In the summer I wear shorts with a bright top and ankle boots or just sandals. I'll add a nice scarf, maybe a hat, some cool sunglasses. It's all about the accessories.

Fashion is quite inclusive and good at embracing different things and different forms of beauty. It's a very liberal industry. You can be yourself. Just not overweight.

I don't want women to hold themselves back. I think there are too many women who are self-conscious about the way they look - the way they see themselves in the mirror.

For summer, I definitely love doing stuff outside. I love beach volleyball if you're close to something like that. It's really fun; you can do it with a lot of friends.

I was supposedly living this glamorous life, but I was crippled by the idea of growing old and where do I go next? The whole age thing—in our industry, it's everything.

I love to go to the beach or stay at the pool with my girls - enjoy the sun and the water as much as I can, take rides with the bicycles, and spend time with my family.

I feel like it's my responsibility to honestly cover a lot of subjects in part because I have two little girls and I really want them when they grow up to have a voice.

My mom and dad both would grow vegetables. So, when I delivered my baby, we went there, and she would cook a lot, and we would eat all the vegetables from their garden.

I always found when I was reading an interview with an actor that I wasn't interested in their political opinions - I just wanted to know what they'd had for breakfast.

I did go to UCLA for art, but the other option was going to Sarah Lawrence and doing creative writing all the way. So that is part of the reason I love to read so much.

I had one particular handbag disaster when I couldn't get into it, and when I finally did, it flew over the red carpet and was caught by 200 lenses. Not a great moment.

I always feel better and more beautiful in things that I'm comfortable in so I was fine with putting a little makeup on and keeping my leggings on and going to a party.

If we don't take that time (to be romantic), then it's karate, then it's ballet, and then there's Christmas, and then my husband is flying off to tour around the world.

People say, 'Oh, God, how devastating to go through a divorce.' Did I wish for this to happen to my family? No. But everyone is healthy; we're moving on with our lives.

I love to do Pilates, boxing and even just going on a run. I do cardio twice a week as it's important for people who want to eat lots like me! I do Pilates ones a week.

The only art I have is a Polaroid from Peter Beard from his book. I shot with him four years ago, and he did a special Polaroid for me, so I consider it a piece of art.

Yves Saint Laurent was my first fashion show. I wore his tuxedo. And Helmut Newton was my first photographer, in 1973. I was really very lucky. I had an amazing career.

Ultimately, I've learned to pride myself on being quirky. I very much adore people who are outcasts, and I've always loved to be around interesting, circus-type people.

I like to wear clothes that look the best on my body, which is why I wear a lot of crop tops and high waisted bottoms - it gives me more shape and makes me look taller.

Of course, I love football, but I'm not one of those die-hard fans that never miss a game or with rooms devoted to team colors. At the end of the day, it's just a game.

When planning your wedding you make so many decisions: 'Do I want this fork or that fork?' But in the end people aren't going to remember what napkin holder you choose.

Any experience of a girl picking out her wedding dress is amazing, but I have to say it was really special to work with David's dad, to see him in action with his team.

I really like Amelia Earhart. She's from Kansas. She disappeared, so I have to take her place. I want to be Dorothy. I want to be Amelia Earhart... I want to do it all.

When a woman has her first child in places like Africa, they're really young. They can be 12, 13,14, so their frames are really small, and they're usually malnourished.

It's a new challenge to see how people can change your look. I like words like transformation, reinvention, and chameleon. Because one word I don't like is predictable.

I'm very observant and very instinctive. In life, you have to have the vulnerability to accept when you are to blame. And I do have that and I am open enough to say it.

My mom always talks about how hard it was to grow up in a political family. It's always split up, and just - I want to have fun in life. No, politics isn't on the list.

Being 5' 10", I was supposed to be too short to play college volleyball. So that gave me the hunger and the fire to say, Oh yeah? I'd just hit the crap out of the ball.

I would like to host a show, something like travel or cooking or something like that, something I'm really interested in, and so I'm pitching a couple television shows.

I think every girl has a little bit of rebellion inside. It's always fun to not follow every trend and not be the perfect good girl. It's edgy to be a little rebellious.

I can't sleep in the evenings. Most of the pictures people see of me are me going to work events: a Fendi dinner one night, a Prada dinner the next, and working all day.

I have people who look after me and help me when I'm out of town. But when I'm at home in LA it's my time and I love to just get in my car, crank up the music and relax.

I am not naturally that thin, so I had to go through everything from using drugs to diet pills to laxatives to fasting. Those were my main ways of controlling my weight.

I knew I really didn’t look that good, and that Edward Weston had glorified me, but it was a very pleasant thing to be glorified and I couldn’t wait to go back for more.

I've had four amazing men in my life, very strong, powerful, wonderful men. I certainly will have a relationship with someone but I don't think I will get married again.

I think that ultimately your age is determined by your attitude. It's not the number; it's not how many wrinkles you have on your face. It's the energy that you project.

But it is true that some magazines have a policy to show only a certain amount of black girls on their covers. Naomi is right. It's not fair, and I wish it would change.

I'm really not that weird. I'm a combination of a lot of different things. Maybe it's just easier to make me look weird than another model who is specifically Caucasian.

I've been making a diary of the daft things people have said during London Fashion Week, and it does wear a little bit thin, everyone comparing my name to Edie Sedgwick.

I used to hate my butt - like, hate it. In school, I used to cover it up. I felt like it was too big; like, I felt like I needed to wear a sweater over it. It was awful.

I would like to show that I have a heart, that I am a human being and I have feelings. And to be this kind of role model, not only for beauty pageants but also for life.

When I went on tour with my father, I knew he was a musician. But they were my parents. I still think of my mum as being kind of a dork - a cooler one, but still a dork.

My worst habit is probably that I'm extremely messy. I'm a big scatter-brain - I'm always losing my car keys, or worse, forgetting where I parked my car in the car park.

I train three, four, five times a week, protein six times a day, resistance training for at least 45 minutes... it's so very boring. It's really painful. It's laborious.

I've learned to treat celebrities as equals and just kind of meet them and admire their work, but I definitely could not breathe when I met Johnny Depp and James Franco.

I can sometimes be a demanding person and Cristiano is really patient dealing with my personality. So I also try my hardest to offer him all my support when he needs it.

I travel around the world, and there are so many beautiful girls, but that's not going to make you a supermodel. You have to have something more than just a pretty face.

For an everyday look, I use Chanel Soleil Tan de Chanel as blush, or the Summer 2013 Bronzing Palette that a makeup artist from Armani gave to me - I love Armani makeup.

I constantly have a devil on my shoulder telling me that what I'm doing is really horrible, and then somehow the lightning strike happens, and everything comes together.

I like everything with a heaping dose of feminitity, including my cell phone. I created this phone for the classic woman, who like me, loves diamonds & wants a wireless.

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