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To have a 9-foot sofa in a small room can be kind of treacherous.
I always had this New York fantasy of living in a glass high-rise.
If you're lucky enough to get old, I think you should celebrate it.
When the fun goes out of getting dressed, you might as well be dead.
Technology is a wonderful thing, but I think it's violently misused.
Be judicious with your budget and buy things that are going to last.
I don't look at Instagram. I don't have much to do with social media.
The perfect antidote to dark, cold and creepy is light, warm and cozy.
Coco Chanel said take one thing off. I always said put another one on.
I'll spend more time getting dressed than I spent at the actual event.
In my view you can't go to the future if you haven't come from the past.
I get very involved with my things, and they are not standard equipment.
In a minimal interior, what you don't do is as important as what you do.
Design is about discipline and reality, not about fantasy beyond reality.
I swear on everything holy I do not know what's on the Internet about me.
In my view, you can't go to the future if you haven't come from the past.
People buy things in isolation and don't think of how they work together.
Mixing in some rusty oranges is a warm way to update your place for fall.
Layering in different patterns will keep things from appearing too studied.
As a kid, I think I rearranged the rooms of almost every house on the block.
The essence of interior design will always be about people and how they live.
I wasn't interested at all in doing a documentary. I was not a public figure.
You have to be interested. If you're not interested, you can't be interesting.
The type of renovation I do most often is opening a kitchen to the family room.
I was in art school since I was five years old. I've always been to art school.
I was always known in my industry, and I always enjoyed a modicum of popularity.
Clients usually come to me when they want to update the look of an existing room.
My look is either very baroque or very Zen – everything in between makes me itch.
My look is either very baroque or very Zen - everything in between makes me itch.
Ceilings must always be considered. They are the most neglected surface in a room.
I never just went to look for clothes and style; I always find that wherever I go.
I never buy what someone says is 'in' or a 'must-have.' I buy what makes me happy.
A good decorator not only plans and schemes, but he also knows how the job is done.
You don't need to spend a lot of money on stuff when you have amazing architecture.
To create an interior, the designer must develop an overall concept and stick to it.
I deeply believe that a beautiful decor can have a beneficial influence on our lives.
When you don't dress like everybody else, you don't have to think like everybody else.
I don't have any rules, because I would only be breaking them, so it's a waste of time
Humor is important in everything. Dress with a little humor and you can go a long way.
Design is defined by light and shade, and appropriate lighting is enormously important.
I live in a beautiful vintage building that was built in the heart of downtown Chicago.
In college you have the license to do things you'll never do again, so have fun with it.
To me there are lots more important things in the world than just having the right shoes!
Being well-dressed is a wonderful thing, but I don't think it should be life threatening.
I had to be my own person and live my own life if I wanted to be happy, and I just did it.
In a modern loft, you can't just fill a space with furniture. Each piece has to be perfect.
I think I was the only kid on the block who knew about furniture scale by the time I was 8.
I'm happy if I can help anybody. I'm more than happy to, but you have to find your own path.
You can be born with the talent to be an opera star, but you've got to work and practice it.
When we first sort of break in or bust into the house, if you will, there's some tough love.