I've always been a bit of an inventor, just making up weird things people haven't thought of before. I can't tell you exactly what, though, because they might actually happen one day!

I get nervous cooking for our little house party barbecues. I'm very insecure with my cooking. I tend to throw things away that I'm scared of serving, even though they might be great.

Lots of weight training, squats, a little bit of cardio, but mostly just adding more weights into my workouts. And working out with friends to make it fun. That's always so important.

People have told me to change it over the years, but my dad is always saying, 'Never change your name!' My middle name is O'Hara, so it's a pretty epic name. Emily O'Hara Ratajkowski.

If you're a sexy actress, it's hard to get serious roles. You get offered the same thing they've seen you in. People are like sheep, and they're like, 'Oh, that's what she does well.'

I have literally just been in this place of zero fear. I just believe, as totally hippy bullsh*t as that sounds, anything's possible if you're willing to grab it and make it your own.

All My Children taught me a great work ethic; you work so hard on a soap opera! It is a good way to start in the business, get success without getting a big head and learn your craft.

I'm an athletic person. But I love my body because I know what it's been through to be what it is. And honestly I'm not going to change for someone that is depressed about their life.

In L.A., I don't really want to go out because traffic sucks so bad. I'm sorry, I'm not going to spend five hours a day in my car, so you have to choose where you live very carefully.

The Marcos era was the golden time for the Philippines. We had the lowest crime rate in the world in Manila and real development then. At last, people are starting to understand this.

I'm from a very small village in the middle of nowhere, four hours by airplane from Moscow. Yemanzhelinsk - you wouldn't find it on the map. Don't even try it. It's super, super tiny.

My face hasn't matured as I've grown up, and neither has my sense of humour. In the mirror, I see an older version of myself as a child, although I do have more wrinkles and freckles.

It's been a dream of mine since I discovered my first lipstick to create and own my very own brand. My goal is to create products that do exactly what they say and that actually last!

It's absolutely imperative for the parents and the typical kids to have time by themselves, to go out to dinner or even go on vacation while someone else cares for the autistic child.

When I moved to Paris at 16, I held a dinner party in my first apartment and served only red wine, French fries, and mashed potatoes. Unable to cook, I relied on people taking me out.

The great thing about baking is that you can bring in an apple pie when you have company and say, 'I baked this for you,' and people love it. Men love it when you bake a pie for them.

I think it's very hard to find a good friend. That's why I'm so lucky to have two sisters, because they're my best friends, and they have to be with me forever. They're stuck with me.

It definitely happens more often than you would think when someone comes up and you're like: "He's really attractive and seems really nice," and it just doesn't work if he smells bad.

My mum was never strict. I was allowed to go out to clubs underage, watch TV, listen to whatever music I wanted to, and that made me not rebel. I have never touched a drug in my life.

I was eight when he left office. Like, he had an awesome house, you know, and my cousins and I had awesome trips to Camp David and Washington. It was just all like a good time for me.

As long as designers want to dress me, photographers want to take my picture and companies think my face will help their products, then I won't go anywhere until they're done with me.

I don't really know what I'm doing, to be honest. I come up with things, and maybe it works, and maybe it doesn't, and I try to learn from my castmates and director and from everyone.

Yoga is at the core of my health and wellness routine; even if it's only for 10 to 15 minutes I find it helps me to re-center and to focus as well as improve my overall core strength.

When you can, it's good to make healthy choices. But, I also believe in balance. It's not about being 100 percent this way or that way. It's about making healthy choices when you can.

I always pack lots of loose linen shirts and denim cut offs, Converse, vintage Reformation sun dresses, gold jewellery, and statement shades. Plus a trunk full of swimwear, of course.

I'll sleep in my clothes sometimes. I sleep in my clothes all the time, actually - in my coat. I just hate getting changed for bed; I like the idea of falling asleep in a natural way.

I used to be very shy. When I first started, I had to go to a casting, and I had to go in a bikini. I thought I was too skinny. But I went in and got the job! And that's how I started.

Ooh, I'd love to be in a movie with Meryl Streep or Martin Scorsese. There are so many different things I want to do, maybe like a possessed child or an evil something... I don't know!

Vibrate on a frequency that embraces the gifts, growth, and change of others. Accept challenges & failures as part of your journey. Find your light and let it shine. Know your purpose.

Whether in light touches or for a more glamorous look, I never go out without make-up - even if it's only a lick of mascara. And I always wear perfume, a light or more intense version.

I love telling stories; I always have, and I think women need to be more proactive about telling their own stories and sharing their points of view. So that's definitely a goal for me.

When I spend a lot of time in New York, or somewhere when I don't have a car, I miss that mobility and freedom that you have when you have a car. You don't have to rely on anyone else.

I always make my favorite pancakes with milk, and I also add some fruit - like a banana or apple with some cinnamon sprinkled on top. I also sometimes put peanut butter on my pancakes!

Let me tell you this, if I had wanted to have a library of audio and videotapes of Bill Clinton, I could have had that. And after I was accused of being a liar, I wished that I had of.

I used to have a pony but I outgrew it and I do dream that one day I will live in the country and have lots of horses and be like a proper English lady who goes hunting and everything.

I have to exfoliate my lips as they're quite a large surface area and sometimes when I wear lipstick, it goes all cakey. So I mix brown sugar with lip balm and just scrub it onto them.

As long as they want me modeling, I'll be here. But I hope to maybe have a cooking show one day or host a talk show when I'm older and have a developed brand. That would be really fun.

I want my daughter to be proud of me and look up to me. I think early on in my pregnancy I realized that to be the mom I want to be, I had to change my life, and that's what I'm doing.

Fashion is a vampiric thing; it's the Hoover on your brain. That's why I wear the hats, to keep everyone away from me. They say, 'Oh, can I kiss you?' I say, 'No, thank you very much.'

People should know whatever it is you love to do. I am a living testament to the fact that you can do it. You can do whatever it is you put your mind to and you can do it in stilettos.

I'm an ambassador for World of Children and St Jude's, it always been very important for me to use modeling as a platform to give back or raise awareness for causes that are important.

I listen to a variety of music. The only common point is strong lyrics; I'm more obsessed with lyrics than music. I need to hear a form of truth, and if it's a hard truth, even better.

My first recognition of age setting in was exactly on my 36th birthday. I have no idea why, on this day of all days, I looked in the mirror and realized my face no longer looked young.

I would say I spend about an hour a day cleansing and moisturising after all of the make-up I've worn on jobs, and on weekends I tend to go bare-faced to give my skin a bit of a break.

I went out with this boy on the proviso that he didn't tell anybody we were together. The idiot didn't keep his mouth shut. I dumped him. I never went out with a boy from school again.

That's my dream: one day, I want to standing on the stage on Broadway. I sing; my dancing is terrible, but I can be trained. That's my dream. That's something I really want to work on.

I used to have a very difficult childhood because I was always the tallest girl in school, and everybody was staring at me and saying, 'You are very different.' Now, different is good.

I eat a balanced diet. The secret is to watch your portions, but I also work out a lot. Working out a lot isn't necessary, but I am very active, and my body can endure intense workouts.

I fell in love with Nawaz on-screen after watching 'Gangs of Wasseypur.' So my love story starts with him from there. I was quite nervous to act alongside him. He is an excellent actor.

Honestly, happy. This happened for a reason. By having to answer that question in front of a national audience, God was testing my character and faith. I'm glad I stayed true to myself.

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