I think Obama is possibly the most dangerous and destructive president we have ever had

I write a syndicated column for The Washington Post that goes to about 200, 250 papers.

A government which does not trust its citizens to be armed is not itself to be trusted.

Travel sharpens the senses. Abroad one feels, sees and hears things in an abnormal way.

How many State of the Union addresses do people remember? They don't resonate that way.

Washington and Jefferson were both rich Virginia planters, but they were never friends.

Few of Caesar's assassins outlived him by more than three years, or died in their beds.

The wicked find it easier to coalesce for seditious purposes than for concord in peace.

A man in power, once becoming obnoxious, his acts, good or bad, will work out his ruin.

Noble character is best appreciated in those ages in which it can most readily develop.

speculation is carried on in safety, but, when it comes to action, fear causes failure.

I grew up in a world where the social democratic state was the norm, not the exception.

Stalin and Mao killed over 80 million and did not make omelets despite the broken eggs.

A true and worthy ideal frees and uplifts a people; a false ideal imprisons and lowers.

Towns are like people. Old ones often have character, the new ones are interchangeable.

America is a country where they have freedom of speech but everyone says the same thing.

Comfort becomes a goal when distinctions of rank are abolished and privileges destroyed.

There is far less to the Presidency, in terms of essential activity, than meets the eye.

Whatever solace the Christian faith could give was balanced by the anxiety it generated.

Reason lives on the systematization of the past, but Faith is the promise of the future.

Dispersed as the Jews are, they still form one nation, foreign to the land they live in.

As much research as you think you're doing, you're going to mess up, without a question.

For two decades the state has been taking liberties, and these liberties were once ours.

Books are those faithful mirrors that reflect to our mind the minds of sages and heroes.

To a philosophic eye, the vices of the clergy are far less dangerous than their virtues.

The most lasting and universal consequence of the French revolution is the metric system

Telephone and telegraph were better means of communication than the holy man's telepathy

Socialism is simply Communism for people without the testosterone to man the barricades.

I want to be advertised and the easiest way is to do something obnoxious and do it well.

Nothing is easier than to teach historical method, but, when learned, it has little use.

America was born of revolt, flourished in dissent, became great through experimentation.

The secret of success is that it is not the absence of failure, but the absence of envy.

In peace sons bury fathers, but war violates the order of nature, and fathers bury sons.

The trials of living and the pangs of disease make even the short span of life too long.

The hastening of any undertaking begets error, from which great losses are wont to come.

Nothing baffles the schemes of evil people so much as the calm composure of great souls.

If civilization has risen from the Stone Age, it can rise again from the Wastepaper Age.

Culture arises and unfolds in and as play... culture itself bears the character of play.

You have an electorate [in America] that wants to see people who are not tough on crime.

The habeas corpus business, that's to show that he [Bill Clinton] is not tough on crime.

When bond prices fall, interest rates soar, with painful consequences for all borrowers.

He who has once begun to live by rapine always finds reasons for taking what is not his.

I don't know what would happen in a Trump administration, as far as how he would behave.

I've summarized dozens of books in my literary career; it's become rather second nature.

Locke contended that government originates out of the necessity for protecting property.

Jefferson owned slaves. He did not believe that all were created equal. He was a racist.

We accomplish more by prudence than by force. [Lat., Plura consilio quam vi perficimus.]

But transitions from the politics of violence to democratic compromise are always messy.

It does irritate me when I am described as a controversialist and commentator on Israel.

Sports became a favorite subject of reflection and will soon be the only way of thinking

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