Make your home as comfortable and attractive as possible and then get on with living. There's more to life than decorating.

To be influenced by a magazine and, say, a Swedish theme, unless it resonates with you, it seems kind of odd and influenced.

Make sure furniture decor has similar scale. It's all about scale, proportion, measuring, being conscious of the overall plan.

I made my parents crazy. As a kid, I redecorated my bedroom every month. I would literally save my allowance and go buy things.

I find that if I get up and push myself, I get lost in what I'm doing, and I forget about everything else until I stop doing it.

I am convinced that a calm, quiet and harmonious interior can be as beneficial to health as a sensible diet and regular exercise

Think of how much furniture you need. What's the best way to have it be functional in a great way? If it's in groups, define it.

Go outside! I mean, even leaves from a park are beautiful in a clear glass vase. I'd rather see that than fake anything any day.

An interior designer must be able to clarify his intent keeping ever in mind that decorating is not a look, it's a point of view.

I'm delighted that gay people want to get married and I say why not! It's nobody's business and I would happily give my blessing.

I don't believe in having spaces in the home that don't get used. We pay so much for square footage that to waste it is criminal.

If you actually keep things very organized and clutter-free, you can have more furniture than you think you can in a small space.

Today's kitchen is all about a well-planned space that makes cooking a completely interactive experience among family and friends.

Look for inspiration in books, magazines, and even other people's homes - then be brave and take a chance with a room in your home.

Decoration is really about creating a quality of life, and a beauty in that life that nourishes the soul, that makes life beautiful.

I'm delighted that gay people now want to get married and I say why not! It's nobody's business and I would happily give my blessing.

I can look at a photo and the dimensions of any piece and tell you if it's going to sit well with the four other pieces in your room.

I still have the dress I wore on the first date with my husband, which was more than 66 years ago. I still have it, and it still fits.

I can change a light fixture, and I can do certain things. But I'm really bad in terms of construction. I can't do any of it on my own.

Fashion has this youth mania. But 70-year-old ladies don't have 18-year-old bodies, and 18-year-olds don't have a 70-year-old's dollars.

I don't believe in rules. It's different for everybody. Everyone has to make their own decision and find out what's comfortable for them.

I always want objects in my home that have a connection to me or something I've loved. It's still stuff, but it's stuff that has meaning.

Spaces I love to do - the uglier the better - tend to be really old, dated basements - especially from the '60s to the '80s. I love those.

Society should emphasize personality. Accomplishment. Interest. Intelligent things. I think everybody should look as good as possible too.

I'm a color person, I've never been known to play it safe. Plus I like big bags. My eyeglasses are so big; they don't fit into smaller bags.

You can change the feel of your sofa by adding a thick, cozy throw and playing a couple of classic pillows off a more Moroccan-inspired one.

It's great to design a beautiful, modern, sleek home like you'd see in a magazine. But if it doesn't suit your lifestyle, it's really wasted.

You have to look in the mirror and see yourself. If it feels good, then I know it's for me. I don't dress to be stared at, I dress for myself.

Flair-a primitive kind of style-may be innate, but I think knowledgeable taste is learned, the result of travel, experience, living, education.

I believe that the essence of good design is its ability to sustain long term integrity, to become classic and create a truly captivating home.

Mom raised me all by herself, and although we went through our share of lean years, she always worked hard to make our home warm and welcoming.

It's not easy to know who you are and it's very painful and takes a lot of time and that is why a lot of people don't want to put in the effort.

You will enrich your life immeasurably if you approach it with a sense of wonder and discovery, and always challenge yourself to try new things.

I was never a fan of Chanel. I liked it on other people. Some other people. All the ladies who were too plump and busty looked like little sausages.

People buy very badly made furniture and fabric. Instead, buy a beautiful dining table, well-made upholstery. It's almost like dressing for success.

There has been a major shift in how we live in our homes. Everyone knows the kitchen is the soul of the house. It's more of an open-concept approach.

I never try to be the poster child for the perfect mother/wife... You prioritize, you do the best you can possibly do, and you don't beat yourself up.

If you don't have any individuality and you're happy just being one of the girls (or boys) be my guest. I'm not the fashion police. I won't fault you.

I don't think dressing has anything to do with numbers. I know people of 30 who act like they're 97, and I have a few old-bag friends who are very hip.

I know it can be difficult for parents, but I really do believe that kids need to play the predominant role in the choices that go into their own space.

I think you're born with style, but you have to develop it. You can be born with the talent to be an opera star, but you've got to work and practice it.

I tend not to wear ties very often. I'm usually in old stuff: Hermes or Marc Jacobs boots and jeans and a T-shirt and a leather jacket or a jean jacket.

When you're older, no matter how good your humor is you don't always feel perky and peppy. But if you sit home all day and brood about it, it gets worse.

A lot of people worry about the ' wear and tear ' on furnishings. I feel it's more a matter of people treating the things that surround them with respect.

One of the most common reasons people renovate their homes is a change in their lifestyle - an upcoming wedding, a new baby, or grown children moving away.

I think jewelry can change an outfit more than anything else. Transformation, punch, individuality: One or all of the above are why you should wear jewelry.

Design is coming to grips with one’s real lifestyle, one’s real place in the world. Rooms should not be put together for show but to nourish one’s wellbeing.

I think people try so hard to learn everything that they miss all the wonderful essentials. There is so much mystery in life that you should leave a mystery.

The fashion industry has done itself in by neglecting the 60- to 80-year-old market. They have the time and the economic resources. They want to go shopping.

I've dealt with a lot of couples over the years, and most cite the battle for closet and bathroom space as one of the most frequent causes of marital discord.

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