical part of their brain, but I wear my character inside my body, even when I'm away from the set.

I remember when I saw 'X-Men' the first time, I was living in England as an exchange student, and my first boyfriend, who's an Englishman, made me watch the movie... He was very jealous that I liked Hugh Jackman so much.

I mean, the media and bloggers may say otherwise, but in reality I have a lot of fans because I'm the only celebrity that actually takes time out to call them and talk to them. I don't think a lot of celebrities do that.

In the current situation, it is very difficult for foreign NGOs to work in Somalia because it is so unstable and dangerous. I really hope that my country will one day rise out of this mess and reach the potential it has.

I've heard that George Clooney did something like nine pilots before 'ER' was picked up, way back when he was doing TV. It's just the way the business works. There are a lot of pilots that we've never seen. It's protocol.

I think that when you use the word 'plus-size,' you're putting all these women in a category: 'You don't eat well.' 'You don't work out.' 'You could care less about your body.' 'You're insecure.' 'You have no confidence.'

I was performing in this burlesque group, and we would go to dance rehearsals every day. You'd use every part of your body. Even though some of it is slow, it takes a lot of muscle to be able to dip down and come back up.

Believe me, I love a good chocolate chip ice cream. I'm not going to go for some lousy version of it. If I'm going to have it, I'm going to have a really good one. I believe in treating yourself occasionally to something.

What I really, really want to do is pre-packaged meals. Fabulous versions that are delicious, healthy, not too expensive and very low in fat. So, that's my big dream, because there's a massive hole in the market for that.

I love vintage clothes. But they don't love me very much. It is difficult to find anything that fits me because of my height, but if I do fall in love with something, I'll buy it and display it like a work of art at home.

When I'm not working, I want to be the version of the person that I was born to be. I was born with curly hair. It fits my personality, and it's totally who I am. I am rough around the edges, and I am not a polished girl.

I was a little biker girl. I thought it was cool; everyone else thought it was really weird. The other little girls were all in these pretty dresses, and my mum bought me this black, studded leather jacket, which I loved.

On several occasions, I discussed with Bill Clinton the subject of inquiries by the media about our relationship. He told me to continue to deny our relationship, that if we would stick together, everything would be okay.

I'm really lucky to have a lot of friends in fashion. I don't know if that's common, but I just get along with a lot of people. My really close friends are Ireland Baldwin, Kendall Jenner, Lily Aldridge and Devon Windsor.

Perception is real, truth is not. I'm not fighting for money and possessions. I'm fighting for something more precious. I pray that as we enter the cyber age -- the Age of Transparency -- the facts and the truth will out.

My friend had a funny remark; he told me everybody has something - some people have a big butt, some people are insecure and at least you know what it is, even if it's a lump on your head. I know I have a lump on my head.

When I was a kid, I got a bob because all of the other girls on my soccer team with straight hair had one, and so I wanted one. Now I know girls with thick, curly hair should not get bobs. My hair was like one big circle.

I was a hoarder, and I got rid of everything. Now nothing comes in my home unless it has a purpose. And decor is not a purpose. Home is New York apartment with a table, a bed and sofas. That's it. Everything else is gone.

I think the worst lie I ever told was, because my last name is Goth, I used to tell kids at school that I used to be related to 'Van Gogh' and when I turned 18, I would inherit all the fortune from the sunflower painting.

I kinda lose my mind in 'Fringe,' or at least my character does. Whenever I'm acting, I tend to accidentally become unable to switch off the character. I'm a little bit of a method actor, but without really wanting to be.

When I have a cocktail, I love a vodka and cranberry. But when I was a kid my mother was really against drinking, because it was so bad for your skin. She'd say, "Stephanie, it's much better to wash your face with vodka."

Don't worry about the room being messy! Everything can't be perfect - you have to let some things go, and it's better to actually sit down on the floor with your child than spend time worrying about having a perfect house.

I live a normal life, I take care of our baby, I cook, and I look forward to the weekend so I can spend some time with my husband. It's the kind of change we all secretly dream of, but which isn't always easy to deal with.

Christie Brinkley told me that I needed to become a movie star because I have that something, and then we actually just became friends on set. She has such a young spirit, and is so vivacious. It was such a fun, fun shoot.

I had to learn how to change my thinking because I can really get caught up in not liking my body. It can turn into obsession and it can be really bad. I think that when that rules your life then you miss the joys of life.

I love that Hillary [Clinton] actually cares enough about the issues to study them and listen to people who are affected by them. She's gotta be one of the most knowledgeable and qualified people to ever run for president.

I love green juices - the ones that include lots of actual greens and don't include too much apple. Because those are just meant to be yummy, and we all know things that are too yummy aren't the best for us, unfortunately.

I switch my products so much, but right now, I'm really into organic skin care. I hope it's here to stay. I like that whole vibe and just being really gentle with your skin and not putting too much products that are harsh.

I want to be an entrepreneur too; I like the business side of things. When I was younger I wanted to be a vet or a tightrope walker. But I have no sense of balance and I can't bear animals dying, so I abandoned both ideas.

My mentality has always been, If I'm not the best at something, then I might as well be the best at something else. I realized that I wasn't going to be an Olympic volleyball player, but I knew I could model at that level.

When I started to run, I would run a mile and then walk a mile and kept building up as time went on. If you are running on the street, go one mailbox or one house further each day. It also helps to build up your endurance!

What are you going to do if you have all the money in the world and all the things that you wanted to achieve in your business and you have no one to share it with? You come home alone at the end of the day. And then what?

A career high was when I did a cover for 'W Magazine's July issue with Steven Meisel. So few girls shoot with Meisel in their career, and a lot of people had told me I would never achieve that, so it was a dream come true.

People found me ugly and weird looking. All those years of that whole insecurity thing just makes you feel horrible then really slowly you start to think if they can make me look nice in the picture then it's not that bad.

People think modeling's mindless, that you just stand there and pose, but it doesn't have to be that way. I like to have a lot of input. I know how to wear a dress, whether it should be shot with me standing up or sitting.

There may be people who try to imitate art when they get dressed and people who just get dressed to cover themselves up, but I guess that both send out messages and communicate their ideas and feelings through their looks.

I'm a pretty driven person, and I've accepted that about myself. For a long time, I was like, 'I'm a very laid-back person, I grew up in the country,' but I'm also very driven, otherwise I wouldn't be where I am right now.

You get so much more out of life by being supportive and having loving friends who are there for you. Good friendships can make your heart light; it can make you feel giddy; it can make you feel like when you fall in love.

Basically, my parents messed up because it was the Sixties, and they both had affairs, but they had a great love for each other. I saw that when my father flew over from Los Angeles when he knew my mother was going to die.

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