I've been a vegetarian since I was about 12 years old. When I became a vegetarian, I got my mom and dad to become vegetarian, and my brother became a vegetarian.

Most of the reason I work out now is not for the external - it's for how I feel. I find working out gives me more energy. I started eight days after he was born.

I think you have to feel comfortable with your car. You have to go into turn one, every lap, with confidence. You have to be sure of yourself and your equipment.

I think the most important thing is to always clean your face and ensure your make-up comes off at night. Going to bed with make-up is just so bad for your skin.

I spent most of my time with adults because although my parents were older when they had me, they're really like teenagers. I sort of became the third musketeer.

I really believe in keeping your canvas very basic and sort of adding the accouterments from there. I look at creating intrigue with outfits through accessories.

Even when my parents were together, they both had to travel and work, and it wasn't like they had nine-to-five jobs. In that way, it wasn't a normal family life.

Try not to eat after 7 P.M. Try to stay away from heavy food in the night, like hamburgers and chicken nuggets. Eat that stuff in the morning or early afternoon.

All those girls who were mean to me[in high school], I pay them back by going through the drive-through window and asking for my burger. That feels really great.

My father managed shopping malls when I was a kid, and my high school job was to dress up in an elf costume and take photos of kids sitting on Santa Claus's lap.

I was fortunate enough to visit a lot of beautiful places around the world. The most astonishing and memorable experiences were my trips to Africa and Australia.

I like to laugh. I like to have a good time. I don't like to be so serious about things, so I would want a guy who would want to laugh and have a good time, too.

What kind of life am I setting up for her (her = daughters)?...It's not just about making them, like, not be assholes, which is what I think any parent would do.

Relationships do change throughout the course of your life, and I always think in terms of relationships changing and evolving rather than starting and stopping.

You decide that you don't want to go backward. You want to go forward. But sometimes, going 'backward' isn't really going backward, it's actually moving forward.

I have to admit I've always had quite a complex relationship with modeling and with the idea of advertising: not always knowing what I'm advertising and selling.

One of my favorite things to do is cook. I love taking the time to plan and prepare meals. I try to use all organic ingredients and make everything from scratch.

It struck me that what I'd heard about certain celebrities was true: they had It, whatever the hell It was. Star power isn't a myth; it is tangible and forceful.

I've been wanting to cut my hair now for at least a year. I've often fantasized about it but I haven't been able to do it because of the contracts that I've had.

I always hated my mole growing up. I even thought about having it removed. At the time I didn't do it because I thought it would hurt, and now I'm glad I didn't.

I had never been allowed to go on tour with my husband George Harrison, so had no idea what to expect when I left him to join Eric Clapton on his 1974 U.S. tour.

I try to see what the priorities are and not get terribly fussed about things that dont matter. Not be swept away by feelings and emotions, which is my tendency.

I've Learned that The mind is so #‎ Powerful , that if you focus on the Positive , it attracts the #‎ Positive , Enabling you to heal emotionally and physically.

I think I'd be more relaxed as an older mum, although fundamentally life with a baby is pretty much the same whatever age you are. It's nappies, crying, feeding.

I'm not good with blogs and social networks because those things come and go. By the time I am used to one thing, a new type of social media is already trending.

The trick is to find the style that is right for you. When it comes to trying new clothes, my advice is not to take it too seriously - it's all about having fun.

When my Azzedine jacket from 1987 died, I wrapped it up in a box, attached a note saying where it came from and took it to the Salvation Army. It was a big loss.

Actually, I never really thought I would be a model. I never knew a lot about fashion and magazines, and I never paid attention to it. I was a young girl, though.

I must be thankful that I get to do intense dramatic roles, because it takes so much more, whereas I've been doing L'Oreal forever, and I can do that in my sleep.

I'm a woman of faith. And I really believe that if I say, 'God, this is what I want,' He says, 'I'll give you your desires, as long as they line up with My will.'

A ponytail or a chignon makes me feel very beautiful and sensual. I feel like I can be more myself that way - I can move and talk without worrying about the hair.

There's a really easy way of just kind of wearing make-up but looking like there's nothing on your face... I'm still not very good at it, and I'm learning slowly.

Well, I guess, but I just feel so strong. Actually, it was probably when I was 50 that we were trying to - to get pregnant, and I thought that I could do it then.

Women, I love. It's amazing to me, because I am a swimsuit model; I'm half-naked. I just love the fact that women love me, and it makes me love them so much back.

Modern women - we're very good at keeping ourselves busy. There are PTA meetings, exercising, bake sales at school. I like that my life is not the same every day.

I wanted to start with a very small role, to get my feet wet. I'm sure I'm not as good or as experienced as other actresses, but everybody has to start somewhere.

I know it's a cliche, but the sun makes me happy. When you can feel the sunshine on you, you feel better, happier, and naturally, every human being needs the sun.

I don't worry about chemicals. There are enough chemicals entering my body through all the fizzy drinks I consume to worry if my lip balm is 100 per cent organic.

I was real into theater, and then I tried soccer, acting and ballet. Both my parents didn't want a child-star model, so I didn't get into modeling until I was 14.

Pop music is always great for keeping the energy up, but it can get really old, especially after eight hours, just because there aren't that many great pop songs.

There's a reason ISIS exists, which is because we've invaded countries, and they hate the Western world. I'm not forgiving them; I'm just saying there's a reason.

For me, it's a compliment to be compared with Marilyn, the unforgettable actress, the most beautiful one of all. But, curves aside, we have very little in common.

When I was about 12 and first started wearing lipstick, my dad would ask, 'Are you wearing makeup?' I would say back, 'You're wearing more makeup there than I am!

When I was younger, I had a perm, and it was really big. My mom was a hairdresser, so even my dad had a perm! I looked like a poodle, but it was cool at the time.

For so long I hid behind the blonde hair and the blue eyes. Now I feel like I've done it, I've done what I set out to achieve, now I can just go back to being me.

As an anthropology major, I wanted to understand the cultural significance of poverty - why it exists and why some countries can rise above it while others can't.

I'm a very compulsive person, so I spend most of my time drawing or writing my diary, patching things up and carving bits of wood - I've carved two of my guitars.

I think I would find being in Hollywood intense if I had more of a social life, but all I do is stay indoors with my sister and play with our puppy, watch movies.

I try to see what the priorities are and not get terribly fussed about things that don't matter. Not be swept away by feelings and emotions, which is my tendency.

I am no fashion diva - I grew up on the beaches in South Africa and am a nature girl that spends a lot of time outdoors. Fashion speaks to me through an occasion.

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