War seems to come out of nowhere, like rust that suddenly pops up on iron after a storm.

People who become important activists, they also struggle with the process of discovery.

Nothing in the world is easier in the United States than to accuse a black man of crime.

Knowledge breeds doubt, not certainty, And the more we know the more uncertain we become.

Each colony became accustomed to planting new settlements and to claiming new boundaries.

The tie of language is perhaps the strongest and the most durable that can unite mankind.

It is ironic that many Filipinos learn to love the Philippines while abroad, not at home.

Man simply cannot live as the time-animal and the art-animal that he is, without history.

The instrument of expansion of Classical civilization was a social organization, slavery.

The man who is fond of books is usually a man of lofty thought, and of elevated opinions.

The left ask people to believe that there is no conflict between feminism and the family.

Digital wisdom is made of recycled electrons that are meaningful until you pull the plug.

The best and most important part of every man's education is that which he gives himself.

We improve ourselves by victories over ourselves. There must be contest, and we must win.

My early and invincible love of reading I would not exchange for all the riches of India.

Greek is doubtless the most perfect [language] that has been contrived by the art of man.

All knowing that goes beyond the immediate experience of the moment is a matter of faith.

Since there is nothing so well worth having as friends, never lose a chance to make them.

Ottawa - a sub-arctic lumber-village converted by royal mandate into a political cockpit.

An ignorant person is, by the very fact of his or her ignorance, a very dangerous person.

Adherence to dogmas has destroyed more armies and cost more battles than anything in war.

Divorced from ethics, leadership is reduced to management and politics to mere technique.

The second fundamental feature of culture is that all culture has an element of striving.

Architecture is either the prophecy of an unformed society or the tomb of a finished one.

Now that is dangerous, when the people don't know what's happening to their Constitution.

You really struggle to be a successful empire if you are also the world's biggest debtor.

Any harm you do to a man should be done in such a way that you need not fear his revenge.

To know in war how to recognize an opportunity and seize it is better than anything else.

Myth-making is absolutely necessary to create the simplified images that people live off.

It is a poor head that cannot find plausible reason for doing what the heart wants to do.

I can't summarize my favorite movie, Jacques Tati's 'Play Time.' You just have to see it.

Our nemesis is time, against which we have a single ally, memory, and even it betrays us.

Youth hasn't got anything to do with chronological age. It's times of hope and happiness.

Are you a reader? If you aren't a reader, you might as well forget trying to be a writer.

Democratic institutions generally give men a lofty notion of their country and themselves.

With the fall of the empire, Art, Philosophy and decent drains all vanished from the West.

No scientist ever believes that he has the final answer or the ultimate truth on anything.

In discussing Barbarism and Christianity I have actually been discussing the Fall of Rome.

[It] is the interest as well as duty of a sovereign to maintain the authority of the laws.

I am persecuted because of my writings, I think, therefore, that I should write some more.

We were now arrived at the close of our solitary journeyings along the St. Joseph's trail.

The frontier has gone, and with its going has closed the first period of American history.

Somehow politicians have become convinced that negative campaigning pays off in elections.

I always thought of myself as a good old South Dakota boy who grew up here on the prairie.

For as the body grows old, so the wits grow old and become blind towards all things alike.

War in our time is always indiscriminate, a war against innocents, a war against children.

Now, most of the new immigrants coming to this country are from Asia as opposed to Europe.

The eternal gulf between being and idea can only be bridged by the rainbow of imagination.

Whether histories have a happy ending or not depends on when the chronicler ends the tale.

the 'public' - a term often used in America to indicate the great metropolitan newspapers.

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