When I wake up, I'm like, 'I gotta go to Whole Foods.' I'm constantly reading cookbooks; I bring hardcover cookbooks with me on the plane and tag pages. I just have this crazy food obsession.

I love portobello mushrooms. I often say that if I were vegetarian, I would live off of these. Now, it would never happen, but it's still nice to know that they exist. So meaty, so flavorful.

There are great slender models, great tall models, Amazonian models, great busty models - my point is models of all shapes and sizes, age, ethnic background should be embraced and celebrated.

To have power naps! In the past months, I have learned to have them everywhere I go, and that is key for my health. To eat healthy food is also essential - especially fruit, for the vitamins.

It doesn't matter if you're small, big, or fit: if you go in front of the camera and deliver and say, 'Oh my God, I look amazing,' and just be sure about yourself, everything will be perfect.

If you're with someone, it's because you're moving in the same direction, and you both are looking for the same thing. Both of you have to share the same concept of what a relationship means.

Toner to remove make-up at the end of the day, clean the skin, and keep it fresh. Moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated - this is the most important! And I always like to travel with a mask.

People think I'm girlish and flippant, but I was an honours student. I was voted Girl Most Likely To Succeed at North Mesquite High in Texas. My best subject was science. I won a scholarship.

I have a love, hate relationship with social media. I love it, because it's built a platform for many people and many business... However, there is a dark side, which is negative and hateful.

My theory is that the only people who hate hipsters are hipsters. Where I come from my friends and family don't even know what they are. The only people that talk about hipsters are hipsters.

Very few people know this, but I love organizational products and tools. One of my favorite places to shop are container stores where you can get bins, boxes and crates to organize your life.

My mother tells me of when I was 10 or 11 and I'd wear really tight, short skirts and crop tops. All the local men would wolf whistle and stop and stare, but I didn't realise why at the time.

My hometown is a very boring city. There isn't a lot of industry - there are a lot of trees. It's not like Beijing where the sky is always dark. In my city the sky is blue and the sun shines.

I just realized I wanted to do more than ballet. I was offered an apprenticeship, so I was about to join a company and drop out of high school, and then it hit me: I didn't want that anymore.

When I became a mum myself, I really struggled to find great kids' clothes. Everything was either gorgeous but impossible to actually get open to change a nappy and expensive or poor quality.

Ummm, there is not just one good thing about being a VJ, it is a package deal. It is a fun job and you get paid to party and have a good time and make people have a good time, which is great.

Cara, ever since you told me at the age of four that you wanted to be Claudia Schiffer, while you were naked in the bath with a sponge on your head, I knew you were destined for great things.

My favorite places in Moscow are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Art - it has a wonderful collection of Impressionists - the Justo club, and Sandyni Bath, which is the oldest bath house in Moscow.

My elder sister used to get the fashion magazines, and I would go through them and find things I liked and buy fabric and copy them. But I hated what I looked like. I mean, I was sooo skinny.

I think women have an innate ability to be intuitive with people that they truly love, but they have to trust that inner voice, and I think it is there. I think we are more intuitive than men.

I'm not a huge TV person. I don't like having the noise when I'm doing other things unless I'm really lonely, and then I turn the TV on. But I do like to sit down and watch TV in the evenings.

I think there is sexy. And then there's tacky sexy. When you're young, you can get away with tacky sexy. I mean, it's not even tacky when you're young. But when you get older, it's just tacky.

That's really truly what my message is - finding self love within yourself and not comparing yourself to others - because there's no such thing as perfection, because perfection doesn't exist.

Does any woman really just come in and say, 'I'm a plus-size woman?' Maybe as a defense mechanism or maybe as a way to kind of cope with fitting into society but... I just think it's divisive.

For years I had my hair parted down the middle in a ponytail, tucked down around the sides... Well, I went and cut the bangs, and I've been wearing them ever since. They say it's my trademark.

I have a really basic uniform: in winter, black tights and any old dress that I can throw on. In summer, high-waisted jeans and this shirt, or that shirt, and a cashmere cardigan just in case.

Sometimes it's a struggle to keep up with my own photos, where the lighting is perfect, the makeup is done, and the images have been retouched. That's not what I see when I look in the mirror!

My hair is wild and free, but I've always been told that [straight hair] is more polished, and a more polished version of yourself is a better version of yourself. That it's more professional.

Im obsessed with vinyasa flow yoga and Pilates. And since I live in Sweden, and we have good seafood, I tend to cook a lot of fish, preferably with oven-roasted veggies and a cauliflower mash.

I started going to castings a few years ago when people didn't know who I was. People forget about [that time] because they've seen my career - the path that it's had in the last couple years.

I'm the only one in - of my siblings, my mom and my family - that hasn't been affected by Lyme disease. It's been really hard for me because I'm the only one that doesn't really understand it.

It's called the pump, people - you got to experience it; it's one of the better highs in life, you don't need to shoot up for it, you don't need to snort it. All you got to do is sweat for it.

I love the character of Jaime Lannister. He's just so complex - a character that we love to hate - but it's a lot more complex than hatred. It starts off, and he seems so arrogant and so smug.

I feel like looking in the mirror when you brush your teeth, yes, I see lines, and then I smile and I see things here and there. But that's just, you know, you - that's your journey, you know?

I am generally a very happy and easygoing person. I also believe it's always better to meet people with a smile rather than looking cold, especially when you first meet. It changes everything.

Our opponent [Cory Aquino] does not put on any make up. She does not have her fingernails manicured. You know gays. They are for beauty. Filipinos who like beauty, love and God are for Marcos.

I hate jet lag, but I love, love, love, love traveling - to meet new people, to try different foods because I'm a big foodie. I love food, even though people think models don't eat. We do eat.

I am enormously honored to be one of the spokesmen of the New Age Womens Health Campaign, so you'll be seeing me in public service announcements and public appearances supporting the campaign.

I saw a photo of a Christian Lacroix couture dress when I was in my teens and decided right then that that's how I wanted to look on my wedding day. In my mind, that's what angels looked like.

I like to control everything, and you cannot control everything. You have to at some point say, 'I let go and I'm going to let the cards fall where they fall... For a control freak, it's hard.

I raised my sister. I was six when she was born. My mother had to make a living for herself and it was very hard, so I was looking after my sister, cooking and cleaning, and she had four jobs.

I talk to Simon, I write to him. I never used to write a diary. But now I'm writing a diary to him. I think it's not just me, but lots of others, family and friends, can still feel him around.

There aren't a lot of Portuguese models, so everyone always expects me to be Brazilian because of my features, sometimes even American, as I have a slight American accent when I speak English.

My parents are both English. My dad is a plastic surgeon - his name's Norman Waterhouse, but we call him Normy. And my mom's a nurse, which is how they met - in a hospital, over decaying bone.

Because of technology today, we expect kids to stay in touch with us too much. I think that's unnatural. We really do have to give kids their freedom and allow them to go off and become adults.

If I manage to leave my bedroom and get to the gym, that makes me feel good about myself! For me, the most difficult part is getting out of bed, but once I'm out, I really enjoy playing sports.

My dean gave me permission to model during my work semester, even though I was in the Criminal Justice Department. I don't know whether I'd ever have become a model if he hadn't let me do that.

Dancing is my number one love. That was my first goal as a child. I would love to do stage, maybe do Chicago. I love being in front of an audience. It's so stimulating. I also love to barbecue.

When you are getting ready to become a mom, being in love with someone just isn't enough. You need to think about whether he would be a good parent and raise your children with similar beliefs.

You can't really plan for how that training session or competition is going to go. You have to see what your horse is giving you to work with, and then you tailor all your training around that.

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