When we are at ease, our bodies work efficiently, our minds settle, and space opens up for us to connect to our intuition, creativity, and sense of connectedness.

My eating is pretty consistent. I like Greek yogurt for breakfast. I eat two giant salads a day, a broiled meat or fish, and a dark green vegetable at every meal.

I believe love just happens once. You can be mistaken, you can think you are in love, but after a while you discover that youre really not. Real love is different.

One of the reasons I didn't really want to do TV earlier in my career was because it is so life-consuming, and I wanted to spend time with my kids and be a mother.

I remember what I was like as a teenager, with an enormous amount of energy and hormones. You have to be able to release it, and dancing is really an innocent way.

I know people want me to sort of defend myself, to sit here and be like, 'I'm a boy, but I wear make-up sometimes.' But, you know, to me, it doesn't really matter.

For so long, I have been an outsider because of my size. And I think that fashion has always, in some way, catered to celebrities or to a thinner idealistic model.

It's actually very important to put a little foundation up into your hairline, or else it looks like your face is not yours - like someone just Photoshopped it on!

Of course, I loved the Spice Girls. I loved Geri and Baby, but who liked Posh Spice? They said I looked like her and I said, 'That’s not cool, that’s really mean.’

I'm very open about the fact that I'm a big fan of day drinking. I also love cooking. I cook all day, and I have to have something in my hand while I'm doing that.

Anything I get to wear to the Met Ball is huge. I'm not a fashion girl, so it's cool to be dolled up and have those diamonds where they send armed guards with you.

All that Swinging Sixties. It didn’t do anyone any good, did it? Easy sex and the Pill. Marriages were ruined. I never did approve. I never really enjoyed the sex.

Life is where you're at. Whatever you're doing is enough. You don't need to do everything well all the time. When you live your life like that, it's a huge relief.

There are things I'd wish weren't part of ageing. But what you gain is much more than you're giving up. I don't think you come into your own until you're 35 or so.

Playing sports is great when you're young. It teaches you how to focus, how to direct your energy, how not to think about a million other things that are going on.

Lunch is usually a salad or a sandwich. If I'm on set, I'll have catering, but I'm well behaved with that stuff. It's easy to go crazy - they know how to feed you.

What's so dumb is that women are 50 per cent of the population, and they want to spend money to see movies where they're portrayed as three-dimensional characters.

I have two curiosity cabinets at home filled with finds from jumble sales, markets and my travels. My favourite piece is a voodoo mask from just outside Cape Town.

I'm really a big believer in working with people. It's challenging for me to come into already integrated brands and find a way where I can put my own flair on it.

I got on stage for the first time when I was seven. From seven until I was about nine it was probably more to do with just being on stage and having the attention.

When I was about 12 and first started wearing lipstick, my dad would ask, 'Are you wearing makeup?' I would say back, 'You're wearing more makeup there than I am!'

I grew up riding horses and on the beach and I never really wore makeup and my mom showed that as an example. She wore makeup, just in a beautiful, effortless way.

It's good to know how to be sexy, but something I'm still trying to work on is learning how to not be sexy, because that's an important part of growing as a model.

I need my products to work and be fast! I don't love having 50 different things in my bathroom, like a different cream for every inch of my face. That's so not me.

I actually like working out. It's such a stress reliever when you're just focusing on yourself and not thinking about anything else except the music and your body.

My family gave me values that have sustained me through situations that would challenge any person. My personal relationship with the Lord inspires me in all I do.

The biggest change for me as a mom was realizing I needed to put someone else before me. Now the hardest part about the empty nest is learning to put myself first.

Singing is the rawest thing. Having been naked in films or naked in photo shoots, it's nothing compared to singing. It's absolute nakedness. You are stripped bare!

I was always told to avoid being famous just for being famous. That's something that has always stuck in my mind. I like to work. It helps if you like what you do.

If I hadn't been famous, I would not have been invited on the TV show where I met my husband Sven and had my lovely boys. I would not have had the life I have now.

I can speak English, Portuguese, and a bit of Spanish, or Sportugal. It's a mix of Portuguese and Spanish. I understand French and Italian, but I can't speak them.

I pay a lot of attention to composition in my art, and I will often shift myself or change a pose according to the golden triangle rule of photography composition.

I'm the laziest person - that's my normal self. When I'm hanging around my house, I literally look like a tramp. I love being comfortable and having no make-up on.

Afrikaans is my first language, although you would never know, as my English accent has more of an American-British thing going on from all my years of travelling.

I can make a scene that's not supposed to be sexy, very sexy. It's a power you're born with. It's not a physical thing, it comes from inside. It's all in the eyes.

I love corduroy jeans as well as vertical-striped jeans. Both are a fun switch from plain old denim. They can be slimming so long as the stripes aren't too chunky.

So many of us, we love these things that come from Japan. We play the video games every day, we read the manga, people watch the cartoons, they absolutely love it.

I believe love just happens once. You can be mistaken, you can think you are in love, but after a while you discover that you're really not. Real love is different.

Like every poor person, I used to dream about winning the lottery. I didn't just get money, though. I got fame. And I got fame before I got money, and it was scary.

My mom, who gave me my confidence growing up. She's the one that always told me that I could be great and to never stop. And myself. Because I came such a long way.

I hit the beauty jackpot, I get it, but that's not enough: you've got to have more to have longevity in this business. It's always been, 'OK, so what can I do now?'

Growing up eating fruits and vegetables fresh from our farm added a lot to the way I taste and look at food today, and I wanted the same for my kids and other kids.

Of course, I loved the Spice Girls. I loved Geri and Baby, but who liked Posh Spice? They said I looked like her, and I said: 'That's not cool, that's really mean.'

If you are thinking every day, 'I have to get to the gym' and 'I have to lose this weight,' and that's all you think about and you obsess over it, it's not healthy.

My head aches every time Donald Trump successfully dodges a question with this reoccurring tactic. What's his worst offense? I don't know. How long is this article?

I think if people are passionate about something, it could be real estate or biochemistry, and that spark gets turned on in them, everyone's beautiful in that zone.

I don't have any tattoos - I live vicariously through my sister, Langley, who has many. If I can't stick to one ensemble, I don't think I could stick to one tattoo.

I try to be as organic and natural as possible when it comes to make up, so I always carry around coconut oil for removing and jojoba or Argan oil as a moisturiser.

Some people are born skinny, and that's just the way it is. You can't point a finger at them and say they're ill or anorexic. It isn't fair to people born that way.

I never thought of a career of as a model, and it was a total surprise for me when I won the contest and became Miss Chelyabinsk. Then I started modelling in Paris.

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