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We thought our vision was right, which was that someday everyone would be walking around carrying phones with them.
I had no specific bent toward science until my grandfather died of cancer. I decided nobody should suffer that much.
What's the biggest function of a cell phone? What does a cell phone do for humanity? It makes people more productive.
Yes, I was the one people credit with inventing the cell phone. Now, whenever anyone gets a dropped call, they blame me.
Given a choice, people will demand the freedom to communicate wherever they are, unfettered by the infamous copper wire.
Camera-phones are like nuclear power plants: bad people will turn them into evil, good people will put them to good use.
I don't want to achieve immortality by being inducted into the Hall of Fame. I want to achieve immortality by not dying.
I think projects often fail because people do not have a clear understanding at the start what they are trying to deliver.
A successful razor can be made on the principles of the Gillette patent... and the advance of anything known can be reached.
A Corpse or a Ghost- I'd sooner be one or t'other, square and fair, than a Ghost in a Corpse, which is my feelins at present.
I think if you have a big enough wallet you can solve anything but the key is to solve it with the least amount of expenditure.
The first cellular systems didn't become commercially available until 1983. Most of the phones before then were in fact car phones.
If people would turn their TVs off for half the time, study science and practice an instrument, they'd be virtuosos and have Ph.Ds!
I build things that I think are exciting from a technology standpoint and will help make life easier, simpler and better for people.
There is no greater goal than to truly improve Mr and Ms Everyone's health, as an innovator that is where I want to spend my energy.
We did envision that some day the phone would be so small that you could hang it on your ear or even have it embedded under your skin.
I do like to get away from technology. I still read a lot. Having said that, most of my reading is on computers or a Kindle or an iPad.
I never really started to carry a cellular phone until it was small enough so I could put it on my belt and not even feel it was there.
The only thing I don't like is being called the 'grandfather of the cellphone' because that makes me a little older than I prefer to be.
I loved to learn everything, everything in sight, and I was never satisfied that I knew everything there was to know in each of my courses.
Wireless is freedom. It's about being unleashed from the telephone cord and having the ability to be virtually anywhere when you want to be.
We focus on building innovation and inventing technology futures and we figure that it will take care of the rest. So far, it's done wonders.
You have to immerse yourself into a product and use it in order to really understand it and that's why I have a new cellphone every month or two.
For I never have seen, and never shall see, that the cessation of the evidence of existence is necessarily evidence of the cessation of existence.
Nobody... took me seriously. They wondered why in the world I wanted to be a chemist when no women were doing that. The world was not waiting for me.
What we did with this mobile telephone was create a revolution. Before the mobile phone existed we were calling a place, now we are calling a person.
Somehow in the last 100 years, every time there is a problem of getting more spectrum, there is a technology that comes along that solves that problem.
Nobody . . . took me seriously. They wondered why in the world I wanted to be a chemist when no women were doing that. The world was not waiting for me.
Every day I practise my flute. I've been doing it for decades and every day I find something new that inspires me for all the rest that I do in my days.
I'd been taking things apart and inventing things since I was a little kid… I still have memories as a child trying to really understand how things work.
I had no specific bent towards science until my grandfather, who died - that summer - of stomach cancer. ... I decided that nobody should suffer that much.
I think young people don't appreciate that when you're in your 70s, you'll lose patience for techie stuff and you may decide that you want a simple device.
The future of cellular telephony is to make people's lives better - the most important way, in my view, will be the opportunity to revolutionise healthcare.
Radically simplify the user interface, reinvent it, enough face lifts! You can put as much lipstick on a chicken as you want, it's never going to look good!
I figured that I wasn't as smart or talented as the other kids around, so I just had to work twice as hard. Surprisingly, results showed quickly. I was hooked!
When I go skiing, I may carry a phone, but it's there for safety purposes. I'm not one of these guys that reads his email while he's riding up on the chair lift.
Just remember, in 1973, we had no digital cameras, no personal computers, no Internet. The thought of putting a billion transistors in a cell phone was ludicrous.
We had no idea that in as little as 35 years more than half the people on Earth would have cellular telephones, and they give the phones away to people for nothing.
Maybe I was young and 'cute' (after all, I was only twenty then), but I've learned over the years that when you put white lab coats on chemists, they all look alike!
The optimum telephone is one that I think some day is gonna be embedded behind your ear. It's gonna have an extraordinarily powerful computer running the cell phone.
There were a lot of naysayers over the years. People would say, 'Why are we spending all of this money? Are you sure this cellular thing will turn out to be something?'
There is no reason why T-Mobile can't be successful on its own and the only real reason AT&T would want to own T-Mobile is to increase its exclusivity by owning more spectrum.
People are mobile. They move around, and anytime they want to communicate, if you tie them to the wall or the wires, you're restricting them, you're infringing on their freedom.
I was born in New York City on a cold January night when the water pipes in our apartment froze and burst. Fortunately, my mother was in the hospital rather than at home at the time.
Trying to solve the worlds problems by making things 5% more efficient is like trying to play the violin with gardening gloves. Not much good will come out of it. We must invent new ways!
The more we learn about new communications, the more capacity we need, and that is going to keep going on forever. That's been happening since radio was invented, and that's going to keep going.
That was the turning point. It was as though the signal was there, 'This is the disease you're going to have to work against.' I never really stopped to think about anything else. It was that sudden.
The first cell phone model weighed over one kilo, and you could only talk for 20 minutes before the battery ran out. Which is just as well because you would not be able to hold it up for much longer.
Once you've lived in Del Mar or the San Diego area, why would you want to live anyplace else? It's the neatest place, whether it's the culture or the small-town atmosphere the whole San Diego area has.
Of course I have an iPhone and I use that, interestingly enough, mostly for my calendar because it synchronizes with my calendar. I take pictures with it and I show people pictures of my grandchildren.