I've sold everything from fashion, make-up, couture magazines, radio, reality television, movies. There isn't a thing I haven't sold, including Tampax. You name it.

So many people always fear tattoos because they don't want to limit themselves from certain jobs. I clearly never let that stop me and just got covered head to toe.

I have my once-a-month nachos, but it's soy cheese and turkey chili on it, so it's somewhat safe. But it's still a big vice for me, because I have a big bowl of it.

Being a parent has been such a wonderful privilege for me. My kids make me laugh and cry, but there are definitely more laughs. They really do give my life meaning.

Even going back to the haters, it's messed up what they say, but that's made me stronger, and it's built me into who I am today, and I am completely fine with that.

I am a light person. I think of myself with a shield, a protective shield around me. And I think of bad things bouncing off it. Boom, boom, boom, ba-boom, ba- boom!

I think most people realize that Barbara and Jenna are college kids, and to make such a big deal out of it is a bit ridiculous. At least now, the press has stopped.

There's an inherent contradiction between appreciating the beauty of clothes and creativity and individuality, and the waste around the ideas of trends and seasons.

People in my hometown seldom called me piao liang, [beautiful] because my smaller eyes were a far cry from the wide irises of the most beloved television actresses.

When I'm home, I cook and try to eat really clean. I try to eat vegetables at every meal. I stay away from pasta and bread and have brown rice and potatoes instead.

I think there is some misunderstandin g that has been going around as everybody wants to support me. But, still I'd like to thank all my fans for loving me so much.

I was too thin. I was working all the time, not eating at home. Spaghetti bolognese on planes. Ugh. Now most of my meals I cook for myself with organic ingredients.

I was a dancer for fifteen years, and I think a lot of what dancing gives you crosses over so much into anything to do with fighting, martial arts, anything action.

A successful tree pose probably won't change your life. Learning how to keep your breath easy, long, and deep no matter what the circumstance? That absolutely will.

I wear lashes, of course, a little contour, and a lip. And usually I wear shades, so that helps with not doing my makeup. I can put on a cute little face real quick.

I willingly devoted myself to my children and to my husband. I come from a broken home, and I decided a long time ago that I would put my family ahead of everything.

In this business, you're dependent on the writer, the filmmaker, the luck of beating out who knows how many people for the part. I'm over getting torn up about that.

Being in the public eye, I have certainly gone through the tabloid situation where they come out with stories that are not true. I don't read or pay attention to it.

I did not grow up with a spatula in my hand. I didn't even cook that much in high school. I was busy being a teenager and doing everything that goes along with that.

But bread is different. I come from Czechoslovakia, where we eat lots of it, so it's hard to say no. I can't even have one piece, because when I start, I don't stop.

I think it's important that there is a change, especially in fashion. I'm pleased to be part of a 'new breed' of models who perhaps don't exactly fit the status quo.

I like a good mattress, first of all. I have a Hestia bed, and it's the best mattress in the world. I like it pretty cold because I can't sleep when it's really hot.

In middle school, I wasn't allowed to wear makeup. I secretly bought Maybelline's SuperStay 24-hr. concealer at CVS. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world.

I spend a lot of time with my family. I go to bed early, don't watch too much television, don't read everything that's written about me whether positive or negative.

I had no luck when I started out as a model. I keep telling people that it's the only career in the world that you can't choose for yourself - you have to be chosen.

I worked with the best - Givenchy, Dior, Yves Saint Laurent - and it gave me an ability to be confident. It turned me into a CEO and a creative director and a brand.

I started modeling because I thought it would be a good stepping stone for what I was studying (marketing), but since I started it I never had any intention to fail.

I know that sometimes the chemistry just isn't there between the model, photographer, hair and make-up. It's nobody's fault and you just have to do better next time.

There are things that I will always shoot, but now that the modeling and acting worlds are becoming very close, you can do a little bit of one and more of the other.

Eighty percent of the things I do are not natural for my personality. I believe you have to fake it till you make it. Act like you're confident and you'll get there.

Who isn't a fan of Jeff Bridges? And he is such a unique character. I can't think of anybody who's quite like him. He was a lot of fun to be around, just personally.

Models are some of the most insecure people I've ever met. They're constantly being told that they're not good enough. You've really got to practice loving yourself.

My staples are a beautiful pair of black pants, a lightweight coat, a great black heel, and a black cardigan. Everything else is just a topping on my fashion sundae.

Modeling in Europe at the beginning of my career was pretty hard, with the constant traveling and uncertainty as to where I was going to be from one day to the next.

I discovered when I was young that I was not like everyone else, and that was great, because it's the people who are different who bring about change and new things.

I used to be very into fitness and would happily pose for photos in my bikini. Now I look at those and think, 'Where did that body go?' But that was before children.

There are so many places I have visited which are unusual, but the ones my family and I tend to always go back to are those in Europe, particularly France and Italy.

I have the same attitude with work - I like to go to work, I like to work really hard I, like to give everything my all, I like to try things that are new, you know.

When it comes to beauty, I feel that hanging with people you love, laughing, and doing silly things gets your spirits up. We are always prettier when we are happier.

Being acknowledged by 'Vogue' and invited to do 'Today I'm Wearing' was a really great moment for me, and the photo diary of my outfits was a really fun thing to do.

'Anna Nicole' came from Guess Jeans; Paul Marciano and me and one of his friends, we were sitting around coming up with a stage name, and that's where that came from.

I don't think guys judge curvy women as much as women do. It shocks me how catty some women can be. In my whole life, I only had one guy break up with me over weight.

I grew up in the upper class, for sure. My family was kind of about that whole parties-and-horse racing thing. I can understand it's fun for some. I never enjoyed it.

I think probably anyone would say, the worst and the hardest things to deal with is when people say things that aren't true. Or that are kind of true but exaggerated.

One of my most laughable moments was when we visited the monkeys in Ubud - they really seemed to like me and at one point, I had three males on my head and shoulders.

I did some great work with my Calvin Klein ads on the motorcycle. It was really groundbreaking because people hadn't seen a woman actually riding a motorcycle before.

I love New York City for its energy. Pebble Beach, Carmel Beach and that all area, for its completely laid back energy. Paris for the charm, shopping and the glamour.

I would like to sit down with Emily Dickinson, Virginia Woolf, PJ Harvey, and Bjork. That would be a good dinner in my mind. Strong women. I think I would enjoy that.

Modeling is not something you excel because you are clever but is based on physical appearance, but then you have to be a businesswoman, like, to keep your longevity.

I don't want to be wondering about how skinny I am, wondering what I'm going to eat because I don't want to gain and I want to look hot and young, always and forever.

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