Our hope is to support projects that promote the personal and educational development of young people through creative programs that embrace innovation while celebrating rich traditions and cultural exchange

In Russia, we eat a lot of heavy food like potatoes and lots of meat. I can't eat one apple or a salad a day. You wouldn't want to come talk to me if I don't eat. I have to eat, or I am in a really bad mood.

I've always been athletic. Growing up in Puerto Rico, and being in the countryside, I was always running around. I also played volleyball, basketball, and I ran track. I was always very conscious of my body.

My fingertips are my favorite makeup brush! I especially like to apply my eye shadow with them, get it nice and smudgy. All my favorite makeup artists used their fingers to apply and their hand as a palette.

America has had an influence on me, as has going out with a Cuban-American guy and having lots of American friends. But I am still fundamentally British and speak with a British accent and feel very English.

Since my dimples only appear whenever I smile, facing everything in life with that smile is a wonderful feeling. Eyes are also the window to one's self. Just a look can reflect your identity and experiences.

I think I had my first anxiety attack at the age of 10. Then it sort of varied between being so bad that I barely dared to go out to periods where it almost vanished. It's sort of like an ebb and flow thing.

I love high-street fashion. I'm all about Topshop and Zara - even American Apparel. I love T-shirts and vests - simple things you can just live in. American Apparel also does the best bras - they're amazing.

My first fragrance as a kid was Tommy Girl. It was amazing. Wasn't it the thing to wear? And then I remember I stopped wearing it because it was literally like the whole classroom was filled with Tommy Girl.

I do believe that models should be older now. You tell girls to go and catwalk and be sexy, but some of these girls have never even experienced their first kiss, so they don't understand how to be like that.

I'm pretty healthy, so I eat a lot of vegetables and fish. But I'm a huge sweets fan. It's really bad. I love ice cream and cookies and cake and all that stuff. So on the weekends, I will definitely indulge.

I've had agents tell me, 'You're not gonna be on the cover of anything; you're a catalog girl.' I've had clients tell me, 'You're too fat, and we can't book you any more because you don't fit into the jeans.'

I'd like to one day be featured on a list of inspirational people who have made a difference in the world, whether it be helping underprivileged people or putting an end to the poaching of wildlife in Africa.

Oh, I sat by Grumpy Cat once. You know that cat everyone is obsessed with? That's pretty random. She's not allowed to be touched. Are you kidding? You can't put a cat next to me and expect me not to touch it.

I think there’s something really sexy about being funny and being quirky and weird. I think we’re in a generation where we’re accepting weirdness and individuality, and I think that’s the most important part.

When I moved to New York, obviously I work with a lot of high fashion brands and I get to wear insane, totally crazy bags and all this crazy stuff but still, I'll always go back to my original sense of style.

I am not that person who walks in a room with my nose in the sky. I smile at people when I meet them, and I like photos of me when I'm smiling because they show my personality. I am always trying to have fun.

I wished to God the doctor had handed me a pamphlet that said, 'Hey, sorry about the autism, but here's a step-by-step list on what to do next.' But doctors don't do that. They say 'sorry' and move you along.

Cosmetic surgery is terrifying. It never looks good. Those women look weird. They look in the mirror and think they look great, but they don't see what we see. I think it's hideous. They scare small children.

I never expected in a million years that I would have the honor to become an advocate of women's health care and education, and I'd dive on a live grenade to get this message out, so thank you for this forum.

As scary as it is, I like making real, direct eye contact with people from the stage. In a sense, it's like modeling: that feeling of locking in and projecting some kind of emotion to try to captivate people.

My favourite designers always create a strong silhouette, like McQueen and Tom Ford and Alaia. I like structured things that you can throw on, and it's almost like armour, and you're, like, ready for the day.

A small gold plain cross was passed down from my grandma to my mom, then to me, and now to my daughter. It is always nice to own something that connects you to the women who made it possible for you to exist.

Yes, I receive fan mail. One of my favorite things to do is sit down and read the letters people write. It's really amazing the time people take to write these letters, tell their stories, draw pictures, etc.

I think there's a stereotype of what a biker is, and I think that's one of the reasons people are shocked when they find out that I ride. I've been trying to break down the stereotypes and inspire new riders.

