The only perfect climate is bed.

It is no disgrace to rest a bit.

Still humping the American Dream

I'm quite calm when all is well.

Facts matter a great deal to me.

New ideas must use old buildings

Denial is a very powerful thing.

Media, the plural of mediocrity.

I write about living, not dying.

Nostalgia isn't a business model

What we need is endless courage.

Love is the reality of the soul.

Conservation is now a dead word.

Personal responsibility matters.

The stakes are high in politics.

I'm a survivor. I'm a messenger.

You see, I needed to go to Hell.

He who keeps his cool best wins.

The Senate is an unknowing world

Hope is a talent like any other.

Language is memory and metaphor.

It's sort of my job to feel good.

Doubt is the father of invention.

Historian - a broad-gauge gossip.

Rhubarb: essence of stomach ache.

Hypocrisy: prejudice with a halo.

The media—stenographers to power.

Porches are America's lost rooms.

Insanity is a lack of proportion.

In memory Venice is always magic.

All children have creative power.

A child is the root of the heart.

I killed one man to save 100,000.

Now he's miserable and depressed.

News is history shot on the wing.

Inner space is the real frontier.

A sense of humor is needed armor.

I'll call New York for some cash.

I'm not a particularly good liar.

I say peace begins on your plate.

Youth is life's beautiful moment.

I am in the prime of my senility.

Cancer is a word, not a sentence.

The U.S. is a cosmetic democracy.

The West has political prisoners.

Time itself made all things rare.

We should be firing bad teachers.

I don't like seeing people angry.

Never judge. Step in their shoes.

Cynicism is intellectual treason.

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