Basically he never went to work and didn't have a job. Of course I thought he did. I thought he was on the phone doing business deals instead of borrowing money from people.

When you're comfortable, you're more confident - I really believe that. If you're walking around in a dress or a pair of shoes that are uncomfortable, it reads all over you.

When you can take something that is a reject at the thrift store sitting on the bottom of a pile of junk and make it work, make it look interesting, that's real style to me.

As a model, it's a gypsy kind of life: living in hotels, working all the time and ordering room service instead of cooking for yourself. There's absolutely no nest-building.

Sometimes I think I’m the last remaining person who goes to the shows for the pleasure of seeing the clothes, rather than desperately wanting to be there for the social side

I heard that a lot and I just sort of thought, the world was an even more interesting place than the people who were making the decisions were perhaps interpreting it to be.

What are friends for? They are the ultimate reflection of yourself. Always surround yourself with people who inspire you and return the favor by giving them the best of you.

I find hair things really hard because I can't do my own hair. The only thing I use for my hair is a Tangle Teezer. It's the best thing ever for everyone that has long hair.

I part-own a bookshop for some strange coincidence of reasons, and it is one of the best things I part-own in my life, or own in my life. I do not know, it just feels great.

Galactica has infinite possibilities. In fact, my character may be abnormal in the sense that she may be more independent than most of the women in classic space adventures.

I guess that's what I was: a set of abs. And they lit the abs and shot the abs and sent the abs on their way. The photographer didn't look at my face once. I was humiliated.

My parents both worked - my mom was an accountant, and my dad is a builder - and that taught me about having a really strong work ethic, and I respected them a lot for that.

While wedged in the middle of a transparent rubber ring at a Dubai water park, I couldn't help but notice that I appeared to have grown my own rubber ring around my midriff.

When I fell into modeling, because I wanted to work in fashion. I wanted to do styling or make-up. I ended getting picked up to be a model instead during my work experience.

People are taken aback by a confident, pretty girl who knows what she wants in life and isn't going to let anyone get in her way. And you know what it's all about? Jealousy.

Tension happens. It will continue to happen. If we didn't have tension, we wouldn't be alive. How we maintenance ourselves makes all the difference in how we live our lives.

When we feel like we discover something, we are usually uncovering or realizing what has always been there. The laws of nature are always present, waiting for us to tune in.

My everyday look has definitely become more low maintenance, but accessories are everything. A structured bag, statement jewelry or a cute scarf can add polish to any outfit!

I am always being asked to gain or lose weight, but I am at a point now where I don't care anymore. I love my body, I love my super-hourglass shape and I love showing it off.

I honestly think that Hef had a lot to do with women making more money and getting better jobs. He's had a huge impact on the entire world, and I think that's for the better.

A lot of people are always striving for bigger and better. People are always wondering if the grass is greener and then they'll​ start hearing things or meeting other people.

I really do love social media. I've always been crazy about - even like, remember AOL chat rooms? I always loved message boards, and I was always interacting on the computer.

I am not a fine chef, but I can certainly get dinner on the table for 14 people. With that many, I try to keep it simple: salmon, mashed potatoes, sauteed spinach, and salad.

I've gone through a lot of different phases on what I do and why I do it - morally and ethically. I've tortured myself about it, especially in dealing with success and money.

Swedish people live for the summer - it transforms everyone. I don't want to miss having a Swedish summer vacation for as long as I live. It's my favorite thing in the world.

People always make fun of my eyebrows and think that I shape them this way! But if you see a picture of me from when I was two years old, I have the same exact eyebrow shape.

People love me or hate me and all I think about is the people that I know and suffer with different causes and carry on my charity work and that's what keeps me alive really.

I believe women should be independent and have their own life. But I also think that when a couple decides to have a family, things change because you need to live in unison.

The idea that vaccines are a primary cause of autism is not as crackpot as some might wish. Autism's 60-fold rise in 30 years matches a tripling of the U.S. vaccine schedule.

I think crying over spilt milk and being all moody and sulky is really bratty behavior. You shouldn't do it, because it's going to drag you and everyone else around you down.

I don't ever want to be a person that I'm not. A lot of girls fall into the trap where they are trying to impress other people, and that's the time when they lose themselves.

In pageants, you are evaluated from head to toe and its obviously all about looks, and as vain as that is, they can also bring you lots of opportunities to do amazing things.

I grew up listening to a lot of Simon & Garfunkel and Peter, Paul and Mary. I know that sounds dorky, but I always responded strongly to that kind of lyric-driven folk music.

I want people to know that blood tests alone won't always detect thyroid disease. My blood panels were normal. I think a lot more people have this disease than are diagnosed.

I think, first of all, every time you want to play somebody who is real is always challenging and always scary, because you are given a responsibility of someone's real life.

I was born and raised in Santa Cruz, California, and the whole lifestyle revolves around the beach. My parents met surfing, and the beach was a major part of our daily lives.

I'm pretty adventurous - the more wacky, the better! Sometimes I'll want to look chic, but lots of the time, I'll wear really mad colours and patterns, as it's just more fun.

I'm actually rubbish at selfies. I always feel a bit ridiculous doing it unless I'm with a bunch of friends, where I'll usually stand at the back with a huge grin on my face!

It was all about flying round the world, working hard, being on the cover of Vogue, making money. It wasn't fun. It was exhausting, but I was young and convinced I knew best.

My favorite New York memory is that blizzard in '96. I get chills thinking about it. It's my favorite time here - call me crazy. I'm from Canada, and it's very cold up there.

On 'True Blood,' the character's name is Sookie Stackhouse, and my name is Suki Waterhouse. So, I get people saying, 'Oh, I thought we were meeting the girl from True Blood.'

Over-working gets less done. We all have experienced this. We can push ourselves to exhaustion, but things get done with less attention, and our bodies eventually break down.

I've seen mothers and children really being vulnerable in the refugee camps; it's supposed to be temporary, but they end up having children who have grown up in refugee camps.

My grandfather worked with charities his whole entire life, and we grew up living with him. He always told me about the other side of the world and everything that's going on.

The body is both a temple and a perfect machine. Our bodies have within them a healing potential, and we nourish this potential with the pure and simple foods found in nature.

My closet is pretty organized, I'm proud to say. It's set up by type of clothes and then by color. And then, of course, there's the rotating from spring/summer to fall/winter.

In private, I may wear a bikini, but at the public beach with my kids, I would change bathing suits because they do not want to be hanging out with some old broad in a bikini.

I always wanted to be less tall. When I was at school I was the same height as all of my girlfriends and then suddenly I was turning 12 and almost overnight I got really tall.

I think there is something to be said for not feeling like just because you're a model you have to be dressed up, look amazing, go to every party, and be smiling all the time.

I love the sun, but we don't get on at all; it doesn't agree with my Celtic tones. I also like nothing better than putting on a big ski jacket and feeling the wind in my face.

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