I think variety is the spice of sticking with an exercise routine, whether it's getting a dance tape one day, or getting a tape with those stretchy things to work with resistance on a different day.

We decided to try in vitro, because both Peter and I felt we couldn't handle another failure. When I miscarried after that, we had to come to terms with the possibility that this wasn't meant to be.

I guess a lot of people don't realise, but I'm always playing a character when I'm working. When you're always having people's images projected on you, who 'Daria' is as a person sort of disappears.

I have lots of brothers and sisters, two of whom are younger than myself, so I rely on my phone, text messaging or e-mailing to stay in the loop and communicate when I'm away for big chunks of time.

I'd like to work with horses, but it doesn't pay very well. Maybe I'd like to go somewhere in the Middle East because they keep buying really nice horses for their Olympic teams - like, the Qataris.

It's amazing to be able to work with people right at the top of whatever they do... inspiring photographers and stylists with very interesting visual language. The more I do it, the more I enjoy it.

When I moved to New York, leggings were always a staple piece in my closet and I'm always with leggings, a T-shirt, a cool jacket and shoes cause that's what would be easier for me when I was a kid.

I first met the brand [Didier Dubot] when I went to an event for them on Top of The Standard. It was about three years ago. It was the first time I heard about them and then that's where I met them.

There comes a point where certain things are becoming my Achilles heel; you know when you start repeating yourself and saying the same anecdotes over and over again you start slowly hating yourself.

I stopped eating carbs and red meat for a month and a half, and I was like, 'Oh, no, I lost my butt!' I have to eat potatoes and rice and meat to bulk up. But I do try not to eat too much fast food.

Normally, when you go to a beach, everybody is wearing bikinis, but on a film, you're the only one. There's like 60 people staring at you. They're doing their jobs, but they're still staring at you.

I put my family first, and that's why for a long time, you didn't see me dating or hear about me dating or hear about me out. I had other focuses in my life, and that would be my family and my work.

David and I enjoy a relaxed meal around 8. We like to eat on the couch while we watch TV. Sometimes we channel-flip, but we also watch shows like 'House of Cards,' 'The Crown,' or 'Game of Thrones.'

My grandmother told me that to be in fashion, one must be young and passionate about the work. At this moment, every aspect of my life is permeated by fashion - everything has a reference to my job.

I dream of a world liberated of all diseases. Ignorance also upsets me a lot. How can one calmly look at the pictures from Rwanda and not instantly want to take action and try to ease the suffering?

This is going to make me sound really weird and stalkery, but I've bought the aftershaves of all my ex-boyfriends. Sometimes I like to smell them and be like 'aah, that's Charlie... aah that's Dan'.

When I was about 4, my mum had a lime-green Versace jacket with massive shoulder pads, and I remember thinking, 'Why does her head look so small? Why is she doing that to herself?' But she loved it!

My body doesn't have a lot of curves; I have small breasts, I don't have hips - so I'm not going to try to make myself something that I'm not. I'm just going to try to be the best version of myself.

Slasher movies are fun. You watch yourself get chopped to pieces, yet you're still alive. You see the blood on the ax and think, Holy **it, this is sick, but you kind of get over your fear of death.

Holiday drinking in my family happens about as often as Sarah Palin is spotted reading the 'New York Times.' Neither of my parents are big drinkers, probably because they each had a parent that was.

When I started on MySpace, people wanted to support me, but once I rose to fame with the MTV show, they felt like I had abandoned them for some reason, that I was too famous to talk to them anymore.

Auditioning is the most terrifying thing I've ever done. There must have been four or five of them where I completely froze up and walked out of the room. My palms get sweaty just thinking about it.

I'd be getting texts from my mates saying they'd just got into a club in Liverpool with a fake ID, and what was I doing? I'd have just finished a 20-hour day and be sitting in a hotel room, starving.

Good genetics are a start, but I have to go to the gym, look after my skin, and drink lots of water. It's my job to take care of myself and my body. Happiness plays a big part in your appearance too.

I do hate Trump. I find him to be a vile human being - one that lies so often, so casually, and with such confidence, that fact-checkers actually cannot keep up. It is one thing after another, daily.