Surfing is definitely something I used to do a lot more before I was working, but I know the waves will always be there, and it's something that, when I'm not traveling as much, I'll definitely get back into.

I don't really regret anything I've done, even if it's bad. I mean, I have a $100,000 Chopard watch. I don't need a $100,000 watch, but I like it. It's all diamonds. That's a little extreme, but I don't care.

Imagine an America where the health care system is dramatically improved simply because people need to go to the doctor less. Preventive health care, aka taking care of your own body, is a sensible way to go!

Rajinikanth is an absolute legend to work with. Imagine meeting him every day and spending time with him on the set. Sharing the frame with him is a lifetime experience; there's a reason he is called a legend.

Being in the nude isn't a disgrace unless you're being promiscuous about it. After all, when God created Adam and Eve, they were stark naked. And in the Garden of Eden, God was probably naked as a jaybird too!

I love acting. I do it as a hobby. If I was able to have that as a career... Hopefully the fashion thing is a stepping-stone. I was so worried when I started modeling that it would hinder my chances of acting.

I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia, an abnormal decrease of sugar in the blood. Eventually I learned to eat five small meals a day. Now if I'm making a movie and get hungry, I call time out to eat some crackers

I've been on the cover of 'Time' magazine three times, not for my beauty but because what I was doing was newsworthy around the world. I've worked with teams all my life, but I've been nice and I've been kind.

When you feel great, you emanate a certain energy that translates as beautiful. I don't care if you have the standard beauty or not; it's that X-factor that comes through, and the basis of that is good health.

In my job, I am portrayed as a misfit, a grandiose high fashion lady or an unearthly creature. At home, it's important I can look in the mirror, strip away the disguise and be comfortable with who stares back.

My brother's friend worked at a TV station, so we went in; the producer of a show asked if I wouldn't mind taking some photos for his wife, who was a talent agent. Next thing I know, I'm enroute to the agency.

The characters that I want to play are interesting women. I don't care if they're good women or bad women or vulnerable women or women with a lot of faults or women that we dislike intensely who are malicious.

I couldn't speak any English when I first left Russia, and Intimissimi taught me everything. The team was like a family to me - they showed me how to model and how to stay in shape. They really believed in me.

I always polish my shoes and clean the bottom of them before I go out. I also wipe my handbags. I keep them in little bags to stop them getting dusty. You have to keep your accessories looking smart and clean.

I have good and bad days like everyone else. I just try to be positive and surround myself with great people. When I think about all the great things and people I have had in my life, that gives me confidence.

I accept that keeping in shape doesn't come naturally, so I work hard. I hit the gym every day: Pilates, yoga, weights. I used to love wine but I've stopped drinking. I quit smoking and I'll never start again.

I feel the most beautiful when I'm the most relaxed - for example, after a productive day of work or during a comfortable, rested afternoon. But I also feel great when I reunite with friends after a long time.

Fashion is constantly evolving throughout the seasons and within various cultural changes, but the one thing that has stayed constant is how I always want my style to be an authentic, intrinsic part of myself.

I was one of those dancers who they say wants to feel the floor through their pointe shoes. I would end up not wearing toe pads and that stuff. I would just wrap minimal amounts of paper towels around my toes.

I think you're kind of seeing the real me as far as seeing what I post on social media, because I am very much into cooking, and my dogs, and obviously my son, and my lifestyle in Santa Cruz is very laid-back.

Rose quartz is said to be the stone of unconditional love. This crystal opens the heart chakra and is believed to encourage self-love and forgiveness, and to help you let go of anger, resentment, and jealousy.

It's amazing what we've been through already in our lives no matter what our age. Think of what we've seen, people we've met, our relationships, experiences, and accomplishments. Reflection is a powerful tool.

Powerful women scare men. I think that when you're mature, you are powerful. And that's what makes you beautiful. So until we're able to see women as beautiful because they're strong, we're gonna have problems.

It's helped my outlook, how I interact with people. It's made me more conscious. It's helped me be able to focus, make better decisions, think on my feet. I don't know what I'd do without it. It's my sanctuary.

It doesn't matter if you're a size 2 or 22, you can be healthy as long as you're taking care of your body, working out, and telling yourself 'I love you' instead of taking in the negativity of beauty standards.

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