If you must work for money, find a way to work and be happy. That is financial intelligence.

When we’re passionate about something, we innovate, create, and continue on with our dreams.

Sales = income. The reason so many people have low incomes is that they are poor at selling.

Nine out of ten businesses fail; so I came up with a foolproof plan - create ten businesses.

If you don't first handle fear and desire, and you get rich, you'll only be a highpay slave.

The reason so many people fail to achieve success is because they fail to fail enough times.

In military school, on day one you must memorize the mission of the Merchant Marine Academy.

I don't like being told what to do and kissing you-know-what to get up the corporate ladder.

When you buy a depressed company it's not going to go up right after you buy it, believe me.

Timidity prompted by past failures causes investors to miss the most important bull markets.

I'm a passive investor. There are people who are very aggressive; they try to buy companies.

Buy companies with strong histories of profitability and with a dominant business franchise.

Focus alone is not enough; putting in the time to commit is also crucial to achieve success.

He must never forget Charlie's plea: Tell me where I'm going to die, so I'll never go there.

If you can tell me who your heroes are, I can tell you how you're going to turn out in life.

We're in a trade war. We've been in a trade war for decades. That's why we have the deficit.

We are the world's biggest importer. We need to treat the other countries as good suppliers.

I think CSR, corporate social responsibility, is something that is becoming front and center.

If I'd had some set idea of a finish line, don't you think I would have crossed it years ago?

China adopted a capitalist system in the 1980s, and they went from a 60% poverty rate to 10%.

The ability of a successful company to add functionality to its product has long been upheld.

It's easier for our software to compete with Linux when there's piracy than when there's not.

The only definition by which America's best days are behind it is on a purely relative basis.

I have definitely refocused Lowercase Capital on later-stage deals and my existing portfolio.

Some people don't like change, but you need to embrace change if the alternative is disaster.

Investors have no reason to feel bearish. True value investors are glad the markets are down.

Buy low and sell high. It's pretty simple. The problem is knowing what's low and what's high.

If it is hard to imagine that 20% of losses on the stock market, you should never participate

The person who is willing to say yes to experience is the person who discovers new frontiers.

I'd rather buy something that is relatively depressed than something that is relatively high.

My Poor Dad Often Said, 'I'd Rather Be Happy Than Rich.' My Rich Dad Said, 'Why Not Be Both?'

Most people struggle financially because they take advice from sales people, not rich people.

One of the reasons people aren't rich is because almost everyone has more excuses than money.

If you are afraid of making mistakes, you won't learn anything and you won't make much money.

Ben was really a contrarian but he didn't use those terms because he was really buying value.

When forced to choose, I will not trade even a night's sleep for the chance of extra profits.

Investing requires qualities of temperament way more than it requires qualities of intellect.

Only when you combine sound intellect with emotional discipline do you get rational behavior.

A very rich person should leave his kids enough to do anything, but not enough to do nothing.

Take the job you would take if you were independently wealthy. You're going to do well at it.

What's going to happen - things we're doing are going to have some inflationary consequences.

I would say the biggest single cause was we had an incredible residential real estate bubble.

The Enterprise Value Tax is unprecedented, punitive, and has no justification in the tax code.

The sillier the market's behavior, the greater the opportunity for the business like investor.

I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.

Look At The Clock When You Are Sitting idle. But Never Look At The Clock When You Are Working.

Learning from mistakes and constantly improving products is a key in all successful companies.

I think any statement about stock prices is always suspect unless it's made by Warren Buffett.

In order to have your voice be heard in Washington, you have to make some little contribution.

Silicon Valley has some of the smartest engineers and technology business people in the world.

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