I'm terrified of men these days. If someone asked me out now, I don't know what I'd say, how I'd react. But I couldn't go through with it, not at all. I suppose I've been terrified of them all along.

If there's one great thing I think that's happened over the years, it's that women are being accepted into a man's world in all different areas, whether it's flying an airplane or driving a race car.

The fact that my parents got over to Canada is kind of amazing in and of itself. Had they not immigrated when I was a child, I probably would have never been doing what I'm doing. So, thanks, Canada!

I've been cycling ever since I was a kid. I remember taking my cycling proficiency test aged seven - I got to school at 7:30 A.M. to practise, I was so nervous. After that, I always cycled to school.

I love the physicality of my job and how my mind and body are most happy when I'm expressing and moving. My face was always secondary to body alignment and the dynamism of making a moment come alive.

I'm interested in looking for solutions because it's become the case that in fashion you're either a villain or a victim. Look at the industry's very limited remit in terms of body size, for example.

My mother gave me a pair of diamond earrings when I was 13. It symbolised becoming a teenager. I also remember getting a collection of costume jewellery from my grandmother when I was in high school.

Vintage rock T-shirts are the best. I have about 50 or 60, most bought on eBay for a few pounds. You can always tell which ones are genuine because there'll be lots of pictures showing you the holes.

I'm Puerto Rican! You can never take my rice, pork, and beans away. Plus, I love to cook. I'm one of those people who stay in the kitchen standing while everything is cooking, checking on everything.

What I love the most about modeling is that it opens you a lot of different doors of opportunities and takes you to many different places, which then put you in touch with various people and cultures

Trusting your gut is always the best thing - no matter what people around you insist you should be doing or saying or thinking. Only you know and once you live in truth,your heart is completely free.

I still feel guilty buying something without asking my mother first. It's ridiculous. I'll call her and be like, 'I saw this dress, can I get it?' And she'll say, 'Margaret, whatever. Get the dress.'

I'd heard that swimming feels so good when you're pregnant, and I love being in the ocean. I was even paddle boarding up until 17 weeks, but then my center of gravity and balance were completely off.

The food and drink that goes along with football is one of the best things: hamburgers, hotdogs, chips and dips. At the stadium I would probably get nachos, but when I'm at home we order pizza a lot.

My grandmother used to really love fashion, and she always had Chanel No. 5 on her dressing table, and Chanel bags. That's when I really started falling in love with the brand and fashion in general.

I like my social media space to be somewhere very positive... I like to just be able to just share any images they see, or a piece of art or an item of clothing, and get to share that with the world.

She is such a doer, Cara - she is so ambitious. She has always known what she wants, and she's a hustler. Sometimes I call her, and I'm like, 'You need to help me hustle,' and she is like, 'Come on!'

I don't have any rules about what to wear when I go out. I go through phases. Sometimes I'll go out in jeans and a top and not even wear heels. Sometimes I want to be more sexy, in a dress and heels.

I grew up very much an athlete and very much a swimmer and a dancer and a horse rider and surf lifesaving club, you name it I've probably done it. I just find so much gratification in being physical.

Chemistry is a hard thing. I don't think you can force it, and it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have great chemistry outside of work. It's just something that sparks on screen or doesn't.

My son is really good at being on trips with me. He understands what's going on. He grew up with me modeling, so it's quite normal for him to be on a shoot and in pictures because he sees me doing it.

Don't let your image, don't let your size, hold you back. If I had let my hips or my jiggly thighs hold me back or the fact that I've got these big heavy breasts, then I would not be where I am today.

For an actor, to go to work every day is a really rare occurrence. You may work on a film for three months max, and then you're off, so you have to find another job and then work another three months.

That's why I wanted to be part of this AIDS Project Los Angeles party. We help raise funds for those who are having a tough time with some very basic necessities, like shelter, food, and medical care.

Anytime I am doing something that will help someone in any way, whether it is a simple recipe, a tip, a decoration thing, or a life-change thing, it brings me to life and inspires me to do more of it.

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