Many of our troubles are God dragging us, and they would end if we would stand upon our feet and go whither He would have us go.

Freedom from slavery is achieved only when a person starts to feel and understand that he would prefer death to life as a slave.

The Christian faith is ultimately not only a matter of doctrine or understanding or of intellect, it is a condition of the heart.

We should not judge people by their peak of excellence; but by the distance they have traveled from the point where they started.

It is not when the cable lies coiled up on the deck that you know how strong or how weak it is; it is when it is put to the test.

There is a power in the human mind ... to see things as they are ... but there is equally a power to see things as they might be.

I never knew an early-rising, hard-working, prudent man, careful of his earnings, and strictly honest who complained of bad luck.

Spiritual depression or unhappiness in the Christian life is very often due to our failure to realize the greatness of the gospel.

If a man harbors any sort of fear, it percolates through all his thinking, damages his personality, makes him landlord to a ghost.

Some sorrows are but footprints in the snow, which the genial sun effaces, or, if it does not wholly efface, changes into dimples.

The elms of New England! They are as much a part of her beauty as the columns of the Parthenon were the glory of its architecture.

Liberty of conscience is for those who truly fear the Lord. A fundamental task of the state is the establishment of pure religion.

Kings don't beg, they decree. They have only one destiny and that's to reign. God has made you king. Reign and rule, refuse to beg!

As a Christian, you ought to be less concerned about where God is bringing you out from, rather, focus on where He's taking you to.

When the Holy Spirit takes over your life, He'll drive every sickness out of your body; He'll make right everything that was wrong.

A man without mirth is like wagon without springs, in which one is caused disagreeably to jolt by every pebble over which it turns.

Every man carries a menagerie in himself; and, by stirring him up all around, you will find every sort of animal represented there.

As Christians continue to be vilified let us continue to rejoice and be exceedingly glad. It means we are salt, light and with Him.

I don't know if you realize this, but anger is anger. It has no mind. It has no rationality. It's mad, and it just wants to destroy.

The sphere that is deepest, most unexplored, and most unfathomable, the wonder and glory of God's thought and hand, is our own soul!

A mother is as different from anything else that God ever thought of, as can possibly be. She is a distinct and individual creation.

We do not homeschool to avoid wicked people. We homeschool so we wicked people can talk all day about the one Man who wasn’t wicked.

The gates of hell did not prevail before me. They will not prevail after me. The Kingdom, I pray will use me but it doesn't need me.

My ministry's always been one of social activism. I think a responsible minister must be at some levels involved in the social order.

That was a judicious mother who said, "I obey my children for the first year of their lives, but ever after I expect them to obey me.

In the morning, we carry the world like Atlas; at noon, we stoop and bend beneath it; and at night, it crushes us flat to the ground.

During my 2004 presidential campaign, I was fond of saying that it was high time for the Christian right to meet the right Christians.

Ministers often preach about the Gospel instead of preaching the Gospel. They often preach about sinners instead of preaching to them.

You must go on to remind yourself of God - who God is, and what God is, and what God has done, and what God has pledged Himself to do.

If a man can have only one kind of sense, let him have common sense. If he has that and uncommon sense too, he is not far from genius.

All men are tempted. There is no man that lives that can't be broken down, provided it is the right temptation, put in the right spot.

A Christianity which will not help those who are struggling from the bottom to the top of society, needs another Christ to die for it.

It is necessary, if one would read aright, that he should read at least two newspapers, representing both sides of important subjects.

There is not on earth so base a knave as the man who wins the love of a woman when he knows that he cannot or ought not to requite it.

All prayers are answered. We need to distinguish between a prayer unanswered, and one not answered how or when we would like it to be.

It's absolutely imperative that you speak forth the Word concerning you, because until you do, it will have no power and it won't work!

Yea, though the breath of disappointment should chill the sanguine heart, Speedily gloweth it again, warmed by the live embers of hope.

Creeds are definitions of what it means to be a Christian. They are fences that, albeit imperfectly, seek to separate sheep from goats.

People may talk about the equality of the sexes! They are not equal. The silent smile of a sensible, loving woman will vanquish ten men.

It usually takes a hundred years to make a law, and then, after it has done its work; it usually takes a hundred years to get rid of it.

There is no right more universal and more sacred, because lying so near the root of existence, than the right of men to their own labor.

Our moral faculties must be placed highest, else they can no more flourish than could a plant growing under the shade and drip of trees.

The truth is that the sole reason we don’t see the world all around us as magic is that we are jaded, too cool for the school of wonder.

Neither marriage's heart nor adventure are found in the banner days, those events we record and look back on. The glory is the ordinary.

To become great, you have to be born great. If you are born again then you are the seed of Abraham. That means you have greatness in you!

Man is at the bottom an animal, midway a citizen, and at the top divine. But the climate of this world is such that few ripen at the top.

We cannot afford to regard as normal the presence of injustice, inhumanity, and violence, including their verbal and cyber manifestations.

There is nothing wrong with being poor; but there is everything wrong with remaining poor after you have discovered your riches in Christ.

We have to challenge ourselves and be innovative so as to change the world. Get to this level of thinking. No small dreams, do big things!

That which distinguishes man from the brute is his power, in dealing with Nature, to milk her laws, and make them give forth their bounty.

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